Favourite end of the world movie.

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Super Friend
Jun 11, 2018
Hi folks.

There is a thread on here about the film "No Blade of Grass." I have never seen it but it's on my watch list.

It got me wondering what is everyone's favourite movie about the end of the world as we know it?

Difficult question for me to answer as I habe a few good ones in mind, 28 Days Later is up there, I watched "Here Alone" on Netflix the other day, liked that.

I think I am going to go with the Book of Eli, largely for the scene where he shoots the cat at the start, and the bit where he chops the guy's hand off with his Kukri. Also, Denzel and Gary Oldman, can't be bad.
There is an absolutely scary one that almost came about, it would have been called "President Hillary".
My favorite (and probably realistic) apocalyptic movies are 'Threads' and 'The Day After'...both from the 80s.

I like that both movies didn't romanticize survival and nuclear war.

We evidentally came very close on several occasions to blowing ourselves up.

The cold war was a stupid waste of resources.
Personally, The Survivalist (2015) from the UK, it's fairly realistic dealing with a whole slew of topics. Kindly slow but the subject matter is pretty good and depicts human nature under such conditions.

My favorite (and probably realistic) apocalyptic movies are 'Threads' and 'The Day After'...both from the 80s.

I like that both movies didn't romanticize survival and nuclear war.

We evidentally came very close on several occasions to blowing ourselves up.

The cold war was a stupid waste of resources.

I haven't seen those. I'll put them on my watch list.
I haven't seen those. I'll put them on my watch list.

If you do, try to find the version of "The Day After" with the panel discussion at the end of the movie.

It featured--among many others--Carl Sagan, and, I believe (but could be wrong) Edward Teller...the designer of the thermonuclear hydrogen bomb.
Well, yeah... To that crowd, Trump getting elected was on the same catastrophic level as an extinction event. LOL

Now Rachel Maddow on MSNBC crying over the poor babies in cages. Where was she when Obama and Clinton had them in cages?

They are safer now than being dragged across the desert without water or food.

The Lefts' "Selective outrage of The week" is getting very old. Their parents are the evil ones. These kids are unaccompanied minors sent here via cartels, gangs, etc.

No wonder no one trusts the media any more..
Now Rachel Maddow on MSNBC crying over the poor babies in cages. Where was she when Obama and Clinton had them in cages?

They are safer now than being dragged across the desert without water or food.

Some woman on the radio made a good point the other day. If you or I were to drag our children on foot out into the Mojave Desert with insufficient water and no food, we'd be charged with child endangerment and have the children taken away from us.
Some woman on the radio made a good point the other day. If you or I were to drag our children on foot out into the Mojave Desert with insufficient water and no food, we'd be charged with child endangerment and have the children taken away from us.

I really disagree with our policies of seperating children from their parents, but--in fairness--your point about child abuse is one that I hadn't considered, and it makes sense.

Even so, I think it's awful that the Border Patrol is taking babies away from their mothers while they're nursing.

We aren't Nazis in this country, and while the illegals are criminals and should be treated as such, I don't think that concentration camps and institutional brutality are the answer.

Still...I do agree that bringing your child through a desert for several days or weeks without resources does constitute child endangerment.
Comparing this to the nazi’s is absurd, laws were broken! I’m tired of all the fxxken bleeding heart bologna and the hypocrisy of the ones condemning the separation! Where were the motherfxxckers during the previous administration on the separations, I don’t want to hear the excuses, the only reason there are a storm over this **** is because it is Trump implementing it period, to say otherwise are goddamn liars!
Comparing this to the nazi’s is absurd, laws were broken! I’m tired of all the fxxken bleeding heart bologna and the hypocrisy of the ones condemning the separation! Where were the motherfxxckers during the previous administration on the separations, I don’t want to hear the excuses, the only reason there are a storm over this **** is because it is Trump implementing it period, to say otherwise are goddamn liars!

You are correct. If you bring this to their attention, they do the typical liberal dance , and just call you a liar then say F**k you. That's the only retort they ever have.
Back on topic. It's not a movie, but I like The Walking Dead.

Forget the zombies, I'm talking about man vs man and how you learn to live without any tech. All of the money and precious metals are worthless, but food and shelter are worth your life.
What about the tv show revolution, then? I liked that. But it must have been too sophisticated for the masses as it was cancelled... all good sci fi risks that...

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Last man on earth (1960s)
Crack in the World
When worlds collide
The day the Earth Caught Fire
Miracle Mile
ON THE BEACH ( Bother Versions SUPERB)
Soylent Green
The day the Earth Stood Still
I am Legend
Survivors ( 1970s Tv series)
Left Behind
Virus ( awsome)
Last man on earth (1960s)
Crack in the World
When worlds collide
The day the Earth Caught Fire
Miracle Mile
ON THE BEACH ( Bother Versions SUPERB)
Soylent Green
The day the Earth Stood Still
I am Legend
Survivors ( 1970s Tv series)
Left Behind
Virus ( awsome)
Soylent Green, I am Legend, the book on the beach...yes. I don’t recognize some on your list...

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