F#%@ YOU PETER!!!!!

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Mar 18, 2012
Southern California
I just left a post inviting him (and others) to this site to find out for themselfs what being a prepper is all about, lets see if he accepts my invitation.
if nothing else, maybe we'll get a few more members lol
Although theyll probably make **** up, maybe a few can actually get there facts straight. besides, if you dont think tptb are already monotering this site you need to think again.
As far as a Psychology PH.D........ you have to see one to be one ........... AND, our tax dollars are funding those major grants he got for his experimental psychology from the NEH . Thats right ! an agency of the U.S. govt. whose chairman is appointed by none other than the president himself.
I did like all the comments (including yours Krime) talking about how off his rocker he was for thinking RESPONSIBLE people who prepare for unexpected life events were CULTISH
I did like all the comments (including yours Krime) talking about how off his rocker he was for thinking RESPONSIBLE people who prepare for unexpected life events were CULTISH
Ya lol dont put gas in your car cuz it might run out of gass on the way to the store, cuz if you do you may be a cultist, lol
It is better to sleep on things beforehand
than lie awake about them afterwards.

~Baltasar Gracian~
hey im like that too igot four voices in my head when im trying to get to sleep three of them say sshhhh go to sleep but the fourth little bugger, he says I wonder if penguins have knees and off we go again lol
They don't have knees that's why they walk like zombies. Its the carrier of the virus( alphanokneeitis) they call it Asiatic bird fu. Kind of a cool Bruce knee zombie mall ninja thing. You always gotta watch out for their spinning back flipper move. That and the anchovy vomit hurl are their signature moves. They are so predictable.
By the way ....in a.cult per say ....don't you always have a guy at the top taking advantage of all the others assets.... Clyde really needs to rethink this cult thing. He don't seem to be profiting the way ALL cult leaders do. As a matter of fact no one has ever asked me for a thing. Only gave of what they had. This guy really needs to look at peoples motives Not because he isn't happy therefore we are.not. I think truthfully the thought of a collapse of civilization scares him. Therefore he doesn't wish to view that as a likely event. It would change all he has prepared for his whole life and make it unprofitable and a waste.therefore it is easier to tell the world we are wrong and continue to magic kingdom than change course. Heck when the shtf I don't think I'll be the one needing counseling but I'll make an offer on the couch ( just as sort of an I told you so trophy)
Alright no one leave this discussion or I'll be forced to put you on the right path!!!! lmao
You didn't get yours Jim... don't worry ..probably got lost in the mail. It wasn't personnel. IMG_20130511_222719_672.jpg View attachment 879
After you make your tin foil hat, you can make yourself a whole bunch of medal to tape to your shirt and be a colonel or something.
So if they show up here, do I have to play nice?
If you're talken bout tptb, i have no doubt their already here n have been here monetering. ive read plenty of studies on their "internet research" programs.
If you're talken about the "good" doctor,lol, it all depends on how youd like not only yourself but preppers in general to be precieved.

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