" Except for yourself " , WHO are"Top 3 Smartest and Most Intelligent" posters on Homestead?

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I'm gonna go with Sentry, because it's obvious - and he's strong enough to handle the responsibility.

And Meer, because I don't understand more than half of what she's talking about, or how she got there - even after I fix the typos.

And Mr. Meer, because he has survived all this time close to the fire.
Oh great, you picked a jack-booted thug. :)
There's too many topics here for me to pick three "smartest" ones. Some are experts on this, some are experts on that. Some make me smile, some make me think. A couple even make me mad once in a while...

I will say, there are several who contribute many posts, who are huge reservoirs of knowledge in their specific areas. @Peanut and @Sentry18 come to mind, among others...
The problem is there are way more than 3.
This whole forum is populated with exceptional people.
There are highly intelligent people for any topic that you could possibly toss out. That's why it is such a great place.
@Angie - Need to get that 'Gift' tab working.

That is so true SuperV. It's always something new to learn and good laugh too.

It is a great place. :)
You're right, Patchouli. We do have a large group of exceptional women on this site. Another prepper site had no women. I felt alone. But not here. We can rate us all number one.

I am happy you rated us all #1, because in emoji speak, #2 💩isn't much of a compliment.

Amish Heart deserves recognition as well.
What?! Only three? I can't play!

OK, wait...there's more than one way to get around that limit, lol.

Here are the "three" I have learned the most from:

1) @Peanut
1.5) @elkhound
2) @Sourdough
2.5) @Sentry18
3) @Caribou

And I have learned much from the rest of you, enjoyably so! Thank all y'all so much for enriching my life with your insight, your humor, your music, and the many posts that stretched my mind beyond the small confinements of my skull.

And, thank you @Angie for this place! You rock!
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I wonder how long before those three smartest posters will show up and explain what I meant. lol

There are many smart people here. But, applied knowledge is multi dimensional. Having knowledge is only one dimension. Retaining that knowledge over time, and the ability to cross it over, & apply what you know to create remedies, & solutions in other disciplines, are additional dimensions. And of course, the biggest, and toughest dimension of all, instructing, or, the teaching of others, in the manner of specific instruction in regard to problem solving.

Out in the working world, it doesn't take long before competency attracts attention. The reward is usually not a pay raise with a promotion, but the additional designation as a "Trainer", with an increased work load. And so it goes. At some point you will be looking at the latest dimwit pupil assigned to you for instruction, and the idle thought will cross your mind that, "I've forgotten more than he'll ever know". And, at some point down the road from there, you'll have the same thought about another trainee, and to your own personal horror, you'll know that it's actually true. Unfortunately, that epiphany doesn't come with a pay raise either.

I think Regan was probably in his first term when that happened to Supervisor42.

My best guess anyway.
...And of course, the biggest, and toughest dimension of all, instructing, or, the teaching of others, in the manner of specific instruction in regard to problem solving...

I think Regan was probably in his first term when that happened to Supervisor42.
My best guess anyway.
Early 80's is about right. It starts out innocent enough, when you notice you seem to get a different 'helper' each month.

After that, it transitions to a classroom with materials, a projector, and plenty of 'hands-on' stuff.
I was not 'well-liked' as an instructor.
I gave homework!gaah
My students did have among the highest pass-rate on the factory online (certification) final-exam though
...And I was ok with them hating me 'forever' .
Early 80's is about right. It starts out innocent enough, when you notice you seem to get a different 'helper' each month.View attachment 47511
After that, it transitions to a classroom with materials, a projector, and plenty of 'hands-on' stuff.
I was not 'well-liked' as an instructor.
I gave homework!gaah
My students did have among the highest pass-rate on the factory online (certification) final-exam thoughView attachment 47512.
...And I was ok with them hating me 'forever' .View attachment 47514

Another talent of a great instructor , Thick skin. :cool: :)
You're right, Patchouli. We do have a large group of exceptional women on this site. Another prepper site had no women. I felt alone. But not here. We can rate us all number one.
Why do I insist on posting about an exceptional group of large women? And throw in "with powerful backhands"? Must be thinking of my aunt Mariah. ( And my only source of info about the power of her backhand was cousin Lyle, who tended to exaggerate.)
Why do I insist on posting about an exceptional group of large women? And throw in "with powerful backhands"? Must be thinking of my aunt Mariah. ( And my only source of info about the power of her backhand was cousin Lyle, who tended to exaggerate.)
"Exceptional group of large women"? I ain't touching that comment with a ten foot pole...

"Exceptional group of large women"? I ain't touching that comment with a ten foot pole...


Yeah, I agree. If I had to send that, I'd have to use the little tracked robot with the video camera. You can always turn down the volume, & bolt the arm back on if it comes to that, but once your pole is damaged, your pretty much done.
Yeah, I agree. If I had to send that, I'd have to use the little tracked robot with the video camera. You can always turn down the volume, & bolt the arm back on if it comes to that, but once your pole is damaged, your pretty much done.
So, I guess you are suggesting 'svelte' would have been better?
So, I guess you are suggesting 'svelte' would have been better?

Much better. Most anything French, or, Italian just sounds prettier. Harvesting adjectives out of the romance languages isn't as effective as it used to be though. Smart phones with Thesaurus Apps are a potential hazard to be considered.
I have gave this thread some thought since I read it this morning. I'm not sure I can pinpoint three folks. There is so much of a knowledge pool on here I'd have to have a category to narrow if down much. What topic are you looking for?? Medicinal herbs, firearms, cooking/canning, quilting, health care. See what I mean. This is just a great group of folks, and I'm happy just to try and fit in and learn from.
VThillman: a LARGE group of EXCEPTIONAL women. Not large women. We are not really large.
But, do you dislike large women? Nightmares? Wouldn't want to scare ya.
I'll be 83 this month. Women are simply people, some of them larger than others. I vaguely recall some physical differences between men and women, but I've lost interest in them. I'm also aware of some emotional differences, but I have chosen to ignore most of them; so far that's worked out OK.

God knows, my sense of humor is not universally appreciated, and I do try to keep it reined in - in public. I can try to keep it reined in here too. Your advise would be appreciated.

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