Elevated Volcanic Activity (US)

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Reading the comments about earthquakes, thought this would be interesting to some. Minnesota has a bunch of faults! How I came to know... sometime in 2016 I was on the lake out front and suddenly I saw bubbles coming from everywhere around the boat. About the time it took me to realize that this was methane and CO2 from plant decomposition, I started to notice that the entire lake was doing the same thing. The whole lake from shallow to deep (out to about 20 feet anyhow) did this. That certainly wasn't a boat anchor disturbing the muck (which I didn't even have at the time).

I didn't think much of it till later that night when I was awoke by a rumble (Northern MN). First though was that the Iron Range 44 miles away doing a bit of ambitious blasting, but then my eyes opened and it was pitch black. They don't blast at 3am, nor have I ever heard them blast this far away on a good day. If the time alone didn't rule out blasting, me waking up did. I've been known to relocate a few beaver lodges and high-heaving, low det velocity charges are something I know. This wasn't tannerite, ANFO, ANNM, (i could list dozens) nor was it anything of a high velocity. This was a totally silent terrestrial rumble that shook the house three distinctly sharp times over the course of maybe a minute.

Here's the interesting part.... On December 23rd 1928, a quake strong enough that made a house sway east/west was reported by 2 people5 miles from here (Northern Minnesota, google Bowstring earthquake). Further research shows there are MANY faults under Minnesota (including gold and an active search for it really REALLY close to here :)) It is my opinion that what happened in 2016 on the lake (and later that night) was a local earthquake not strong enough for observatories in other states to pick up. This all may be nothing to a Californian, but being from Minnesota, I was excited!
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