Favorite Band?

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No real ONE favorite... I like Enya, the Eagles, Metallica, the Cranberries, the Beach Boys, and a ton of 50's and 80's one hit wonders. The artists listed above though, are ones where I'd buy a CD without even hearing one of the songs on it, because I know I'll generally like it.
Alphaville ,Duran Duran and Adam Ant plus an additional truck load from the 80's and 70's :)
Motorhead...the noisiest band in Britain!!
that too,they ain't by the way make music like in tha past,those oldies will be played always,this new crap will be forgotten in a blink of an eye..
but if you guys wanna torture your self,look up kanye west "singing" Queens Bohemian raphsody,it will wanna make you shoot your brains to the wall ;)
had to post this,but a fair warning,you might wanna cut your ears off..... :p

plus something that done here often of things that piss people off ;)
Heard the same tired argument from older people when Nirvana was the new thing.

It's a fair argument....

Every generation thinks the newer stuff is crap. But, we just happen to be more correct about it these days, lol.... I mean, some of it is good, but man...in the 80's, pretty much almost every song was decent. Now? Like 1 in 10....
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It's a fair argument....

Every generation thinks the newer stuff is crap. But, we just happen to be more correct about it these days, lol.... I mean, some of it is good, but man...in the 80's, pretty much almost every song was decent. Now? Like 1 in 10....

Just realize that some 60s/70s classic rocker probably said, "Some of this 80s music is good, but man, in the 70s pretty much every song was decent."
you can just listen to those current whining poofters all you like Tom,but it still is crap,but that's your choice and your ears. :rolleyes:
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we had some good music in the 60s, The Beatles, The Stones, The Who, Status Quo, modern stuff is all mumbling rubbish and most of them cant even sing its just a dirge.
Just realize that some 60s/70s classic rocker probably said, "Some of this 80s music is good, but man, in the 70s pretty much every song was decent."

The 50's (to me) had way more better songs than the 60's, and the 80's had way more better songs than the 70's. My favorite song is from the 70's (the Eagles' "Hotel California")...but overall, other decades were better.
Don't have a favorite band. I like mostly the 50's through the 70's rock and 50's and 60's country. I can't tell the new country from much of the other crap that passes for music now days. I also like classical music. Anything else is just noise to me.
Why would anybody get on a site just to stir crap. I dont get it. Is there some satisfaction in just being a butt. Maybe they got their lunch money taken, or got a matomic wedgie when they were a kid. Maybe they are looking for some type of profile they can characterize us with. Maybe trying to figure out who they are or want to be. Either way...I dont get it. But hey that profile picture ought to be interesting.

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