Friday Fives

Homesteading & Country Living Forum

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1. What is your favorite smell?
Money!! :D
2. How far would you ride your bike as a kid?
About 2-3 miles. When I turned 14, my 'bike' had 4 wheels and a 7hp engine. 10+ miles was easy.:)
3. Do you listen to your heart or your brain?
Neither... My wife will quickly tell you that I don't listen to ANYTHING! 🤣
4. How do you feel about plastic surgery?
Not for me. What others do is their choice, don't care...However, some could use a lot more! :oops:🤣
5. Name a Halloween costume you remember wearing as a kid.
Always a clown... The only day I could be myself. 😁
Have an awesome Friday guys! Here's your questions du jour:
1. What is your favorite smell?

While I enjoy chocolate chip cookies and bread baking the smell of fresh growth of an English walnut tree is incredible. Sulfur reminds of my grandmother back when they heated with coal. I also like the smell of skunk.

2. How far would you ride your bike as a kid?

Ten miles round trip to visit friends 5 miles away.

3. Do you listen to your heart or your brain?

Brain mostly.

4. How do you feel about plastic surgery?

Fine for repairs. I had it done when I was in 3rd grade to repair a cleft palette.

5. Name a Halloween costume you remember wearing as a kid

A cave man complete with paper mache feet built over old sneakers.
1. I would have to say the forest. Second would be sausage on a bbq.

2. I really don't know but miles I'm sure. There was a country store about 3 miles away I would spend my money at.

3. Toss up. Heart gets me in trouble and brain has more than enough people in it already.

4. Hard stuff but I did manage a nice looking repair on a lawnmower tank and a couple ice chests.

5. I remember going as a pirate.
Have an awesome Friday guys! Here's your questions du jour:
1. What is your favorite smell?
2. How far would you ride your bike as a kid?
3. Do you listen to your heart or your brain?
4. How do you feel about plastic surgery?
5. Name a Halloween costume you remember wearing as a kid
1. My girlfriend's perfume
2. As a young kid under 12, maybe only a couple miles away from the house, but we would go as a group a couple miles away sixteen different directions. So we got around. As an older kid, I'd bike 20+ miles in one direction without thinking about it. See the answer to question #1.
3. When possible, my brain. When practical, my heart will veto my brain. This is why I'm still married.
4. I don't like it if it's done for vanity. Getting a **** job, or botox for lips? No. That's repulsive. For cosmetically rebuilding features like a missing nose, I have no problem with it.
5. My neurotic parents rarely let me go out on halloween. I've made up for it in my later years, however. A couple years ago, I was a truly repulsive zombie with chunks of flesh dangling off my face. Loved it!! :D
Have an awesome Friday guys! Here's your questions du jour:
1. What is your favorite smell?
2. How far would you ride your bike as a kid?
3. Do you listen to your heart or your brain?
4. How do you feel about plastic surgery?
5. Name a Halloween costume you remember wearing as a kid

1. cookies baking or Peonies ( sp?), they are flowers
2. I didn't. I never liked riding a bike, didn't learn till I was like 12 and then didn't go anywhere with it
3. brain mostly
4. totally ok, I had some in my early 40s because my eyelids were drooping bad enough to cause vision problems later ( happened to grandma) , but even people that do it for vanity I am ok with. Nobody should have to go through life ugly if it is fixable
5. didn't have halloween but we had Fastnacht ( like Mardi Grass) and I was a Funkenmarieschen a few times
Happy Friday, folks!

1. You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family. Would you say you're more aligned with or trusting of friends or family?

2. What task, preferably about prepping, have you been meaning to do but haven't gotten around to doing? (And now that you're letting us know, we'll be sure to ask often if you've done it yet.)

3. What country would you most like to visit that you've never visited before and why?

4. Do you prefer living in an area with distinct seasons - with potentially huge shifts in temperature - or living in an area where the temperature remains pretty much the same year 'round?

5. What's the worst advice you've ever given?
1 I know what to expect from my family, and a few friends.
2. organizing the mess in my shop
3. don't really care that way.
4. distinct seasons
5. hold my beer and watch this.
Have an awesome Friday guys! Here's your questions du jour:
1. What is your favorite smell?
2. How far would you ride your bike as a kid?
3. Do you listen to your heart or your brain?
4. How do you feel about plastic surgery?
5. Name a Halloween costume you remember wearing as a kid
1.the smell of my Dad's barn,
2. til someone crashed
4 I wouldn't do it but 'sometimes the results are nice, but the person usually isn't
5. bed sheet ghosts
1. My girlfriend's perfume
2. As a young kid under 12, maybe only a couple miles away from the house, but we would go as a group a couple miles away sixteen different directions. So we got around. As an older kid, I'd bike 20+ miles in one direction without thinking about it. See the answer to question #1.
3. When possible, my brain. When practical, my heart will veto my brain. This is why I'm still married.
4. I don't like it if it's done for vanity. Getting a **** job, or botox for lips? No. That's repulsive. For cosmetically rebuilding features like a missing nose, I have no problem with it.
5. My neurotic parents rarely let me go out on halloween. I've made up for it in my later years, however. A couple years ago, I was a truly repulsive zombie with chunks of flesh dangling off my face. Loved it!! :D
You have a girlfriend??🤔😮 Thought you were married!!?
Happy Friday, folks!

1. You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family. Would you say you're more aligned with or trusting of friends or family?

2. What task, preferably about prepping, have you been meaning to do but haven't gotten around to doing? (And now that you're letting us know, we'll be sure to ask often if you've done it yet.)

3. What country would you most like to visit that you've never visited before and why?

4. Do you prefer living in an area with distinct seasons - with potentially huge shifts in temperature - or living in an area where the temperature remains pretty much the same year 'round?

5. What's the worst advice you've ever given?
1. Probably Friends since I'm around them more at this point.
2. Build a cellar
3. Hum..there are many places I'd like to go..somewhere warm sounds good about now tho..New Zealand to see it's beauty, culture sounds good.
4. I've lived in both..having distinct seasons feels more rhythmic but as I age , mellow steady temps with slight subtle seasonal changes like coastal southern cali type weather is alluring ..more so if it wernt in cali, with all those issues. My neighbors go from northern fall weather to Arizona winter desert destinations for winter..sunny 70's..sounds good to me.

5. I don't know..I don't recall getting feedback on bad advice but im sure there has been times seems more like I should have listened to you type feedback.
I try to listen more anyway anymore unless someone asks for specific advice. My shoes are different and the , "if I were you...I'd..." kind of advice might not really jive with someone else's life, choices n perspective in the long run.
Good questions!

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