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How many of us EDC a knife or multi tool

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I would love to carry my Leatherman everywhere but you can get charged for carrying anything sharp or pointy over here, I don't think it's stopped allot of people carrying weapon type knives though, just makes it harder for techies like myself.
I always carry a folder, Sak and multitool
I've been carrying just my Spyderco Civilian for years but I found this little Old Timer laying on the ground outside Wal-Mart the other day and decided to make it a EDC also, the Civilian is a bear to sharpen and I figured I can use the Old Timer for every day small cutting jobs and save a lot of hassle keeping an edge on the Spyderco.
I've been carrying just my Spyderco Civilian for years but I found this little Old Timer laying on the ground outside Wal-Mart the other day and decided to make it a EDC also, the Civilian is a bear to sharpen and I figured I can use the Old Timer for every day small cutting jobs and save a lot of hassle keeping an edge on the Spyderco.View attachment 669
Man score on the old timer, the spyderco, just looking at it makes me want to run the other way. NICE KNIVES !!!
i have a multi plier.the plier nose sides back into the handle.it has a knife and saw blades sissor regular n phillps screw driverbottle opener.a can opener,it's some what like a p38.and a wire cutter with the plier part.pluse i have sevral pocket knifes
i have a multi plier.the plier nose sides back into the handle.it has a knife and saw blades sissor regular n phillps screw driverbottle opener.a can opener,it's some what like a p38.and a wire cutter with the plier part.pluse i have sevral pocket knifes
sounds like a gerber, is it like the pic a few post above.
yeah.the one above the swiss..i put my 1st one through hell n back before the heng part went to pieces on me.and it lasted me at least 4-5 years..
gerber is lifetime warranty and leatherman is 25 yrs. I just sent in a multitool to leatherman and they sent me one back way better than mine.
to late on that one i tore up on me.on acount i threw that one away 7-8 years ago.but thats good to know.the one i threw away.broken knife blade.and that one with the rounded end.i guess that the one is some what like a p38.the rounded end was broken off.all of my doing by accident.and like in my last post.i put it through hell n back.so i wasnt worryed about them replaceing it..
yeah bubba.they do come in handy.i find the ones where the pliers side back into the handle are better compared to the ones where the handle folds up.on acount i find that the fold up handles hurt my hand some what when i have to apply enough presure when it comes to what im doing at the time.
The problem is that my wife hates my knives. And she gets kinda pissy when I buy a new one! haha

I will just have to save pennies until I can afford it with cash!
I carry knife at all times and sure you have to dump them occasionally but still better than starting a day without a tool or plan. Nowdays an airport is the only place I go where you might have to dump one. Would a masamuni count as a multi tool

Sure why not, sure there is multi use's for it. In self defence