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That's a good point.
Yea sorry to bust your bubble. I have my grandparents phonograph, it plays really well, just a lot of cranking and I need to buy more needles. But that is not going to be happening for awhile. It is fun to hear music from the 1920-30's era. Dad says he remembers playing it once as a kid and Grandma came out and did the Charleston.
There do seem to be some modern reproductions, that do work with modern LPs. Might be fun to get.
Anyone ever see and use an antique record player? (the crank kind). Man, these things are fantastic!

We spotted a couple during some antique hunting a while back, and really want to get one, and some of our favorite albums on vinyl. Would be pretty cool to have no power required music. Just amazing devices.

That, and an old school foot pedal sewing machine are high on our functional antiques list.

My grandmother had a foot pedal Singer sewing matching, but dad sold it for liquor. We have our priorities.
I am bringing this conversation "back from the dead". I have a metal storage building. I noticed that the wood floor is getting soft and need to be replaced. I am thinking about first putting in a layer of sheet metal that is connected to the rest of the building (screwed to the walls) and then covering with plywood. Based upon what I have read, it is the floor that makes these building susceptible to EMP. The building has metal tape around all of the seems so only the door seems to be an issue. I plan to fold some metal screen so when I close the doors, there seam between the doors will be protected.

So what are your thought on this plan. I am not looking for total protection but I think this will provide enough protection to allow some items to survive.

Also, in this case, I am replacing the floor anyways so the only additional work will be adding the sheet metal first. Hopefully, for this little extra effort I can greatly increase my protection. Not perfect, but every little bit should help.
read thru the postings from the beginning >>> going to leave the type of Faraday cage alone for right now ...

but - whatever you choose - keep in mind the overall SHTF involved with either a nuke produced EMP or a CME from a solar burst blast >>> with both causes the initial burst will be followed by subsequent follow-up bursts - the later ones possibly being more powerful & direct than the initial >>> could continue for weeks and even months - especially in the case of man involved nuke usage ...

this situation means if you want to safeguard your electronics - it'll have to be on a use & scoot basis - that's going to require an eazy to re-use Faraday cage >>> would consider the tin foil wrap cages not to be viable except for an emergency basis - same same for cages that use foil tape and other disposable elements ...