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I don't understand. The driver from Walmart left my order in the lobby instead of bringing it to my door. I'm very thankful he left it with someone who knows me. The guy couldn't bring it up right away but did so as soon as he could. I called Walmart saying my order did not arrive, I didn't know it was downstairs, they said it had been delivered to the wrong address and gave me a refund. After getting my groceries I got ahold of Walmart to cancel the refund and they gave me a second refund! I tried hard to tell them no but they only got part of what I was saying and ran with it. Now this! Got an Email from Wallyworld. Sorry that delivery wasn't what we wanted, here's a $75 refund from a prior order! Can anyone tell me how their staying in business?
Maybe You should do the same
I want to remind everyone to use your preps and rotate the perishable consumable items. If you have never eaten your food preps your going to increase your chances of failure significantly. If you don't use your manual repair/building tools or practice with your hunting tools and self defense tools your risking your very survival.

Cook over a wood fire
Bake bread in a solar oven
Wash clothes in a bucket and hang dry
Cut down a tree and split the logs with a hand saw and ax
Dig a outhouse and use it now and then
Use only your portable solar system for a weekend.
Hunt or trap one of each type of game in your area, skin it, process it and cook it. Eat it!
The more you do now the you will be when it's necessary.
Don't be a prepper in name only and pretend!
The list is long, but you get the idea.

I've done all the above. It wasn't all fun, but very rewarding and worth every second.
Share your ideas and what you have done that will help people be prepared
I don't understand. The driver from Walmart left my order in the lobby instead of bringing it to my door. I'm very thankful he left it with someone who knows me. The guy couldn't bring it up right away but did so as soon as he could. I called Walmart saying my order did not arrive, I didn't know it was downstairs, they said it had been delivered to the wrong address and gave me a refund. After getting my groceries I got ahold of Walmart to cancel the refund and they gave me a second refund! I tried hard to tell them no but they only got part of what I was saying and ran with it. Now this! Got an Email from Wallyworld. Sorry that delivery wasn't what we wanted, here's a $75 refund from a prior order! Can anyone tell me how their staying in business?
I had something similar happen with a refund at Walmart. Accidentally started a return on the wrong item and tried to get them to reverse it. They never understood and kept telling me the seller could not charge me for the item. I must have told them 10 times it was my fault, but they never understood it.
Not trying to be an alarmist but I see a lot of little quakes in the same area on the west coast. That means there needs to be a big release of energy. Nevada, Utah and Arizona are seeing more as well. A big quake could set off volcanic activity in Long Valley, A dormant super like Yellowstone. Not as active as Yellowstone but still geologically active. That would mean good bye to several states and California maybe sliding into the ocean.
Not trying to be an alarmist but I see a lot of little quakes in the same area on the west coast. That means there needs to be a big release of energy. Nevada, Utah and Arizona are seeing more as well. A big quake could set off volcanic activity in Long Valley, A dormant super like Yellowstone. Not as active as Yellowstone but still geologically active. That would mean good bye to several states and California maybe sliding into the ocean.
We've warned @havasu to get out!!
I think I'm going to light a fire under some butts! We were promised flying cars a looong time ago! Where are they? I don't know if any of you heard of Mr Paul Moller from Davis, California but he had a 4 seater he has been working on for a long time. What I want to know is where's mine!
Moller 200.jpg

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