Friday Fives

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1) Never. 2) Sam (LOTR). 3) A turtle when I was bit me! 4) At a graduation party! Some guy grabbed my rear.....he ended up flat on the floor!!😃😉. 5) At a party when I was 18! Thanks for the questions @Magus you have to nominate the next victim!!
Have you ever woken up somewhere and did not know how you got there?
Kinda. I've woken up places and wondered where the heck I was and how I got there, but my memory kicked in and it was all good.

What was your favorite movie character, real or fictional?
Mal Reynolds

What kind of pet did you have and you said "Never again!"
Dwarf hamsters, but I'd pretty much nix any rodent.

When was the first time you punched somebody in the face?
Sixth grade

When did you first get properly drunk?
Sixth grade

j/k First year of college. It took me years to reacquire a taste for Jack Daniels.
Kinda. I've woken up places and wondered where the heck I was and how I got there, but my memory kicked in and it was all good.

Mal Reynolds

Dwarf hamsters, but I'd pretty much nix any rodent.

Sixth grade

Sixth grade

j/k First year of college. It took me years to reacquire a taste for Jack Daniels.
You had an exciting sixth grade year!!😮
1 Yes and never mind!
2 Chewbaca, we're about the same size and we look alike.
3 Never had a bad one. I love all animals.
4 3rd grade, bully pushed me into the mud. I cleaned his clock. We both got in trouble.
5 Christmas Eve 1977. A pal and I got a bottle of 100 proof Vodka and began. I woke up Christmas day and there were all kinds of people crashed out all over the house. Several people told me I was the hit of the party. I won 3 chess games, told a bunch of jokes and kept the party hopping. I don't remember anything about a party, chess or telling any jokes. Never touched Vodka again!
Have you ever woken up somewhere and did not know how you got there?
What was your favorite movie character, real or fictional?
What kind of pet did you have and you said "Never again!"
When was the first time you punched somebody in the face?
When did you first get properly drunk?

Several times, even if I wasn't drinking.

Han Solo or Mad Max.

100 mice I raised for a psychology experiment.

My "best buddy" watched three jocks beat me up and did nothing. his nose is still a bit crooked.

It was graduation night. My Dad bought me a half gallon of peach brandy to keep me from going out partying with my friends. After forty years, I still gag if I see a bottle!
1. It's possible, but I'm not remembering any time that stands out. I occasionally awaken disoriented for a few minutes ..not knowing where or when I am anyways so...

2. I have a hard time picking many from Mel Gibson in mad max to Laura Ingles, Lassie, flipper, Harrison Ford, star trek, Starbuck and adama in Battlestar Galactica, Mal n Jane in firefly, Jim cavesil in a thin red line , the Harry potter kids, n on n on..

3. I had a bird once. I really loved it and realized I was too busy in my career to properly give it the attention it needed. Birds bond deeply with their people, so knowing this I will not have another pet bird if I can't give it what it needs. Same with the grew to dislike me because I caged it at night. I hated to put it in a cage too but my mother..

4. I was often in fights so I really don't recall the first time..I do recall 5th n 6 grade to be particularly violent..either getting hit or hitting back. I was a better kicker tho..I took dance lessons all through grade school up to collage upper body was typical girly..not sporty or strong enough to pack a punch..but I could kick the crap outta someone ..high or legs were flexible n packed a wollop on anyone that gave me $hit..
I remember a gal that used to bully me in 7th band class I finally had enough n wacked her over the head with her own music stand while in class. 8 grade I poured that cement glue all over a boys seat on a day he was wearing shorts..hairy legs..he wacked me with his binder and I wacked him with a book , kicked his desk seat he was pealing himself off of the glue..
People stopped messing with me after that probably because I'd get back n pick a fight back in class and was unconventional in what I'd do. I didn't wait for the field standoffs anymore, I just would explode as I felt it at that point. In the 70's n early 80's , so long as kids wernt actually killing eachother , getting in fights, bullied or being a bully was largely ignored by adults.

5. First time drunk...humm..probably around 13 ish? i think I got high on weed b4 I ever got drunk. I had access to alcohol but didn't like it much so left it alone untill high school parties really.. Maybe actually full on drunk like 15 ish at a party on a dirt road. Growing up in a small rural town it was always a party either on a dirt road or in the back 40..
Ok..not as original or thoughtful as I like but I ended up not having the time to catch up n do stuff like I wanted..but here ya go...

1. In your world , does mind, body and spirit equate to consciousness as a whole or do your involve this at all in your view of consciousness? How do you define it?

2. What combination of items that you might buy that might make a cashier raise a eyebrow?

3. Does only motivation matter in someone's action even if the result is morally good but the motivation in the first place was based on some kind of manipulation of impression?

4. If you could change , remove or add one law which would it be and why?

5. If you could choose to shape-shift at will into two animals or creatures what would they be and why?
AWESOME QUESTIONS @Hooch!!! 1) Mind , body, and spirit in my opinion are three separate things that work together to make a whole, to make consciousness! I feel one's spirit ( energy) will (at least in part) be with other bodies and minds throughout it's existence!! I feel one's spirit (energy) shapes the minds it will reside in, and the mind (and spirit) use the physical body! 2) Not a combination of different items, but when I buy 4 gallons of milk at a time it raises many eyebrows! We drink a lot of milk!! 3) Unfortunately it (motivation) does still matter even if it was/is not based on good intentions! If something good came out of it, then someone benefited from that motivation! It at least matters to the beneficiary!! 4) I would add a law that people could not have children unless they are financially and mentally fit to raise them!! 5) I would not want to be anything other than human!! Thanks so much Hooch for the brain exercises!! Again, awesome questions!!
1. In your world , does mind, body and spirit equate to consciousness as a whole or do your involve this at all in your view of consciousness? How do you define it?

2. What combination of items that you might buy that might make a cashier raise a eyebrow?

3. Does only motivation matter in someone's action even if the result is morally good but the motivation in the first place was based on some kind of manipulation of impression?

4. If you could change , remove or add one law which would it be and why?

5. If you could choose to shape-shift at will into two animals or creatures what would they be and why?

1.) I equate consciousness only to my mind. The body does what the mind tells it to do, and the spirit I consider an entirely different entity.

2.) Feminine products I am buying for my wife.

3.) I don't even try to consider what someone's motivation might be when they act. IMHO you can have good/proper motivation and have a bad result just as easily as having bad or no motivation and have a good result. I guess to answer the question, motivation does not matter to me. You know the old adage: No good deed goes unpunished.

4.) For me it would be the 8th Amendment. I wouldn't repeal it, but I would certainly interpret it differently. IMHO there are some crimes where punishment cannot be cruel and unusual enough. When someone commits a particularly heinous crime, they should be punished severely.

5.) I would shapeshift into a Grizzly Bear on land and an Orca in the sea. I guess I would always want to be the Apex predator wherever I am.

Great questions, Hooch. Really made me think. Thanks for stepping up.
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Ok..not as original or thoughtful as I like but I ended up not having the time to catch up n do stuff like I wanted..but here ya go...

1. In your world , does mind, body and spirit equate to consciousness as a whole or do your involve this at all in your view of consciousness? How do you define it?

2. What combination of items that you might buy that might make a cashier raise a eyebrow?

3. Does only motivation matter in someone's action even if the result is morally good but the motivation in the first place was based on some kind of manipulation of impression?

4. If you could change , remove or add one law which would it be and why?

5. If you could choose to shape-shift at will into two animals or creatures what would they be and why?
1. haven't thought about it, I think mind body and spirit are just all a combination of molecules at the end
Not sure
2. LOL they look at us funny and sort of annoyed when we show up with 2 fully loaded carts to the top ( since we try to not go shopping so much)
3. Matter to who? Motivation is good if it produces results that benefit you, or someone you care about. I personally think all motivation based on only your pride is very bad and all results are also bad. ( example motivation to accumulate money just so you can up one your friends )
4. thats an easy one, Federal removal permanently of ALL marijuana related laws. ( just that, not other drugs)
5. a fly on the wall at some politicians houses just to see what they really say, a bird that can fly a long way so I wouldn't have to ever get into a plane

great questions!!
Spending time with the family and missed last week, so here’s those answers

Have you ever woken up somewhere and did not know how you got there?
Oh yes. Lost a truck that I had to get 3 days later.
What was your favorite movie character, real or fictional?
Captain America
What kind of pet did you have and you said "Never again!"
When was the first time you punched somebody in the face?
I was five. Neighbors set up a no-gloves boxing match between me and their cousin (also five). I didn’t know what to do so I kept hitting him in the face until the older kids broke it up.
When did you first get properly drunk?
On deployment. After a bad day, a buddy had gin. Probably the first time I woke up not knowing how I got there.
Ok..not as original or thoughtful as I like but I ended up not having the time to catch up n do stuff like I wanted..but here ya go...

1. In your world , does mind, body and spirit equate to consciousness as a whole or do your involve this at all in your view of consciousness? How do you define it?

2. What combination of items that you might buy that might make a cashier raise a eyebrow?

3. Does only motivation matter in someone's action even if the result is morally good but the motivation in the first place was based on some kind of manipulation of impression?

4. If you could change , remove or add one law which would it be and why?

5. If you could choose to shape-shift at will into two animals or creatures what would they be and why?
I didn't have the energy to answer last night when I got home..just wanted to get them out for all you early risers. I'm up now so, I'll answer now..

1. I think all 3 are important to acknowledge and attempt to take care of as part of this experience on this earthy rhelm. Our bodies (mind, body) , I believe , is the vehicle for our spirit/soul (the driver) to physically experience this reality on earth and that frequency ( like a glue from the ether )that is the all in the universe n it comes from god consciousness that is in everything and is everywhere.
I could go on but that's the gist on how I see that part of this experience..

2. One time cashiering, a person bought some alcohol like booze, KY, rubbers, toilet bowl cleaner , n laxatives n a few" ok..your total is 19.99, then I hand back change.."here you go..have fun!" I said person takes bags and gives me a wink..

3. I think motivation based on genuine feelings to be apart of something is important and likely aligns best with the spirit of good intentions n all the good mojo.
I know I have been apart of something I really didn't want to do and might have never done had it not been for a friend asking me to help out. As it was... in the Genesis of whatever it was I was asked to participate in, my motivation wasn't initially to help the cause. But... finding myself in the moment of giving my time n energy I saw the benefit and joy not just to help a friend or do something cool but that my participation helped make a difference to something or someone.
That planted a seed in me to be more involved and really resonates with that saying, "Be the change you wish to see."
I've seen that happen to others too builds community and feeds the spirit.

4. I struggle with this on harder issues..but to keep it simple...
I'd like to eliminate property and most income taxes, change the laws in regards to it. What I buy is mine and if our country/states are to truly be prosperous and productive wouldn't need to steal it's people's wages to have wealth n prosperity. And I think people would/might be more motivated to participate in that wealth when it equates to their own wellbeing because the cycle of that wealth, good infrastructure, Healthcare, products n services would be directly in relation to a state's inhabitants ability to produce or trade for what is needed. The more someone participated..the more wealth they got and the wealthy n productive the state got..the better it could take care of the people who made it happen.

5. I think a mermaid 🧜🧜🧜‍♀️ would be fun. I'd explore the warm oceans for sunken treasures and see it's beauty without
I think I'd choose a Raven next. They can fly n soar to explore the skies and landscape below, they are smart and have a wonderful sense of joy . If you ever get a chance to watch ravens's fun to witness. They are loyal, mate for life and can eat a wide variety of food, so their not very limited on where they can be. What a fun combo of things to be.
And for todays.
1. In your world , does mind, body and spirit equate to consciousness as a whole or do your involve this at all in your view of consciousness? How do you define it?
I think the mind is conscience and the body and spirit follow what it tells them. The soul is eternal, it’s why the moment of death, when the soul leaves, a body starts cooling to room temperature. It’s also why people who are in a coma can remember conversations.

2. What combination of items that you might buy that might make a cashier raise an eyebrow? Anything feminine for the wife or daughter. I usually pick up some bourbon for myself when that happens, which isn’t often thank goodness.

3. Does only motivation matter in someone's action even if the result is morally good but the motivation in the first place was based on some kind of manipulation of impression? If something good comes out of it for the whole, I’m not against it.

4. If you could change , remove or add one law which would it be and why? Taxes on property eliminated and selective service more fair (either we all can get drafted or only those who get the opportunity to die for their country can vote on certain issues)

5. If you could choose to shape-shift at will into two animals or creatures what would they be and why? A horse, very majestic animal

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