Friday Fives

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@Pearl What questions ...maybe I did not understand well about to volunteer...
In Forum I can ...with no problem :)
Check out the "Friday Fives thread!! Someone makes up five questions for all of us to answer. Fun game! Any kind of questions, simple or complex! I'm doing tomorrow's, check out the thread and see if you are interested!💖
@Pearl What questions ...maybe I did not understand well about to volunteer...
In Forum I can ...with no problem :)
I can message you a basic "starter set". They aren't great but might give you things to think about and ask.
Well, I will post my questions tomorrow, I am nominating @jazzy for next week. @Ekatarina is going to check the thread out more and hopefully do it in the future! We need new blood, er victims, er participants!! Participants 😉
Just beware, it's hard to get money out of him!!
She heard incorrectly, the honor is in the asking of questions :fun fun:

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I figured I better get these posted and stop fooling around in other threads!! Here we go: 1) Do you talk to yourself, and if yes, out loud? 2) What size shoe do you wear, and how much has that changed in the past 10-15 years? 3) Are you generally OK with who you are as a person, or do you feel like you need to make any major changes? 4) Name 3 things in your everyday life that make you smile! 5) How many times have you been married? I have nominated Jazzy for next week's questions!😀
I figured I better get these posted and stop fooling around in other threads!! Here we go: 1) Do you talk to yourself, and if yes, out loud? 2) What size shoe do you wear, and how much has that changed in the past 10-15 years? 3) Are you generally OK with who you are as a person, or do you feel like you need to make any major changes? 4) Name 3 things in your everyday life that make you smile! 5) How many times have you been married? I have nominated Jazzy for next week's questions!😀
1) Do you talk to yourself, and if yes, out loud? Yes, but not out loud, I never listen.

2) What size shoe do you wear, and how much has that changed in the past 10-15 years? 8.5 wide, not much at all.

3) Are you generally OK with who you are as a person, or do you feel like you need to make any major changes? I R a masterpiece after all these years :)

4) Name 3 things in your everyday life that make you smile! Cats Purring, the dog snoring, watching Lori and Star have fun at the farm.

5) How many times have you been married? Once.
1) Do you talk to yourself, and if yes, out loud? 2) What size shoe do you wear, and how much has that changed in the past 10-15 years? 3) Are you generally OK with who you are as a person, or do you feel like you need to make any major changes? 4) Name 3 things in your everyday life that make you smile! 5) How many times have you been married?
1) Do you talk to yourself, and if yes, out loud?
I only started in talking to myself (out loud) in the last few years.

2) What size shoe do you wear, and how much has that changed in the past 10-15 years?
I wore a size 8 1/2 for most of my adult life until I went to school in Washington, D.C. and walked a lot. At the end of the first summer, I started wearing size 9. Now I wear a size 10.

3) Are you generally OK with who you are as a person, or do you feel like you need to make any major changes?
I'm okay.

4) Name 3 things in your everyday life that make you smile!
a. dogs
b. plants
c. coffee

5) How many times have you been married?
Once, and it was enough, in spite of how brief it was.
1) Do you talk to yourself, and if yes, out loud? Yes. My wife gets concerned when I answer myself.

2) What size shoe do you wear, and how much has that changed in the past 10-15 years? Depends on the brand. Usually 12 wide. Size hasn't changed. In fact, I loved one style of boot that I bought four pairs over at least a 15 year period. All the same size.

3) Are you generally OK with who you are as a person, or do you feel like you need to make any major changes? I am happy with myself.

4) Name 3 things in your everyday life that make you smile! My wife, looking at the wildlife in my front yard, grandkids.

5) How many times have you been married? Twice
I figured I better get these posted and stop fooling around in other threads!! Here we go: 1) Do you talk to yourself, and if yes, out loud? 2) What size shoe do you wear, and how much has that changed in the past 10-15 years? 3) Are you generally OK with who you are as a person, or do you feel like you need to make any major changes? 4) Name 3 things in your everyday life that make you smile! 5) How many times have you been married? I have nominated Jazzy for next week's questions!😀
1. not unless you count the occasional cussing when stuff goes wrong , but i do talk to the animals
2. 9 for regular shoes, 10 for boots so I can wear extra socks , lol always had big feet, no change
3. I would love to be a different person, but there isn't much I can do about it. I would have liked to look like a trophy wife and not had any anxiety issues but that's not something I had a choice about, oh wait, and I really hate being old ( physically)
4. dogs, goats, the birds I am feeding outside
5. 3 ( still married to 3)
1) Do you talk to yourself, and if yes, out loud? All the time. Out loud if it is something I need to remember.
2) What size shoe do you wear, and how much has that changed in the past 10-15 years? 9EEEE:oops:, same for over 20 years.
3) Are you generally OK with who you are as a person, or do you feel like you need to make any major changes? Yes. I made changes over the years and am done.
4) Name 3 things in your everyday life that make you smile! Wife, beer, the bed.
5) How many times have you been married? 2. Looked for 10-years to find the good one. :D
I figured I better get these posted and stop fooling around in other threads!! Here we go: 1) Do you talk to yourself, and if yes, out loud? 2) What size shoe do you wear, and how much has that changed in the past 10-15 years? 3) Are you generally OK with who you are as a person, or do you feel like you need to make any major changes? 4) Name 3 things in your everyday life that make you smile! 5) How many times have you been married? I have nominated Jazzy for next week's questions!😀
1. Yes, and Sometimes
2. Size 8, my feet got bigger when I had kids. 🙄
3. Yes, but there's always room for improvement...a lot of improvements
4. Giving my kids 💩, playing in my garden, loading my kayaks in the truck and heading to the lake!
5. Once
I figured I better get these posted and stop fooling around in other threads!! Here we go: 1) Do you talk to yourself, and if yes, out loud?
There's always a conversation or three going on in my head. On occasion, I'll belt out something verbal and it usually has to do with other drivers being idiots.
2) What size shoe do you wear, and how much has that changed in the past 10-15 years?
12 regular. Hasn't changed.
3) Are you generally OK with who you are as a person, or do you feel like you need to make any major changes?
Generally OK. I need to lose this Christmas weight and that will happen in the spring.
4) Name 3 things in your everyday life that make you smile!
My wife, my grandchildren and my pets.
5) How many times have you been married?
I have nominated Jazzy for next week's questions!😀
I second the motion.
1) Do you talk to yourself, and if yes, out loud?
Sometimes, I need a smart person advise.
2) What size shoe do you wear, and how much has that changed in the past 10-15 years? 10-1/2 or 11, none the same as high school.
3) Are you generally OK with who you are as a person, or do you feel like you need to make any major changes?
I like myself, even I could use some work, here & there.
4) Name 3 things in your everyday life that make you smile!
My wife, my children & plants.
5) How many times have you been married?
Once, seems to surprise class mates who I have not seen in years.
You are still married, still working there?
1) Do you talk to yourself, and if yes, out loud? Yes, in my head- I get answers then
2) What size shoe do you wear, and how much has that changed in the past 10-15 years? Size five here, which is your 7- though I buy my boots a little bigger these days because sizes seem to have changed a little
3) Are you generally OK with who you are as a person, or do you feel like you need to make any major changes? This is an interesting one; I'm obviously not ok if I'm trying to improve myself by studying? Sometimes I meet someone and think, I'd like to be more 'insert something here' but then I forget about it :)
4) Name 3 things in your everyday life that make you smile! Family, pets, nature
5) How many times have you been married? I've been lucky enough the once
I figured I better get these posted and stop fooling around in other threads!! Here we go: 1) Do you talk to yourself, and if yes, out loud? 2) What size shoe do you wear, and how much has that changed in the past 10-15 years? 3) Are you generally OK with who you are as a person, or do you feel like you need to make any major changes? 4) Name 3 things in your everyday life that make you smile! 5) How many times have you been married? I have nominated Jazzy for next week's questions!😀
I'm the only one who knows what I'm talking about. sometimes. it scares the hell out of people!

Size 12. not at all.

No. I'm not and I'm unable to effect the changes I need to make.

Reading the forum, wrestling with my tomcats, and packing a bong.

I have come close three times, each one ended in tragedy.
1) Do you talk to yourself, and if yes, out loud? Yes inside my head, occasionally out loud if I screw something up
2) What size shoe do you wear, and how much has that changed in the past 10-15 years? Usually 10.5 to 11, hasn’t changed in years
3) Are you generally OK with who you are as a person, or do you feel like you need to make any major changes? I’m alright, could lose some weight and drink a little less
4) Name 3 things in your everyday life that make you smile! Talk to my kids, read the Bible, sing
5) How many times have you been married? Just once and still am, God only allowed allowed to bless one woman on this earth with my awesomeness, sorry ladies…
1) Do you talk to yourself, and if yes, out loud? 2) What size shoe do you wear, and how much has that changed in the past 10-15 years? 3) Are you generally OK with who you are as a person, or do you feel like you need to make any major changes? 4) Name 3 things in your everyday life that make you smile! 5) How many times have you been married?

1.) Occassionally, and definitey out loud when I am driving.

2.) 11. It has gome up one size on the past 10 years.

3.) Yes. I am O.K. with who I am as a person, and I am also way to old to make any major changes.

4.) Breakfast. Watching reruns of the old Perry Mason TV show. Putting a rear end in a recliner.

5.) Once. Will be 49 years in May.

Great job Pearl. We all knew you would knock it out of the park. Can't wait for Jazzy next week.

Ekatarina, I hope you enjoy the thread, and take a turn. It is always fun.