Garden 2021

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I got a new battery for the old ford tractor this morning. They no longer make the one designed for it but it really doesn’t matter. A regular automotive battery with high cranking amps works just fine. It just doesn’t fit in the swing out battery tray properly. I need to make a new securing frame out of a few welding rods, it'll be fine.

I’m letting dad pick and choose what to plant this year. It’ll be good for him to stay involved, be in charge. He wanted to plant onions and red potatoes today.

In town I discovered no one locally has onions by the bunch this year. They can only be purchased like collard plants in little cups or by bulbs. I’ll worry about that tomorrow.

I bought dad a pound of G-90 sweetcorn in town, still have about a 1/4 pound of peaches and cream sweet corn seed left over from last year so we’re set there. I also have 3 kinds of watermelon seed and some cantaloupe seed from last year. I think I have okra, peas, butterbean seed leftover. I need to go through it all and see exactly what I do have.

I bought a peck of red potatoes this morning, almost 3 rows in the garden. I’d saved Idaho potatoes from the kitchen that had sprouted, just enough to finish the 3rd row and plant a 4th. 344ft total (86ft x 4). I plan to hand drop about 50lbs of crushed volcanic rock and 30 or so pounds of 13-13-13 on them tomorrow. I’m supposed to get a big rain Monday, just in time.

My two pots of Solomon’s Seal is finally up, was starting to get worried, they were late in sprouting. I need to think about finding a permanent home for them, get them out of the planter. Hopefully I’ll have enough root to make tincture by next year. In the meantime have plenty of tincture I got from a friend. The yarrow is sending up new fronds. They should have had a permanent home last year, definitely getting one soon.

I got my potting soil mixing tray out of the barn. I’ll mix up a batch. Unsure what to grow on the porch this year. I made plenty of lemon balm and catnip tincture last summer so I’m good there. I did pick up a few cilantro plants to use in the kitchen. I also have plantain that came up volunteer in one pot. I think I’ll keep it growing since it can be hard to find in the wild where it isn’t adversely affected by mankind.

Anyway, today was a good start, got to figure out the onion thing though.

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Peanut, Glad your dad is enjoying the garden again after last year. Thats really good for him. For onions check out Dixondale Farms. Dixondale Farms Onion Plants - We Know Onions!
I've bought mine from there for several years. They have a lot of types suited for various climates. I've tried 7-20 types so far. Some grew well, some were stretching the climate around here. They only sell slips and come in bunches of 50-75, but usually have 5-10 more included.. I highly recommend them

I know I have asked before, but where do you get your volcanic rock from. I never ordered any and forgot about it. I need to remedy that.

Picked up my metal yesterday and planned to get a load of compost today, then start cutting the metal. Got in from work, hooked up the trailer and headed down the road to get the compost. It's a place that does landscarping, outdoor kitchens, etc. they were all out working, so no compost today. Came back home and set up to cut the metal and got three sheets cut before the rain started. So much for that.
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The weather man informed us that it will be at least 2 more weeks before I can move my plants outside. I had a number of plants in the real small peat pot squares and they needed to be transplanted so I spent the whole day yesterday moving them into large digs. I tried to use as many of the 16oz plastic cups that i had drilled holes in, but I eventually ran out so I had to switch to 3" square and 4" round store bought cups, but I did get them all transplanted and I only used 3 bags of potting soil!



The growing stations are almost full at this point and I really hope the weather lets me move the plants outside soon. I was able to harvest some potatoes last week, got a dozen ucon gold's so it wasn't a completely failed experiment. Unfortunately my Greek Oregano went to seed, but I was able to get a couple of harvests off most of my in-door herbs before things got out of hand. I have to harvest my green beans this morning as I noticed they were loaded when I watered them this morning. I have 4 containers of celery at this point and 3 are doing well, I made the mistake of spraying one container with a mix of neem oil and it killed the leaves (yellow things in the top picture), going forward I will know better... good news is they all have new growth at the bottom so I didn't kill the whole plant.

The tomato plant (left side of bottom picture) is still blooming and I have been able to harvest a few tomatoes off it, there are a half dozen small green tomatoes up in the top out of sight.

I did weed 3 of my raised beds at the south side of the house, dogs, cats, and squirrels have been digging in the onions again... I hope to lay some wire down this week and see how they respond to that.

Well that's this weeks report...

Finally got some planting done last couple days.Just planted rasied bed for now, soon as we get mlon seeds will plant huglekulrure mound.
Had a littl failure to communicate though, I took all hay off bed and saw it needed leveling so told hubby to rake over a little to level out for seeds.He did that, then next day he put hay back on top!:oops: no big deal .So I raked it off again and he planted seeds yesterday while I weeded mound.
Wow Urban, that looks like quite the set up! And tomatoes in March is nothing to sneeze at.
I mowed today - couldn't handle it any longer. Also, planted about a 2' "row" of spinach in the 1 raised bed with soil in it. I thought I would try planting greens spread out a little so we don't have them all at once then die all at once. Will see how that works out. Also did some herb seeds in pots. I don't have a good spot at this place so have them in the dining room window which faces north. It does get light at least and is warm in the house so will just hope for the best. Won't really be able to begin planting for another week or so, although I might get my onions and more garlic in the ground next week.
Assembled my first bed today. After I got it mostly built we carried it to the garden spot and got it lined and in position with the 2 from last year. Finished installing the sides and realized I hadn't bought any chicken wire for the bottom. Pretty much put an end to today. Ill get wire on my way home tomorrow, put it down, then cardboard and limbs and tree trunks to about halfway full. Compost the rest. Start building second bed.
Second day of this and it is hitting me how old I feel. I'm so slow from havin to take breaks. And just wore out now. I gotta do better than this
The weather man informed us that it will be at least 2 more weeks before I can move my plants outside. I had a number of plants in the real small peat pot squares and they needed to be transplanted so I spent the whole day yesterday moving them into large digs. I tried to use as many of the 16oz plastic cups that i had drilled holes in, but I eventually ran out so I had to switch to 3" square and 4" round store bought cups, but I did get them all transplanted and I only used 3 bags of potting soil!

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The growing stations are almost full at this point and I really hope the weather lets me move the plants outside soon. I was able to harvest some potatoes last week, got a dozen ucon gold's so it wasn't a completely failed experiment. Unfortunately my Greek Oregano went to seed, but I was able to get a couple of harvests off most of my in-door herbs before things got out of hand. I have to harvest my green beans this morning as I noticed they were loaded when I watered them this morning. I have 4 containers of celery at this point and 3 are doing well, I made the mistake of spraying one container with a mix of neem oil and it killed the leaves (yellow things in the top picture), going forward I will know better... good news is they all have new growth at the bottom so I didn't kill the whole plant.

The tomato plant (left side of bottom picture) is still blooming and I have been able to harvest a few tomatoes off it, there are a half dozen small green tomatoes up in the top out of sight.

I did weed 3 of my raised beds at the south side of the house, dogs, cats, and squirrels have been digging in the onions again... I hope to lay some wire down this week and see how they respond to that.

Well that's this weeks report...


Your first image alone beats my best from 4 years ago.


You have inspired me for next year i hope!
rabbits are going to have to find another spot to graze. electric rabbit fence versanetting installed and up and running. the little terd droppers been jumping between lower wires awhile now. i officially am done with that type damage in my garden. at least in this smaller garden.

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Poor innocent little runny babbits 😂
rabbits are going to have to find another spot to graze. electric rabbit fence versanetting installed and up and running. the little terd droppers been jumping between lower wires awhile now. i officially am done with that type damage in my garden. at least in this smaller garden.

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elk we just bought chicken wire for rabbits. Its 3'. We had 3 baby bunnies playing chase in the yard today! They are so cute but destructive.
rabbits are going to have to find another spot to graze. electric rabbit fence versanetting installed and up and running. the little terd droppers been jumping between lower wires awhile now. i officially am done with that type damage in my garden. at least in this smaller garden.

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I encountered a rabbit in my garden years ago and tried to escape me by gnawing through my deer netting.

1 inches mesh steel fabric keeps rabbit cat and dogs out.

everything has to be electrified here.just to much wildlife,starting with bear and running down to rabbits.coyote will eat fruit.they use to destroy watermelon fields in flordia a friend worked at. i seen them eat fallen apples off trees at night in a place i use to live long ago.the fence i had had a bit of distance between wires and rabbits just got to point they jumped between the wires.this ended that little circus act of theirs.
not my experience fence chargers turn them.even the simple solar ones. the best fence charger and most powerful..a relative term...i used is the old weedchoppers or weedbyrners sometimes they are called.they are a bit dangerous to the inexperienced especially if you are sensitive to getting shocked. you mess with fences long enough it will happen.the weedchopper has a different type pulse..hence the name burns through weeds that touch the line and it can cause a fire. when it pulses it stay concentrated just a bit is best i can describe it.its not the stead thump thump thump of nomal chargers. it goes thuuuuuummmmppp ttthhhuuummmpppp thuuuummmmp. its shocked is way longer. i had one shock me while sitting on cam up through the atv.

what i use now since my ancient one died is zareba.i use one that plugs in to standard house current and the other is a dc model thats powered by a battery that has a solar array set up to keep it hot.the trick is to get one rated also for wildlife.

go by the jewels setting.the only troubles i have is when something runs through it from being shocked on lighter temporary lines,i never had anything get through high tinsel electric fence.

EDIT.bear,deer and turkey,coyote,bobcat etc.large animals get turned by wire.but rabbits and squirrels not so much as they hop through/between wires.yes i witnessed it a turkey start through into my orchard once and that weedchopper was in service at the knocked that turkey backwards into driveway and she was flat out and rolled and jumped up stunned for a bit.
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Put down layer of chicken wire, then a layer out a layer of cardboard. Tonight started cutting and layering some wood. Not quite finished with that then load it with compost.

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Chicken wire?

Is that mesh tight enough for the critters in your area?

That aside.

The Princess wants me to to upgrade our raised boxes to be more like yours. Ours are rotting pressure treated 4x4 boxes 6 or 12 inches high. She has a hard time reaching the center and have to resort to laying on the ground to weed the boxes.

The more images you could share would be helpful since I plan to follow your lead.


Chicken wire?

Is that mesh tight enough for the critters in your area?

That aside.

The Princess wants me to to upgrade our raised boxes to be more like yours. Ours are rotting pressure treated 4x4 boxes 6 or 12 inches high. She has a hard time reaching the center and have to resort to laying on the ground to weed the boxes.

The more images you could share would be helpful since I plan to follow your lead.



I used 3/4" chicken wire last year with no problems so far. Ill try and remember to share a video where my idea came from. He goes thru step by step. Mine aren't identical, but pretty close to his. I was surprised how light they were once assembled. I built it near the basement and carried it to the garden spot. But once in place seems very sturdy.
I've got back (disk) problems and having 2' high beds make planting and picking much easier
. . I'm hoping the depth works food for carrots, parsnips and such
everything has to be electrified here.just to much wildlife,starting with bear and running down to rabbits.coyote will eat fruit.they use to destroy watermelon fields in flordia a friend worked at. i seen them eat fallen apples off trees at night in a place i use to live long ago.the fence i had had a bit of distance between wires and rabbits just got to point they jumped between the wires.this ended that little circus act of theirs.

Elk we don't have anything large enough to use live wire. We just put the chic wire around the one rasied bed and hugle mound.
We planted melons and sun flowers yesterday in hugul mound, plus sowed raised bed with raddish, a few kinds of beans for experiment. also tomatoes,squash and peppers. Cheated with some store bought cabbage, herb transplants. Got wire to keep out rabbits again.
Chicken wire?

Is that mesh tight enough for the critters in your area?

That aside.

The Princess wants me to to upgrade our raised boxes to be more like yours. Ours are rotting pressure treated 4x4 boxes 6 or 12 inches high. She has a hard time reaching the center and have to resort to laying on the ground to weed the boxes.

The more images you could share would be helpful since I plan to follow your lead.


Ben here is the video I got the idea on the new ones I'm building.
