I've had to report the new next door neighbors to crime watch for suspected drug dealing.
Cars coming and going at all hours...parking a few doors up with the engine running and one person going next door for approx. 5 mins and then running back to the car.
I see this happening many times every day.
They do burnouts down the road in their V8 utes that aren't road worthy or registered.
They park in front of my drive way and I can't get my car out.
I had a blond, intoxicated ........ female bash on my door wanting to come in at an ungodly hour even though all the lights were off.
Thank you @Sentry18 for the thread about the suspicious woman with a "infant" in the prep forum.
It helped a lot.
I refused to open the door, turn on any lights and just acted like I wasn't home.
I kept an eye on her until she staggered off the property and went next door to the bad neighbors.
I had my phone ready to dial 000 if she got a bright idea.
This lot are carbon copies of the last lot who lived there.
Hopefully they get busted down for dealing and possession and they'll be evicted from their state owned house by the state run Housing commission.
Tank-Girl, your home seems to be in a wrong neighborhood. (Duh, really VT?)