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psalm 7

Awesome Friend
Nov 1, 2013
Middle TN
I was driving through my small home town the other day and got behind a van with a big British Flag in the back glass . I looked at the licens plate and it was a neighboring County that is the most closed communitie that I know of in TN . Its very rural and in the Cumberland Plataue/Mnts . Some one can just drive across the the County Line and be treated like a outsider but this Brit found his home there . LOL
Anywhere you look you will find a Brit someplace, anywhere there is a bar or a pub you will find a Scot, anywhere where they are building something you will find and Irishman and anywhere things are being blown up or killed you will find and Englishman :)
Up and down the coast here in Washington you will see the Union Jack not that all are English just that a lot of English history here from the Hudson's Bay Trading Company with it's headquarters at Ft. Vancouver here in Vancouver Washington not far from me, in fact many places here where named by the British, we also have many Englishman living here and yes, we have many bars/pubs. :)
Lots of Brits here in FL. They come for holiday, then decide to move here.
Which is great, some good pubs opened up because of it, where I can get some pretty authentic Shepherd's Pie or Fish and Chips. Granted, British cuisine isn't all that, but I do like these two.
Lots of Brits here in FL. They come for holiday, then decide to move here.
Which is great, some good pubs opened up because of it, where I can get some pretty authentic Shepherd's Pie or Fish and Chips. Granted, British cuisine isn't all that, but I do like these two.
Hey Gaz any country that puts cheese into aerosols cannot complain about British food :)
Well, you got me there.

But then again, you guys put cake in a can....(Spotted Dick)

Let's not forget:

Sussex Pond Pudding
Black Pudding (or Blood Pudding)
Jellied Eels
Haggis (you don't even want to know what's in this)
Laverbread (it's not bread, you evil tricksters!)
Stargazey Pie (you're supposed to throw away the fish heads and tails guys!)

Still want to do this? :D
21 day hung roast beef dinner, mashed potato, goose fat covered roast potatos, swede, garden peas, Yorkshire Pudding, gravy made from the beef stock.


Tinned Bacon grill survival food of choice for soldiers and preppers :)
Oh and that Chocolate bar that has no chocolate in it, .......... Macies, Hershey or something???? Hershey god who ever invented that should be hung.
I have this thing about eating organs, I suppose...

As for black pudding, I'm going to steer away from anything with "congealed blood" as an ingredient.
Who the hell thinks of these things?

I love grits though. Especially with seafood...really goes well with it. Add some butter and bacon, and grits are excellent with it.
Anyone watch anthony bourdaine? He has a show on the travel channel. He travels the world, eating the most unusual and disgusting things around. The guys my hero! He will try anything, still wiggling or dead for a year!