Friday Fives

Homesteading & Country Living Forum

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Disclaimer: I did not search back through all 1,404 posts to ensure these are not repeats. Roll with it and enjoy.

1. Think of a politician or celebrity you despise. What is one positive thing about them? I mean it, has to be positive and redeeming. No back handed compliments.
Jimmy Carter, terrible and heavily controlled President. Has done a lot of work for years helping poor folks get housing.

2. Name one anti-bucket list item. Something you experienced, possibly as a bucket list item, but in the end didn’t care for at all and never want to do again.
Not a bucket list item, but never would try again. Water sking

3. Imagine you opened a food truck in the area in which you reside. What type of cuisine would you sell and what would your specialty dish be?
Mexican, burritos

4. What is your most controversial belief? Something that goes against the mainstream, maybe even the mainstream thinking of this very forum.
Public hangings for murder, rape, treason, probably a few others. But you get the drift. I think if they were made public, many thugs would take a second though if they knew they would do "The Twist" if caught.

5. You are required to change you first name, but you get to select a new one. What would your new first name be?
Fred......Fred Fudpucker