Finally, some women pedestrians in Australia will know when it’s safe for them to cross the street.

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Awesome Friend
Apr 3, 2013
deep east texas
Finally, some women pedestrians in Australia will know when it’s safe for them to cross the street.
Traditionally, crosswalk lights in most places show a male figure waiting patiently in red for cars to stop, then walking in green when it’s safe. It’s been that way because it’s been that way in societies dominated by you-know-who.

But a civic group called the Committee for Melbourne decided to help make its world a little better through images. It has convinced the city to change crosswalk lights to show a female figure walking to erase the possibility of gender bias and attune future generations to picture females crossing the street or doing anything the same as males.

“There was unconscious bias built into our brains,” explained the group’s chief executive officer, Martine Letts, “because we are accustomed to seeing a male figure.” Although, come to think of it, perhaps clothing the female crosswalker only in dresses might actually be considered rather dress-ist.
hu----------man,,,,there is the hitch we need a new word,,,how about Homosapien but then we would have to worry about the Gays being upset and thinking we are singling them out,,,,,,,,,,,,,
you mean women didn't cross the road because the light showed a green MAN?? come on, get real!
Oh good grief. I'd heard Australia had lost the plot, but really? a woman gets offended by a generic crossing sign? Some people have far too much time on their hands.
i just mentioned the cross walk lights to my mom.she never noticed that the light is a man,much less that it's wearing pants..LOL

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