Harvard beets-yumHa Ha. They do. But they're on our table almost every night. Husband likes them.
Pickled beets -okay
Harvard beets- yum
Harvard beets-yumHa Ha. They do. But they're on our table almost every night. Husband likes them.
Harvard beets-yum
Pickled beets -okay
Harvard beets- yum
Spiced peaches-yumI've never had Harvard beets, in fact never heard of them. Just check the web for recipes, seems simple to make.
For us growing up beets were always pickled beets in the winter. Used to have pickled peaches also, either were dessert.
@elkhound, how much corn meal did you get and from how much corn? Do you use it fresh?
every night we have had a frost For three nights now. Suppose to warm up this week. I do have beets, lettuce, onions and peas in and they look good. Peppers are slow to germinate, but arent they always
Great info @elkhound! Thanks. you said you should pick from 200 ears. Do you mean to plant right?
Sounds great,feels good to see thing produce and know what your eating.Meer I now have 5 raised beds. Hopefully by this winter I'll have 5 more built and filled. PLan to try and make a frame to cover and try to grow some stuff over winter. One of my beds is now loaded with asparagus and it's coming up nicely.Gonna have to finish topping it off soon. Still have 2 other areas down in my field that I'm growing taters, beans, and will plant melons, squash, corn, and pumpkins.