Feminine product uses and disposal while on the Trail

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Something to "Think" about, the Choice is Yours :

Which animals can smell menstrual blood?​

The animals that are able to perceive the smell of menstrual blood are those that have a super-developed sense of smell, these animals possess Jacobson’s organ, also known as the vomeronasal organ.

Jacobson’s organ is present in dogs, cats, snakes, bears, mice, and other vertebrate animals, these animals may be able to smell menstrual blood because of their great sense of smell.

Although the fact that an animal has the ability to smell menstrual blood does not mean that it labels the menstruating person as potential prey, animals use their sense of smell simply to gather information from the environment.

And while it is true that animals that are predators use their sense of smell to track their prey, their instinct is sufficiently developed to be able to distinguish regular prey from what would be the menstrual blood of a human being.

Animals are able to distinguish prey, challenge, or threat through their sense of smell, their sense of smell and instinct is too well developed to mistake a menstruating human being.

Pardon the intrusion ladies . . . .but

The Human Manure system is ideal for this.

Kick a hole in the ground with your heel.
Drop it in.
Pour a little water on it.
Cover it mostly with grass, leaves or twigs.

It will steam itself into compost within a week.
Animals will steer clear of it.
See Item Number 40 here:
Source: (prohibited link)

This can be used for human feces, bandages, household waste, road kill, etc.
There is no need to dig a deep latrine.
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^^^ From Personal Experience...?!?
Another forum I follow, Aus Prep, The Couch area has an extensive discussion on what, how to prep for womens issues and comfort.. Besides multi uses for many products thought to be exclusively womens products.. Well worth looking up and reading through..

As a guy you will occasionally get the ...what the hell do you know about any of this.. look from a wife or daughter.. However..
It is nothing more than respectful to be knowledgeable, aware, discrete and prepared for womens issues for the ones you care about.. And it will be appreciated but may or may not be acknowledged..

My 5 cents of experience...