Ever feel like you're alone with prepping?

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well it can't be the iceman,that would be to obvious and it certainly isn't any of my politicians...and that General I was thinking about is dead...
oh,dear me....this happens when you stop following some of the news feed...but wait until you guys see our Eurovision song..you thought you've seen it all, this is a jaw dropper ;) and must say those guys have "balls" ...
There is a documentry following the original Ice Man that is very interesting , He was a prepper . Best info you could find about primitive Humans in Europe . Turns out he had been shot in the back after a skirmish in a village .
and I DO LOVE a good documentary,and history,my favorite subject in school. have seen that docu about the iceman,very interesting indeed.
I sure felt alone over the weekend. Both of my kids think I'm crazy and prepping for nothing. They simply never lived in a time when everything wasn't at their fingertips, so they don't get it.

On Easter, my wife was sick and a friend invited us over. She didn't want to ruin our fun, so she said to go. Our friend lives out in the boonies too, but in a housing development. Nice new homes, fancy schmancy pool/hot tub area, etc., etc. The kids thought we should sell and get into something like this. I said yeah right. I don't like another house 12 feet away from mine, thanks....

When we're gone, they'll inherit the ranch, and likely sell it and split the money between them. To be honest, I hope they are right, and I am prepping for nothing.

I have however, at least got them to think about being prepared for more pressing emergencies. Things like power outages, or just having something in the car when it's needed. They LOVE that part of my prepping, especially when I have exactly what they need at the time.
just lately I have felt really alone with my prepping, everyone else over here seems to think WTSHTF it will be over in a few weeks and then everything will be back to normal, I just cant get people here to see it wont be anything like that but I'm banging my head against a brick wall, they all think I'm paranoid or delusional or just plain mad!!:confused:
'cause nothing can and will happen...and big bro will take care of us...people don't realize the world is so much more unsecure than it was two ago..
oh its not just the sheeple, its so called "preppers" as well, I just cant seem to get through to them. I feel so alone like I am the only one(there is 1 other) who can see what is coming on this little island of mine. I'm just about given up on my Brit forums and decided to retire from active posting on them.
had that same feeling on my local forum here,they seem to be to satisfied over what it's now and as preppers they don't see any risks in the world, they don't see what's coming with those boats from north-Africa over here to Europe...they complain over things in facebook,but don't wanna meet and probably don't prepp properly as I see it..
I know what you mean. we got a "local" group going for awhile-I say local but I was the only local in the group, 2 came from the next county and 2 came down from outside London, but they were more interested in the social side, camping on a site with running water, flushing toilets and showers and a clubhouse, sitting around drinking and chewing the(non prepping)fat, eventually one guy moved away and another dropped out of sight and the whole thing folded.
Fair weather preppers?

Interesting concept. (saying over here, meaning they are only into it while it's the "it" thing)....

Look, no matter what scenario actually occurs, almost one thing is guaranteed to be a factor.

The grid will go down.

Whether it's a natural disaster that is worldwide, a plague, an asteroid, nuclear war, or even zombies, no matter what the SHTF event is, we're going to lose the power grid.

With that, comes:

1) No more deliveries of food to stores
2) Massive rioting and looting in urban areas
3) Breakdown of law enforcement, so general lawlessness
4) Massive sanitation issues
5) Eventual starvation and mass diseases
6) Other losses through violence

So, no matter what, if it all goes to hell, regardless of cause, the above items are pretty definite. And given that it would take close to two years to repair a major attack on the grid NOW, in peacetime. Imagine what would happen in a crisis....

Being prepared is just smart.

And, let's say you don't think the S will ever HTF.... There are still other emergencies that are short term, where prepping can help. Preps helped me stretch our food budget when I got laid off before. Having spare water helped when we had a pipe leak and couldn't use the water for a couple weeks (at least not for long at a time). Having my kit in the car has often been the difference between an enjoyable night out, and feeling miserable. (OTC meds, spare socks, spare stockings, blister band-aids, etc., etc.)

LOL, my wife is notorious for getting a run in her stocking on the way to a place. She didn't even know it, but I had one tan and one black of her type in my kit. She started cursing up a storm, until I had my daughter pull it out of the pack. First an eye roll, then a smile and a kiss, and a good night had by all.
Fair weather preppers? yeah maybe, I call them "part time" preppers as in they only do it "part" of the time. if the power grid goes down, and it will its the most fragile of the 3 main "Core" systems, it will take a year or more to replace all the relays in the system as they are not stored and cannot be bought "off the shelf", each one has to be made by special order and each one takes months to make never mind fit. can you imagine the British sheeple if power is off for 12 months? it'll make the London riots look like childs play.