Financial/Investment advice please

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Tom Brands

Awesome Friend
Feb 9, 2017
Amateur Radio Call Sign
I am considering investing by having one of those expert advisor sites invest for me and manage my stuff so that I don't have to. My question is, can I become wealthy from doing this? Does anyone here have some very positive results from stock market investments? thanks!
I am considering investing by having one of those expert advisor sites invest for me and manage my stuff so that I don't have to. My question is, can I become wealthy from doing this? Does anyone here have some very positive results from stock market investments? thanks!
All I can positively say is make sure any thing you have to invest is diversified. The old saying about all your eggs in one basket.... The stock market is at an all time high right now. More good advice is to wait for a drop, or correction before jumping in. I personally don't have a good feeling about the economy right now so would be more inclined to be more hands on with any investing. I've always questions someone else's intentions as are they doing what's wise or makes them more commission?
You will need to define rich for me. I ask you to do so because there seems to be some contention on the matter. Seeings as earning around 70k a year puts you in the top ten percent of earners in this country then yes. You certainly can become rich by some peoples standards. But there are lots of risks and to see a quick return on your money you need to make high risk investments.

So youre better off planning for the long run IMHO.
I am considering investing by having one of those expert advisor sites invest for me and manage my stuff so that I don't have to. My question is, can I become wealthy from doing this? Does anyone here have some very positive results from stock market investments? thanks!
I've been investing for over 40 years in the stock market. And until recently I've managed most of my accounts myself. Why pay someone to invest for you when you can do it yourself? Open an eTrade, or similar account. The stock market has been very good to me. The trick is to sell high and buy low. Easier said than done. People tend to want to hold on to their stocks on a down market, hoping the price will go up. And when the market is up, they hang on hoping the trend will continue up. I prefer dividend paying stocks, and have the dividends reinvested. It's easy to find good quality stocks paying 3-10% dividend yield. Stay away from "penny" stocks (stocks generally under $10/share). They're too risky. To this day I have never had a year with a net loss in the stock market. That doesn't mean that all my stock picks have been winners, but when I sell my losing shares the loss helps offset some of the gains on the profitable shares. Currently capitol gains are taxed at 15%. The market is at all time highs right now, thanks to Trump. I don't expect it to continue beyond a few more years though. I view any drop in the market as buying opportunities. As with most investments the stock market is for the long term. Keep an eye on the news and adjust your strategy accordingly. And keep all emotions out of it. For example, on 9/11 I sold all my stocks and 401k investments and bought defense stocks and gold and silver. Didnt lose anything, just the opposite. Once things stabilize and start picking up again get back in the market.
As good as the stock market has been to me, real estate has been even more profitable.
I have some stocks, and some real estate. Remember diversication is the key here. I personally think tangible things are better than paper investments. I've known several people over the years that watched classified adds and craigslist just to buy and resell items that made profit. If a stock can get up to 10% return, think about how much better a camper, or any other deal on an item, that you can double your money in two months time is. Real estate has always been a solid investment in the past, and I still think is good, but it's at all time high prices now like the stock market is. Buying things when they are low, not high, is the goal here.
I guess the reason I wanted to have a site do the investing for me is I have no clue which companies to invest in.
You're an educated guy with a masters degree right Tom? Shouldn't be too tough for you to do some research amd get smart on the subject.
I guess the reason I wanted to have a site do the investing for me is I have no clue which companies to invest in.
All the online brokerage firms have all the research tools you need to make an intelligent decision. If you're capable of reading at a third grade level, ok, 10th grade if you went to public school, you shouldn't have any problems understanding the research material. My opinion for what it's worth, start with large safe companies, such as: GE, KO, JNJ, MO, CAT etc. They've all been around forever and they pay a decent dividend.
Just in case some of you missed this, "Tom" is our local liberal Troll. He's said that his Bach/Masters degrees are in "Women's Studies". That he makes a whole $15/hr. I suspect he's living in mommy's basement. And he's in his mid-30's.

Anyone think a guy like this has 2 nickels to invest?

Please don't feed the trolls.
All the online brokerage firms have all the research tools you need to make an intelligent decision. If you're capable of reading at a third grade level, ok, 10th grade if you went to public school, you shouldn't have any problems understanding the research material. My opinion for what it's worth, start with large safe companies, such as: GE, KO, JNJ, MO, CAT etc. They've all been around forever and they pay a decent dividend.
Just stay away from Sears at this point! It's sad that such an icon is failing, but it dosent and hasn't looked good for them for a long time now.
Just in case some of you missed this, "Tom" is our local liberal Troll. He's said that his Bach/Masters degrees are in "Women's Studies". That he makes a whole $15/hr. I suspect he's living in mommy's basement. And he's in his mid-30's.

Anyone think a guy like this has 2 nickels to invest?

Please don't feed the trolls.
I don't think there's any reason to get rude....
I don't think there's any reason to get rude....

Brent, I don't think I was being rude in any way. I stated a number of facts, and one suspicion. Is it rude to quote a person when they say they make $15/hr?

This is a "Prepper" website. Tom is as much a prepper as a grasshopper is. He has no business here other than to stir up trouble which he's doing. Like many I tried to 'help' him (even though I strongly suspected) but it didn't take long to see through his bull.

My point is that this guy isn't asking real questions. He's making $15 and talking about investing?

As I said, please don't feed the trolls.
Just in case some of you missed this, "Tom" is our local liberal Troll. He's said that his Bach/Masters degrees are in "Women's Studies". That he makes a whole $15/hr. I suspect he's living in mommy's basement. And he's in his mid-30's.

Anyone think a guy like this has 2 nickels to invest?

Please don't feed the trolls.

Really, what harm has it done? To be honest, he's typically polite about it, so trolling or not, I've certainly seen worse in my time. I can't speak for others, but I'm simply old enough for this to not bother me in the slightest....
Gazrok, great question.

It's not a matter of "is this troll worse than the last one". That's like asking is this murderer worse than the last murderer? It's a matter of discipline and risk.

A key problem I see is that Tom is leading conversations on these forums. If he wanted to quietly read our comments, great. But look at the forums that he is on, he's starting topics that do nothing but divide us. He is leading the conversations, there is the danger. And guys here wasting their time either trying to help a guy who's a constant liar (and I can prove that: either he makes $15/hr or he's wanting to invest. He's said both and they both cannot be true) or getting sucked into discussions that have no business here. "Should prostitution be legal", what good could possible come out of that?

If Tom truly wanted to learn, he'd answer the many questions he's been asked. No, he is here to start trouble. So the questions to you Gazrok: do you want to hold poisonous snakes (well, if they are polite snakes that is)? Do you want to follow the lead of (at best) a lost dork or (more likely) a trouble maker? Do you walk into a bar and go straight up to the biggest, most violent looking drunk guy and start having a logical conversation? Do you want to be in conversations started by the local drug dealer or scam artist, what good possibly could come of this?

Sure, we can have more conversations on these forums to liven them up. But let US lead those topics and chose what WE think are important to discuss. Do not follow the lead of your enemy, it will not end well.

I hope this answers your question. Do you see just now how he is dividing the two of us?
Just in case some of you missed this, "Tom" is our local liberal Troll. He's said that his Bach/Masters degrees are in "Women's Studies". That he makes a whole $15/hr. I suspect he's living in mommy's basement. And he's in his mid-30's.

Anyone think a guy like this has 2 nickels to invest?

Please don't feed the trolls.

I was actually planning on investing $500 using an online investment company. Sure, it's not a lot of money, but it would make me feel pretty good about my financial situation.
My opinion is no one can lead you anywhere you don't want to go. If you are offended or bothered by anyone's posts, simply don't read them. If you do read them and don't agree with them, simply don't let it get under your skin. Yes, some of the topics were provocative, but you took the bait and allowed it to bother you. There is a lot of room for everyone to have their own ideas and opinions in this world. The best I can advise is do what you think is right for you, just don't think that your opinions and ideas are right for everyone else.
Throw in some controversy and a lib a tard responds with some actual "I want to invest" I have so wanted too call him out, but have yet to do so. Honestly I think I may have more muscle power than he does in his leotards..
Throw in some controversy and a lib a tard responds with some actual "I want to invest" I have so wanted too call him out, but have yet to do so. Honestly I think I may have more muscle power than he does in his leotards..

I'm a pretty muscular guy believe it or not. I lift weights.
Trying to have an intelligent conversation with someone who constantly contradicts himself is like trying to sweep the sand off the beach...
Latest example:
I'm a pretty muscular guy believe it or not. I lift weights.
Hey guys. I didn't play sports so I never lifted weights in my life.
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Trying to have an intelligent conversation with someone who constantly contradicts himself is like trying to sweep the sand off the beach...
Latest example:

Doc, thank goodness I remembered and wasn't drinking water while I read your post. Boy oh boy, this "Tom" character is like shooting fish in a barrel.

But it's all in how you interpret it. You know, like Bill Clinton never had sex. "Tom" lifted weights for 8 years in his accelerated college program, 12 oz at a time. Built up his right arm like you can't believe. Oh wait, was that something else? Hang on, "Tom", is your real name Anthony? Anthony Weiner? Didn't AW have a degree in pervert studies? Or was that post-graduate independent work?
Trying to have an intelligent conversation with someone who constantly contradicts himself is like trying to sweep the sand off the beach...
Latest example:

I started lifting weights after beginning ballet.
I started lifting weights after beginning ballet.

ROTFLMAO. A guy starts ballet, AND starts pumping iron! Because nothing goes together more naturally than ballet and lifting weights. Then SNAP, he's suddenly muscular. What did it take, 3 weeks to bulk up? LMAO.

I have to change my example, shooting a fish in a barrel is too difficult. Shooting a fish taped to the end of the barrel is a more accurate illustration. Has anyone found the village missing their idiot yet?
Honestly for me. it is the indecisiveness of all your post. It seems that you are trying to get validations on your every big move. When a member post about having a new babe born and an hour later you are asking if we think kids are worth having?? And if you should have one?? If you are asking a bunch of people who really do not know you, then the answer is no. (I know this is another post) Are they worth having, heck yes! For some not all. . . my sis is one who knew she didn't want any. The only person who could really answer certain questions you are asking others is YOU! Grow a backbone. . . I do have to agree with some others that you just REALLY DO get a kick on stirring things up around here.
I started lifting weights after beginning ballet.
Ummm, yeah, right :rolleyes:

Posted Feb 10th, 2017:
Hey guys. I didn't play sports so I never lifted weights in my life. I don't really want to hurt my body lifting

Posted March 4th, 2017:
I was researching different types of exercises and classes that might help with my balance, strength, and flexibility, and WOW I hit the jackpot with ballet. I feel like I'm going to be a lot stronger, especially in my legs and core.

Posted March 24th, 2017:
I'm a pretty muscular guy believe it or not. I lift weights.
Still think I could take him in an arm wrestling match left handed! Had a boss a few years ago tell that to some Mexican he had working. . . hands down I won. Then they brought in a Habanero. . . Yeah, I ate it but dang I felt it all through that night