It's a great movie that shows the importance of evaluating information available during the beginning of an emergency, and calmly developing a strategy and the tactics needed to realize the strategy.
The beginning of the COVID pandemic was an excellent test case on how most people will respond to an existential threat. When people were given the choice of accepting information from people who had decades of experience dealing with epidemics, or getting their info from a New York real estate huckster who probably couldn't spell "pandemic," most so-called preppers went with the huckster, which is fantastic news for real preppers, since there'll be plenty of supplies left during a real existential threat because the huckster followers will die off quickly.
Most humans are cattle who instinctively search for someone to follow, and many hucksters got where they are by leading from the rear and then blaming bad results on someone else.
Even now, after millions of people have taken the COVID vaccination, a huge group of Trump Thumpers still won't wear a mask or take the shot. Those are the same people who'll spend the first three days after a nuclear disaster waiting for Hannity to tell them what to think next. When their teeth fall out and they can't swallow anything, they'll switch over to Tucker Carlson.