Garden 2021

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Garden jungle=tomatoes,corn,cuks and pole beans,4ft summer squash,sweet slice cuke vines(silver king sweet corn in background,daily cuke harvest.




Been rainy then unbearable hot and then rainy here. Gonna be unbearable hot again lol

Did some weeding and some pruning of leaves on the plants. Cut the kale seeds from the ones that went to seed this year. They never bolted last year in the heat for some reason so I let them go to seed this year after they overwintered. Have no idea what type it is but it sure grows well here

A few tomatoes are starting to ripen and the sweet peppers are growing bigger and they're getting more buds

Blueberries are getting slightly larger and they're a late season variety so I still have a few weeks to go yet on those

Blackberries are nice size and red so hopefully they'll be ripening to black soon and I can get them before they dry up like last year
My Father always planted a lot of corn, I ask him why as a child, he said enough to last till next summer, then a roll for the Preacher, a row for the widows, a roll for the crows. Some years later he feed a single mother of four, she married my BIL years later, (he thought he was better than my family) she would not let him speak ill of me till the day he died. I guess that the bread on the water thing.
Pulled a small patch of garlic this evening.


They were an experiment to see how they would do if I planted them in spring instead of late September. Not bad but far from what happens if planted before winter.

There is an experiment I will try not to repeat.

Plant in Fall
Plant six inches apart
Plant one inch deep
Mulch with wheat straw to suppress weeds
This is for onions & Garlic
Speaking of onions, anyone have multiplying onions, if so what month do you plant them for 2022 Garden season?
Egyptian walking onions are a type of multiplying onion and I probably have hundreds. They all started from 5 bulbs that arrived in late fall for imediate planting. I was under the impresion they dont keep well.

Plant in Fall
Plant six inches apart
Plant one inch deep
Mulch with wheat straw to suppress weeds
This is for onions & Garlic
Speaking of onions, anyone have multiplying onions, if so what month do you plant them for 2022 Garden season?

In the past I have planted in mid Oct to mid Nov. I never used the straw for mulch, probably be a great idea. I raised them for several years, got busy and stopped for a while. Looking forward to getting started back at it.
Egyptian walking onions are a type of multiplying onion and I probably have hundreds. They all started from 5 bulbs that arrived in late fall for immediate planting. I was under the impression they don't keep well.

I had walking onions, they go under a few names. I bought them as Egyptian walking onions. I had them for seven years. after the third year, I got busy & forget to weed them. They did not care, I had to hunt for them in the perennials weeds, but they lasted four more years. When I got sick I took 18 months off from the garden & they are gone now.
But I have a nesting onion that gets as big as a golf ball & separates like a daffodil, so one onion becomes two then four or five.
No it is not a potato onion, but it acts like PO some what.
I was home most the day so was able to water nearly everything really well. Will finish up with the deep soaking in the morning. Have a section that needs to have the mustard week pulled so I can put the new peppers in. Will see what I can do. It's supposed to be 100* tomorrow. "Only" got to 93* which felt like a relief. There are so many weeds and keeping things wet has been challenging. Have tomatoes but non ripe yet. Broccoli is delish! I planted my kale and spinach out front and it did okay there, but I forget it's there so we don't eat it as much. I need to get on that. Actually, will wait until it cools some and replant spinach. It bolted.
The garden is now starting to do well, the screen I placed next to the pot holding the squash seems to have helped support the plant, I am also seen new blooms on the part of the plant that was damaged and I planted the broken off part (which is now in bloom). The second pair of cucumbers are now starting to show fruit, the first pair have been giving me about 2 cucumbers a day, so it will get interesting soon. The egg plants that I killed now have 4 purple fruits showing, 6 weeks ago they looked dead.... I have also had a couple of peppers bounce back to life now that it has gotten hot. Today, we ate the first of the celery, it is quite strong, but crisp. The green grapes have purple spots on them, don't know what it is but I think I am about to lose my crop......
The garden is now starting to do well, the screen I placed next to the pot holding the squash seems to have helped support the plant, I am also seen new blooms on the part of the plant that was damaged and I planted the broken off part (which is now in bloom). The second pair of cucumbers are now starting to show fruit, the first pair have been giving me about 2 cucumbers a day, so it will get interesting soon. The egg plants that I killed now have 4 purple fruits showing, 6 weeks ago they looked dead.... I have also had a couple of peppers bounce back to life now that it has gotten hot. Today, we ate the first of the celery, it is quite strong, but crisp. The green grapes have purple spots on them, don't know what it is but I think I am about to lose my crop......
You know you're a gardener when even your dead plants are producing???? 😂 My eggplant has blossoms on it. Last year one plant fed us and my parents - pretty tasty.