Ever feel like you're alone with prepping?

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Brent S

Awesome Friend
Oct 10, 2013
South East US
i just read an interesting article where a guy hosted a neighborhood cookout. he went into detail about what everyone talked about, sports, kardashians, how all the positive things are going on in the economy. When he suggested that things may get bad with the drought, economy or security, he was poo pooed off as a doom and gloom 'er. Everyone really thinks things are going fine in the country and world. It's easy to fool yourself into seeing what you want in life. The author said he didn't press the issues, but honestly feels sorry for the majority of Americans.
I have always had a fairly positive attitude about most things in life, but I do use reason and don't think I am blind. I honestly see a train wreck comming with both our economy and security in this country. Watch the world news and see the direction of things. We have been lucky that the insecurity has been far away from our shores so far.
I don't share my views with many people I know, but if someone is interested I open up more. I am happy to help others learn, but am smart enough to know that most really don't want to. I am greatfull for all the people on this site to share and learn with.
oh,boy,do I?? yes,really alone as most people here only worry about the next iphone upgrade and that sort,we're supposed to have general elections soon and as usually the promises are sky high with no relevance to the facts of current life or economy. talking about prepping here in my neighborhood would be total disaster as nothing bad will ever happen and if it happens the state will take care of us...and it's far more urgent to get the next beer....
The Wife and I talk about this all the time, Lisa being much younger then me has had very little knowledge of the cold war in fact, she never heard of the cuban missile crises till she got into collage, she had grown up in the 80s, she has never seen fallout shelters sign's anywhere, her parents never talked about the cold war nor the Vietnam war even though her dad served over there for 5yrs until he was wounded, she never knew he served until her mother past away, she had no knowledge of WWI and very little of the Great Depression and WWII until after collage. By the time she graduated from collage everything including the cold war were of a distance past of unimportance.

When I was guiding a team of seismologist including Lisa (before we got together) I would talk at our camp about my experiences and about my dad who was part of the Civil Defense when I was growing up, all the seismologist being around Lisa age never heard of the Civil Defense/Civil Air Patrol etc... thus the things I was talking about was totally alien to them. Civil Defense Corps in Britian disbanded in 1968 and the Civil Defense in the US had changed in 1979 so the folks my Wife's age was in totally a different era and the school system was pulling much of the government required Civil Defense training and reading by the time most kids of Lisa age was learning at an impressionable age. Today, the things going on with russia is not important to them because of the way society have conditioned them, as long as it doesn't interfere with there day to day life's it is not of importance, they have been conditioned to ignore history for the most part (education vs indoctrination) because it was all bad and very much inhumane and it is very obvious, look at our educational system.

When things do go south, a good part of the Nation(s) is not going to have past knowledge of how to deal with a crises on a national level much less on a global level. History 101 is dead for all intents and purposes.
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and we all sadly know what can happen when past history is forgotten or ignored...it's the perfect breeding ground for something nasty... dictators don't just pop-up like weed,they lurk in the shadows,waiting for the right moment.
We really are so underprepared for any changes in our society. as far as the govt taking care care of us, does anyone remember Katrina? I saw a report on some people trying to leave the city shortly after the storm hit. They were on foot, walking across a bridge when the national guard turned them back with guns drawn. I also think of all the poor souls that are displaced by war, living in refugee camps. To think that hose were the lucky ones that were able to escape their war torn countries. Sorry, I don't want any help from the government, I'm more worried that the govt is going to take from me for their gain.
There is a reason why the government want's the Citizenry to live in close quarters and away from rural areas, independent thinking has long thought to be anti-social "behavior which is deemed contrary to prevailing norms for social conduct"

With independent's labeled as anti-social then being independent would be deemed a threat to the social order of society, look no further than Great Britain on how society has been successfully shaped (not picking on GB) In some parts of Europe a visiting independent minded American would be called a Cowboy, anyone outside the US and Canada calling American a Cowboy doesn't necessarily mean a compliment ;) I have seen something similar on one bushcraft site from Europe and seen the phrase "we don't want american cowboy's here" in this case the visiting American deserved it (ego).

Folks today are conditioned to think collectively if one doesn't think collectively then one is thought to be anti-social but since I think independently and a self described gun owning anti-social some may label me a psychopath or a Sociopath (the world loves labels) labels help condition society and mark perceived threats, a good example today 'Firearm Owners' 'Preppers' 'Survivalist' 'Anti Taxes' 'Christians' 'Patriot' the list is a mile long also look at what DHS calls a threat, you might find your self listed ;) in a so called civilized society we have the shepherd the sheep and then we have the sacrificial lamb, we here are the sacrificial lamb

'sacrificial lamb' "someone that is metaphorically sacrificed for the good or benefit..." ah, now we are back to the collective ;)
Most everyday with how my co-workers talk and some days even at home, but today son #2 came to visit and he and wife are buying a new home with 1 1/2 acres. They close next month but has already said he wants chickens, a garden and maybe even a cow!
Most everyday with how my co-workers talk and some days even at home, but today son #2 came to visit and he and wife are buying a new home with 1 1/2 acres. They close next month but has already said he wants chickens, a garden and maybe even a cow!

Just not enough kids like that today. Son number 2 is certainly one to be proud of and most certainly a role model!
Most everyday with how my co-workers talk and some days even at home, but today son #2 came to visit and he and wife are buying a new home with 1 1/2 acres. They close next month but has already said he wants chickens, a garden and maybe even a cow!
I'm not suprised, with you as a role model! I guess leading by example is the best way to teach others. I've posted here before saying that when I was working long hours with my buisness, i wondered why anyone would want to toil in a garden. Now that I eat fresh and flavorful vegetables that I know are healthy, I cant believe it took me 3/4's of my life to discover the joys of this. Even the stuff I can and eat over winter is so much better tasting than any store bought canned good I've ever had. My son isn't into it at 26yrs old now, but I know he sees me and has learned the basics at least. So I'm hopeful!
I think when California starts rationing water to all the big farms, and prices start to rise on food, that's when a lot of people will start to learn. It's probably still cheaper to buy produce at the store, but I don't think that will always be the case. Knowing I can help feed my family and friends gives me more satisfaction than I can describe.
mmm,perhaps I'm then anti-social when I prep and don't use my meager earnings to go partying and drinking my brain senseless,I'd rather plan for the uncertain future and pray for the best and expect the worst. do know that in the event of a SHTF my brother would rely on me for certain things like medical and protection,then again he has a place I would call a BOL.
it's far better to think independently than relying on some "higher power" saying to you where to go,what to eat and so on in a crises...I'd take my chances out here rather than co to some refugee camp.
Five years ago in the UK there was numerous charities trying desperately to find homes for retired battery hens that could still lay eggs, they just needed some TLC, good food and some outdor time to get them back to full health and productivity. Now there is a SHORTAGE of such birfs as so many people are now taking up keeping chickens for food.
Ask any member of my family what the number 1 rule of survival is and they will all say " 1 Never become a refugee, 2 never be without a knife"

mmm,perhaps I'm then anti-social when I prep and don't use my meager earnings to go partying and drinking my brain senseless,I'd rather plan for the uncertain future and pray for the best and expect the worst. do know that in the event of a SHTF my brother would rely on me for certain things like medical and protection,then again he has a place I would call a BOL.
it's far better to think independently than relying on some "higher power" saying to you where to go,what to eat and so on in a crises...I'd take my chances out here rather than co to some refugee camp.
Five years ago in the UK there was numerous charities trying desperately to find homes for retired battery hens that could still lay eggs, they just needed some TLC, good food and some outdor time to get them back to full health and productivity. Now there is a SHORTAGE of such birfs as so many people are now taking up keeping chickens for food.

Visiting several Bushcraft sites out of the UK, it appears more and more people are taking up the old craft not just prepping, I hope it's a strong trend in that direction and not just a fad, I also think a lot that has to do with that trend is returning British Soldiers? never the less, it's a nice trend to see in the UK.
Yeah Bushcraft and Wilderness Survival are thriving in the UK with help from Bear Grylls and Ray Mears, there are quite a few organised annual events like the WILDERNESS GATHERING in Somerset on a Buffalo farm and the Bushcraft Show etc people often confuse those issues with survivalISM and prepping which can be rather confusing.
I saw where in England they are trying to bring back the Lynx and other spicies that have not been seen there in centuries .
I saw where in England they are trying to bring back the Lynx and other spicies that have not been seen there in centuries .
Yup sensible folks want to bring back many of the species like Lynx, Beaver, Wolf, etc naturally the urban hysteria driven knee jerk fear mongers are already saying that they don't want the animals because they will kill babies !!!!!!!! Never seen a Beaver hunt people in a city before, and even the Native Scots wildcat wont go near human habitation, and Lynxs prefer the Scots highlands, but facts and hundreds of miles never get in the way of a hysteria outburst by idiots in London.
I once showed some grads in Leeds a picture of a Jackalope thinking it would be a good giggle and ice breaker, they did not laugh and the only question I got was " Are they dangerous" ? I said YES but only to idiots.
Yeah Bushcraft and Wilderness Survival are thriving in the UK with help from Bear Grylls and Ray Mears, there are quite a few organised annual events like the WILDERNESS GATHERING in Somerset on a Buffalo farm and the Bushcraft Show etc people often confuse those issues with survivalISM and prepping which can be rather confusing.

I like Mears, his approach to survival is more sensible for folks starting out, his Bushcraft book is pretty good. Grylls, I never really cared for his show (I watched like 3 episodes) though his accomplishments away from his tv show are pretty impressive.
Yup sensible folks want to bring back many of the species like Lynx, Beaver, Wolf, etc naturally the urban hysteria driven knee jerk fear mongers are already saying that they don't want the animals because they will kill babies !!!!!!!! Never seen a Beaver hunt people in a city before, and even the Native Scots wildcat wont go near human habitation, and Lynxs prefer the Scots highlands, but facts and hundreds of miles never get in the way of a hysteria outburst by idiots in London.

We have tons of Lynx here, we hunt them here, never heard of a Lynx killing a baby much less attack humans, they are the most skittish of all cats. Beaver, for christ sakes I trap them all the time and never been bitten even setting traps up at the dams opening, where did they get that nonsense that these are dangerous? Though the Wolf, my answer to the Wolf 220 Swift, 243, 270 or 25/06
Lots of history being dug out of the forest and bogs of Finland/Lapland , then ends up on Ebay .
The survival tips and guides popular today is stuff I grew up thinking of as outdoor play .
But thats how stuff is handed down from genaration to genaration .
As to the original topic . I will put in a plug about prepping from time to time during a conversation and at first they start denieing and do not want to seem like the crazies on TV , but when I add something like keeping oil lamps and hand tools and full pantry many say yes I do this or that and I say see your a prepper . Its rather common and common sence , Folks do it and don't realize it .

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