Fitness? What do you do for fitness, if anything?

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Dec 3, 2017
I know that for many years, my life was too full to do anything for fitness, other than just going on about my day.
I have belonged to a gym and was a regular there for a few years. I have also walked a few miles a day for fitness.
My former neighbor had a Wii fitness app and after using it for a while, I could tell a big difference. He told me it was the dance app that he used the most.
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I always plan to do pushups, sit ups, and use my dumbbells.
But my “get around to it” seems to be broken.
I work three or four days a week, getting in and out of a delivery pickup truck, lifting and carrying anything from a one pound part to a 50 pound battery. This at least keeps my body moving and stretching.
Then there’s always work around the farm.

I do use the dumbbells several times a week in an attempt to build my shoulders, arms, and chest.
At age 75 I feel I’m still moving fairly well.
I was in a gym once in my life, earlier this year, when I was offered a six-week block of exercise classes for 20. We did boxercise, treadmill and some other stuff, but I have no interest driving anywhere to exercise so I didn't continue. I'm less fit during the winter as I'm at the desk, as opposed to gardening, so I do have to walk more. I found two YouTube videos, one easy 5-minute and one mildly harder 10 minute that I do with the sound off, listening instead to some 80s pop. I should do it every day, as I have a condition that will catch up with me one day, but I don't. Maybe this year! The best exercise is dancing!
My job!! Reaching, bending, crawling, etc.! Everyday life! At home, walking the dog, grooming the donkey, yard work. I do want to make time this year to take Bear to the hike/bike trails more often!
No doubt that cleaning houses and other buildings is a workout.

Fairly recently I watched Kingsman: The Secret Service. A song came on that got stuck in my head. KC and the Sunshine Band: Give it Up. I have no idea why it stuck in my head. It was not a song I had listened to when I was younger, but this song made me want to dance. I am not a dancer, per se. I looked for the song and saw that it is a song that is used for exercise. Zumba, a dancing exercise class has used it in many of their routines.
I do know someone who has participated in Zumba for many years. I get it now. Dancing for exercise.

I consider my job is my main workout and walking my dogs as much as my feet let me.
I'd really like to start jogging again but my feet..uggh ...I think the plantar fascia in both are toast..they kill me daily.
I gotta get this resolved...
My place keeps me active n moving n critters..
New Years Resolution: Walk more and be more active. I hate this time of year when the weather is bad and you can't get outside. I love playing golf and even practicing. If that isn't exercise why I am covered with sweat after I do it? I really miss that at this time of year.

I really can't run anymore, but there is no reason not to take a brisk walk.

On a serious side I don't exercise. I'm going to try to do more.
I used to do all sorts of sports ( skiing, running, step aerobics, martial arts) , other than downhill skiing which we only got to do once a year for a week while we lived in Florida the thing I enjoyed the most was the step aerobics
oh and the martial arts ( I did a variety of them starting as a teenager in judo then later Karate and here in the US Taek won do)

looked it up, this is about what we did in the step class, except I had 2 steps . We had an absolute awesome male step instructor at the Y in Orlando

but now I just take the dogs for a walk up the mountain and go swimming when we have time
My accident has damaged my foot enough to not be able to do anything else now. I can jog a short distance and then my foot hurts. So no go
We get enough exercise just working

now I am depressed :( , too old , bad foot , too fat to even think about doing this anymore
weird too, even 10 years ago I could still do this

On a serious side I don't exercise. I'm going to try to do more.
Try mine...
I do a large number of arm-curls with 12-ounce beer cans every day 🤪!

On a serious side I don't exercise. I'm going to try to do more.

The only line I run to anymore is the buffet line. Truthfully, I don't run anywhere anymore. I just waddle quickly.
I have a home gym in my basement. I have an elliptical and a treadmill (which I hardly ever use) and many other weights, bands, steps, medicine balls, foam rollers, etc. If I want to jog or walk, I'll go outside. I have a big screen TV with a DVD/VCR combo. I still do some of my oldie VHS workouts. Plus, I walk the dogs typically at least twice per day.

I have a variety of home exercise DVD's that I use 4-5 days per week and have been doing so for about 30 years now. It's just part of my life. Some of them are heavy weights, lighter weights with high reps, total body, splits, cardio, drill w/o's, step w/o's, etc. I have almost all of Cathe's DVD's in addition to many other instructors. If I could never buy another DVD, I'd still be set for life on workouts. I have plenty that I haven't done. I typically like to do at least 2 days of heavy weights and 2 metabolic or Hiit workouts that pull a good sweat to keep the lymphatic system running smoothly.

I could never go to a gym. It takes too much time. I couldn't imagine having to drive somewhere, change clothes, workout, change clothes again, and then drive home. Nope. I wear my ratty workout clothes, go down to my basement to workout, come back upstairs, take a shower and then move on with life. It's just so much easier to not have to deal with people and all the hassle of going to a gym.
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The only line I run to anymore is the buffet line. Truthfully, I don't run anywhere anymore. I just waddle quickly.
Me too!
I got my workout in yesterday.
I estimate that we walked over 13 miles.
Been in 'recovery' today :rolleyes:.
Spring & Summer I use a walk behind mow to cut grass. I drive out to the farm & change the equipment & cut, mow, level.
Most of it I am sitting down, but there is some walking, a few times I have cut up a dead tree or limped up tree limbs on pathways.
When it is raining or just cold out, I use a fifteen pound weight to keep my muscles firm. There is gardening & repotting plants also.
Other than fasting to keep my weight down, that it.
Me too!
I got my workout in yesterday.
I estimate that we walked over 13 miles.
Been in 'recovery' today :rolleyes:.

WOW! I hope there was quite a reward at the end of that hike. 😮
I have no workout. I just live life with work, coming home to do household chores, then feed and do whatever else needs to happen with critters. Somedays it nothing, but others we need to do trimming or medicating. Just depends. My next medicating date in Jan 14th. Right now I have about 35 goat, but I am expecting at least a couple more before then. It took us 2 days this last month. The BIG boys can be a challenge. My biggest, Duke, who is probably close to 300lbs was the easiest. My Hunny was worried. Ha! He is the biggest baby. He came right over and sucked the meds down. With his size, I had to give him a seacond syring, again slurping it up. Others had to get man handled. . . THAT is my workout.
There are times when my job is my workout, and it's brutal. Other times I sit on my butt all day in an operator's seat. I try to lift weights 2x/week but I don't always get it done. I have really slacked off on cardio. Before it got cold, I was doing some hiking/trail walking at Ledges state park once or twice a week. I have a membership to Anytime fitness through my job. I got a little time on the recumbent bike there yesterday. I still have my membership at my local gym too but I haven't gone enough recently. I need to get back to it. Exercise is vital for a type 1 diabetic...
For general fitness, most adults should aim for 10,000 steps per day, with fewer than 5,000 steps being a sign of a sedentary lifestyle. However, the number of steps a person walks on average will depend on a person’s age, current fitness level, and health goals.
This recommendation comes from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Trusted Source.

Walking is an effective form of low impact exercise that can help people improve or maintain their physical fitness.

In this article, we look in more detail at how many steps people should take each day for:

  • general health
  • weight loss
  • physical strength
We also look at the requirements for different age groups and sexes and explain how to take more steps each day.

Walking is a form of low impact, moderate intensity exercise that has a range of health benefits and few risks. As a result, the CDC recommend that most adults aim for 10,000 steps per dayTrusted Source. For most people, this is the equivalent of about 8 kilometers, or 5 miles.
Most people in the United States only take 3,000–4,000 steps per dayTrusted Source, which equates to about 1.5–2 miles. As doctors generally consider fewer than 5,000 steps per day to be sedentary, this means that many people in the U.S. are not getting as many steps as they should to benefit their health.
According to the Arthritis Foundation, walking can improve:
  • muscle strength
  • range of motion
  • blood flow
  • flexibility
  • balance, which can help prevent falls
  • joint stiffness
  • mood and sleep
  • breathing
Walking can also help improve or prevent certain health conditions, such as obesity, osteoporosis, and age-related memory loss.
The benefits of walking appear to increase with step count. A 2020 study found that participants who took 8,000 steps per day had a 51% lower riskTrusted Source of dying by any cause compared with those who took 4,000 per day.
This trend continued with higher step counts, as participants who took 12,000 steps per day had a 65% lower risk of dying than those who took 4,000.
This finding suggests that the benefits of walking increase with step count but also shows that people who cannot reach 10,000 steps in a day can still benefit from the activity.

How many steps to take for weight loss​

The number of steps to take for weight loss can vary depending on an individual’s current weight, food intake, and target weight. However, 10,000 steps is a good goal for most people.
Some evidence suggests that for weight loss, exercise intensity is also important.
A 2018 analysis Trusted Source of 363 people with obesity found that those who took 10,000 steps per day and spent at least 3,500 of those steps engaged in moderate-to-vigorous activity lasting for bouts of 10 minutes or longer experienced enhanced weight loss.
Keeping up this level of activity helped participants maintain their weight loss until the 18-month follow-up.
The study included a mix of white, Black, Latinx, and Asian participants, most of whom were female. However, the researchers state that further clinical trials are necessary to validate these results.
I consider my job is my main workout and walking my dogs as much as my feet let me.
I'd really like to start jogging again but my feet..uggh ...I think the plantar fascia in both are toast..they kill me daily.
I gotta get this resolved...
My place keeps me active n moving n critters..
That’s miserable 😩. I’m sure everyone is different, but when Hubby was dealing with PF, the foot braces to wear during the night are what helped him. He said they were annoying to sleep with but better than being in pain. He still uses the shoe inserts (Birkenstock) made for PF and it stays pretty much under control.
That’s miserable 😩. I’m sure everyone is different, but when Hubby was dealing with PF, the foot braces to wear during the night are what helped him. He said they were annoying to sleep with but better than being in pain. He still uses the shoe inserts (Birkenstock) made for PF and it stays pretty much under control.
3 things helped me.

#1 - I lost 25 pounds.
#2 - I wore an overnight brace.
#3 - I started using Spenco "Total Support Max" insoles in all my shoes and boots. I recommend them for anyone who has PF...

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