Friday Fives

Homesteading & Country Living Forum

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Great questions.

1. What is the weirdest place you've ever fallen
asleep? At about 40,000 feet over the Indian Ocean in route to do some CAS

2. In your 'dream homestead' what would be the quirkiest feature in it, and why would you have it? Always wanted a Sherman tank, what I could do with that…

3. What was your nickname as a child? Skinny man

4. Is your hometown/place famous for anything? A few actors came from the nearest big town I guess.

5. If you were hosting us all for dinner/lunch-what would you cook? Probably pork loin or beef tenderloin
Ok, here I go!! 1. What's your favorite bread? Whole grain, toasted with butter(I rarely eat bread) 2. Who is the one person on this forum you would like to spend a day with?, Hooch 3. Do you like to go barefoot? I would like to but fallen arches and what I do needs good boots 4. If you were in the woods and saw a Bigfoot, would you tell anyone? Or just keep quiet because people might not believe you? Already say several and only mention it to select people.5. If you see someone being rude in the grocery store, what do you do?? Ask what is wrong, if that doesn't work, explain that just cause they are having a bad day or life, it doesn't need shared. So some LATE Friday Fives, have at it!!😃😉
Here's @Magpie's questions! These are some good ones!! Thanks Magpie!!
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1. the screen deck of a gravel crusher
2. the spaceport
3. I really did'nt have one, one of my older brothers called me Ike for some reason
4. What home town?
5. slow roast beef in my big dutch in my big outdoor fire thing, prolly do a mess of baked potatoes, properly not steamed in foil
Happy Friday, folks!

1. You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family. Would you say you're more aligned with or trusting of friends or family?

2. What task, preferably about prepping, have you been meaning to do but haven't gotten around to doing? (And now that you're letting us know, we'll be sure to ask often if you've done it yet.)

3. What country would you most like to visit that you've never visited before and why?

4. Do you prefer living in an area with distinct seasons - with potentially huge shifts in temperature - or living in an area where the temperature remains pretty much the same year 'round?

5. What's the worst advice you've ever given?
Awesome questions!! 1) Friends!! 2) Checking, refreshing my inside stored water! Storm season is upon us down here, power outages are likely. Gotta have good water!! 3) I have no desire to visit another country! 4) I could live in Yuma, warm all year, hot summers! 5) Go to college!! I didn't follow that advice! No regrets.
1. You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family. Would you say you're more aligned with or trusting of friends or family?

2. What task, preferably about prepping, have you been meaning to do but haven't gotten around to doing? (And now that you're letting us know, we'll be sure to ask often if you've done it yet.)

3. What country would you most like to visit that you've never visited before and why?

4. Do you prefer living in an area with distinct seasons - with potentially huge shifts in temperature - or living in an area where the temperature remains pretty much the same year 'round?

5. What's the worst advice you've ever given?

Great questions, bkt. Every one of them really makes you think.

1.) Depends on where I am. Where I live now I only have in-laws, so not really family. Here I would put more trust in friends. If I was closer to my brother and sister I would be closer to family.

2.) It is simple, and I am incredibly lazy for not having done it because it has been on the to-do list for months: I need to buy a couple more Silcock keys. No excuse, I just don't go to the store that carries them very often. Now I will have to get them, so I can report back next Friday. :thumbs:

3.) England. I haven't been there. Their history is entwined with ours. It has an interesting balance of history and upscale entertainment. I would love to go to the theatre there, and see the museums. I can speak, read, and write the language.

4.) I have lived in both, and I don't give a hoot about the seasons. One climate is fine with me, and I want it warm.

5) This would really only apply to high end athletes, but "Stay in School. Don't chase the money." Doesn't apply anymore. The money they get is exponentially more than they will ever earn in a normal job with a college degree.

Don't forget to find a willing participant for next week. :great:
Awesome questions!! 1) Friends!! 2) Checking, refreshing my inside stored water! Storm season is upon us down here, power outages are likely. Gotta have good water!! 3) I have no desire to visit another country! 4) I could live in Yuma, warm all year, hot summers! 5) Go to college!! I didn't follow that advice! No regrets.
Oops on #5.... Thought it was the worst advice I was given!! So the real answer is still the same! 😉
1. That depends on the people really- 50/50

2. We have to recover the polytunnel and finish the inside of barn

3. That depends on the day tbh- Probably Asian countries - there are individual spots I'd like to see

4. Its a little less seasonal here as the years go on. I'd like less rain but don't mind either way. There's something nice about 'harvest time' 'planting time etc.

5. 'I would' :D

They are brilliant- thank you @bkt
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1. I'm the only one left in my immediate family but love my cousins. Family first, friends get you in trouble

2. Creating a space for dry/canned foods and not going through them all the time

3. Not a country but Easter Island, I think Chile thinks it's theirs. To see the huge rock carvings and experience islander life. Or Bolivia to visit Puma Punku. Ancient site of buildings man did not create.

4. I'm old. Keep it close to the same year round. I want snow or broil I'll go find it.

5. We thought we might be behind a cop so I told my buddy "when in doubt gas it", he did. We had a nice talk with the state trooper.
1. You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family. Would you say you're more aligned with or trusting of friends or family?

Family is 50/50. My brother and his wife think like Lori and I, but I got a dingbat Democrat sister. Friends are mostly aligned politically.

2. What task, preferably about prepping, have you been meaning to do but haven't gotten around to doing? (And now that you're letting us know, we'll be sure to ask often if you've done it yet.)

Making a list of what I have and where it is. (1/2 the time I don't know where I am :p )

3. What country would you most like to visit that you've never visited before and why?

Never really wanted to see another country, too many places to visit in the USA.

4. Do you prefer living in an area with distinct seasons - with potentially huge shifts in temperature - or living in an area where the temperature remains pretty much the same year 'round?

Gotta have seasons so I can complain about them :p

5. What's the worst advice you've ever given?

I don't recall giving advice, at best you get a personal anecdote and how it turned out for me.
1. You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family. Would you say you're more aligned with or trusting of friends or family?
2. What task, preferably about prepping, have you been meaning to do but haven't gotten around to doing? (And now that you're letting us know, we'll be sure to ask often if you've done it yet.)
Planting fruit trees
3. What country would you most like to visit that you've never visited before and why?
4. Do you prefer living in an area with distinct seasons - with potentially huge shifts in temperature - or living in an area where the temperature remains pretty much the same year 'round?
Love having four seasons
5. What's the worst advice you've ever given?
Go to college. I wouldn’t give that as freely as I used to
1. You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family. Would you say you're more aligned with or trusting of friends or family?
Neither. It's been a rough ride!
2. What task, preferably about prepping, have you been meaning to do but haven't gotten around to doing? (And now that you're letting us know, we'll be sure to ask often if you've done it yet.)
Long-term fuel storage and more dehydrated food.
3. What country would you most like to visit that you've never visited before and why?
America sucks the least, why would I leave?
4. Do you prefer living in an area with distinct seasons - with potentially huge shifts in temperature - or living in an area where the temperature remains pretty much the same year 'round?
I like a bit of variety, but mostly I hate heat. I should have gone to Alaska when it was an option.
5. What's the worst advice you've ever given?
Computers are a joke; why buy stocks in it? (Probably windows or MAC)
1. You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family. Would you say you're more aligned with or trusting of friends or family?
2. What task, preferably about prepping, have you been meaning to do but haven't gotten around to doing? (And now that you're letting us know, we'll be sure to ask often if you've done it yet.)
Planting fruit trees
3. What country would you most like to visit that you've never visited before and why?
4. Do you prefer living in an area with distinct seasons - with potentially huge shifts in temperature - or living in an area where the temperature remains pretty much the same year 'round?
Love having four seasons
5. What's the worst advice you've ever given?
Go to college. I wouldn’t give that as freely as I used to

I too have always wanted to plant fruit trees. Maybe this will be the incentive to get it done. :thumbs:
Happy Friday, folks!

1. You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family. Would you say you're more aligned with or trusting of friends or family?

2. What task, preferably about prepping, have you been meaning to do but haven't gotten around to doing? (And now that you're letting us know, we'll be sure to ask often if you've done it yet.)

3. What country would you most like to visit that you've never visited before and why?

4. Do you prefer living in an area with distinct seasons - with potentially huge shifts in temperature - or living in an area where the temperature remains pretty much the same year 'round?

5. What's the worst advice you've ever given?
1. don't trust anyone really except immediate family ( my husband and kids) , get along ok with brother , dad, cousins, uncle, husband's remaining family but I don't have all that much in common with anyone. Friends seem to lose touch once you move , even close ones. Best friend already died, I did trust him 100%

2. fuel storage

3. China. The country I have wanted to visit most right after India ( we did go there). I think I would like it

4. distinct seasons, hated 9 months of summer hell in Florida

5. I don't remember giving anyone any bad advice

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