I thought we had it bad will illegal immigration. At least I can still fly the flag! Our state gov't here in california is giving the illegals everything under the sun to include, but not limited to; free education, driver's licenses, and i am sure they are looking for more to give them. All 12 million of them. The gov't wants to give them amnesty. They think that will solve the illegal immigration problem. They tried amnesty in the 1980's if I recall correctly, and it didn't do a damn thing.It sure does, were so restricted in what we can do, our Government is so freaking anal, we cant do anything, we cant even complain about how we are treated as second class to immigrants, who get everything handed to them. The Human Rights Act (Google it) is more like the Criminals Charter as it gives more rights to criminals than the victim.
We cant even fly the 'flag' (our Union Jack) outside our property in case we offend all these damn immigrants. We don’t (cant) even celebrate St Georges day FFS.
I am not against immigration, it just needs to be done correctly.
More embarrassing, Our federal gov't allowed the president of mexico to stand in our capital, and lecture us on how we treat illegals, and that we should let them all in. mexico is know to shoot the illegals sneaking in their southern borders, and have harsher laws than does the us.
Never mind what the actual citizens need.... We'll just hand the farm over to the illegals!