Something to "Think" about, the Choice is Yours :
Jacobson’s organ is present in dogs, cats, snakes, bears, mice, and other vertebrate animals, these animals may be able to smell menstrual blood because of their great sense of smell.
Although the fact that an animal has the ability to smell menstrual blood does not mean that it labels the menstruating person as potential prey, animals use their sense of smell simply to gather information from the environment.
And while it is true that animals that are predators use their sense of smell to track their prey, their instinct is sufficiently developed to be able to distinguish regular prey from what would be the menstrual blood of a human being.
Animals are able to distinguish prey, challenge, or threat through their sense of smell, their sense of smell and instinct is too well developed to mistake a menstruating human being.
Which animals can smell menstrual blood?
The animals that are able to perceive the smell of menstrual blood are those that have a super-developed sense of smell, these animals possess Jacobson’s organ, also known as the vomeronasal organ.Jacobson’s organ is present in dogs, cats, snakes, bears, mice, and other vertebrate animals, these animals may be able to smell menstrual blood because of their great sense of smell.
Although the fact that an animal has the ability to smell menstrual blood does not mean that it labels the menstruating person as potential prey, animals use their sense of smell simply to gather information from the environment.
And while it is true that animals that are predators use their sense of smell to track their prey, their instinct is sufficiently developed to be able to distinguish regular prey from what would be the menstrual blood of a human being.
Animals are able to distinguish prey, challenge, or threat through their sense of smell, their sense of smell and instinct is too well developed to mistake a menstruating human being.