The book of jasher isn't from the bible, but it is mentioned in a couple Old Testament verses. I know it's mentioned at least once in Joshua. I'm not familiar with it at all.
That would be Sisera who was killed. I don't recall the woman's name off the top of my head.@Spikedriver in bible..i think its book of jasher but i could be wrong..its written about how israel/jacob hated fighting this certain tribe/clan..cant recall the name right now..but anyway hated fighting them in battle because their women fought battles.
also forgive me i forget names..but there was a big battle and this kings men were all killed and he fled.he came upon this woman and her tent. he forced her to feed him i think it was but anyway he was tired and fell asleep...he awoke to a sharp pain.the woman drove the tent stake through his head !...deadly right there !
The book of jasher isn't from the bible, but it is mentioned in a couple Old Testament verses. I know it's mentioned at least once in Joshua. I'm not familiar with it at all.
Now you've got me curious. I'll do some research tonight.its mentioned twice in what we call the was used as scripture until mid to late 1800's i think its samuel or chrionciles..
regardless though you might find it interesting it was recorded information.
I wasn't offended by your posts or by Fox's video. I do see things slightly differently but am aware that is me personally and not the population in general. I was mostly, and badly, trying to encourage female preppers to learn to defend themselves because they can and they shouldn't be put off by anyone says it's a man's job. I was also hoping to encourage any male preppers to teach their female family members and acquaintances how to defend themselves physically or with firearms if anyone doesn't know how yet. I personally feel it is valuable knowledge and am passionate about women learning. I have spoken to female survivors of massacres in Africa and what they endured is horrific and I want that for no one. Even if that is an impossible scenario.a little thread drift and a little info you might want to know about joe fox of viking preparedness. he talks about things in broad brush strokes. not on individual bases. we all know theres exceptions to the rule on everything and sometimes large sections. if you look at history...women as a whole took brunt of where all the battles and empires that fell be in a single city or a nation first captives taken were usually women and kids.often men were put to the sword. we been fighting and killing each other longer with edged weapons and sticks and stones and arrows and such than firearms.he was in special forces in fact just not in them he was over them in asia.he was raised in various locations around world as his father was cia back in the day.he has trained 1000's of law enforcement over the years both male and female and another sidenote his wife is a certified firearms instructor as well.he also worked for dod as some secret something that no one will ever know about as well. he has real world outside u.s./north america experience is varied societies of 40 years.he is a pastor and has a pretty large congregation and ALL the women learn to shoot and defend themselves.i have no doubt all of them would kill anyone doing harm to them in a women do and are capable i have no doubt @MoBookworm1957 who is a retired police could shoot anyones eye out with her training as example of capable woman...just as another example of well trained.
if you notice and listen close to what these women said in the above videos you hear them talk about having a sponsor..a male meant they were not messed with in the partisan ranks.theres places around globe right now conflicts dont have guns as weapons on small local levels...women take the brunt of it.and especially in unarmed areas where guns are brought in or leaked in. neither women or men can defend that type lopsidedness. fox talks about how certain things are said and done in our society right now if you do them(towards women) in other parts of the world you are going to get killed or at least a severe beating.often this is referenced to as a was a fathers house,uncle,brother or son.
so dont be easily offended ...just chew information up and take what is good and acceptable to you and spit the bones out that dont soot you. keep this in mind both men and women do age out or lose ability as we age. guns keep playing field even for now. but even as we age theres younger faster stronger coming up all the time. none of us will be at top of our game our entire lives against all comers we can only be at top of our game for time period and ability we have at any given point in time of our lives.
just a bit of info i thought you might like to know and consider
I'm with you @Rebecca. My daughter is very much an intellectual type not a physical type and sadly, if something bad happened she wouldn't do well. I'm trying to get through to her but it's like trying to crack open a coconut. I think every woman should get some self defense training including firearms...I wasn't offended by your posts or by Fox's video. I do see things slightly differently but am aware that is me personally and not the population in general. I was mostly, and badly, trying to encourage female preppers to learn to defend themselves because they can and they shouldn't be put off by anyone says it's a man's job. I was also hoping to encourage any male preppers to teach their female family members and acquaintances how to defend themselves physically or with firearms if anyone doesn't know how yet. I personally feel it is valuable knowledge and am passionate about women learning. I have spoken to female survivors of massacres in Africa and what they endured is horrific and I want that for no one. Even if that is an impossible scenario.
I wasn't offended by your posts or by Fox's video. I do see things slightly differently but am aware that is me personally and not the population in general. I was mostly, and badly, trying to encourage female preppers to learn to defend themselves because they can and they shouldn't be put off by anyone says it's a man's job. I was also hoping to encourage any male preppers to teach their female family members and acquaintances how to defend themselves physically or with firearms if anyone doesn't know how yet. I personally feel it is valuable knowledge and am passionate about women learning. I have spoken to female survivors of massacres in Africa and what they endured is horrific and I want that for no one. Even if that is an impossible scenario.
Now you've got me curious. I'll do some research tonight.
I thank you for the comment.a little thread drift and a little info you might want to know about joe fox of viking preparedness. he talks about things in broad brush strokes. not on individual bases. we all know theres exceptions to the rule on everything and sometimes large sections. if you look at history...women as a whole took brunt of where all the battles and empires that fell be in a single city or a nation first captives taken were usually women and kids.often men were put to the sword. we been fighting and killing each other longer with edged weapons and sticks and stones and arrows and such than firearms.he was in special forces in fact just not in them he was over them in asia.he was raised in various locations around world as his father was cia back in the day.he has trained 1000's of law enforcement over the years both male and female and another sidenote his wife is a certified firearms instructor as well.he also worked for dod as some secret something that no one will ever know about as well. he has real world outside u.s./north america experience is varied societies of 40 years.he is a pastor and has a pretty large congregation and ALL the women learn to shoot and defend themselves.i have no doubt all of them would kill anyone doing harm to them in a women do and are capable i have no doubt @MoBookworm1957 who is a retired police could shoot anyones eye out with her training as example of capable woman...just as another example of well trained.
if you notice and listen close to what these women said in the above videos you hear them talk about having a sponsor..a male meant they were not messed with in the partisan ranks.theres places around globe right now conflicts dont have guns as weapons on small local levels...women take the brunt of it.and especially in unarmed areas where guns are brought in or leaked in. neither women or men can defend that type lopsidedness. fox talks about how certain things are said and done in our society right now if you do them(towards women) in other parts of the world you are going to get killed or at least a severe beating.often this is referenced to as a was a fathers house,uncle,brother or son.
so dont be easily offended ...just chew information up and take what is good and acceptable to you and spit the bones out that dont soot you. keep this in mind both men and women do age out or lose ability as we age. guns keep playing field even for now. but even as we age theres younger faster stronger coming up all the time. none of us will be at top of our game our entire lives against all comers we can only be at top of our game for time period and ability we have at any given point in time of our lives.
just a bit of info i thought you might like to know and consider
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