There are multiple species called Death Camas but what does it matter if they don't look like wild onions? That only confuses the matter. Have you seen all the plants you posted? And do you say they look like wild onions?
I looked at photos this morning and only one, T. veneosum looks somewhat like a wild onion and after seeing the photos it wouldn't fool me even at a distance.
This is why the latin names are important. All plants called Death Camas do not look like wild onions.
T. venenosum looks somewhat like wild onions.
T. paniculatum looks even less like wild onions
A. elegans looks nothing like wild onions
Toxicoscordion venenosum - Foothills Death Camas
Toxicoscordion paniculatum - Desert Death Camas
Anticlea elegans - Mountain Death Camas Enlarged Photo Pages/anticlea and toxicoscordion.htm
At the end of the day there is only one "look-a-like and thats Crow poison (Nothoscordum bivalve) and it's a cousin of wild onions. The others aren't.
This is the mountain camas, it looks nothing like onions so why post it in this context?
It actually looks more like monkey grass than an onion.
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