Garden 2022

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The cucumbers I sub-divided are doing well, out of "2" store bought plants I now have 8 ready to plant in the garden.
I worked away from home yesterday, left the house at 05:30 got home at 9:30 PM, watered the garden in the dark, I miss seeing my plants. Get to do it all over again today. The forecast is for rain this afternoon, so I may get my barrels filled up.

I moved my volunteer tomatoes on Monday but it was so hot I didn't think they would make it, but they looked solid last night (flash light).

Well out of time....
We plant white potatoes around Feb.14, to get wet/cool weather for max growth. I understand a lot of soil is rock hard in Feb., but not here.
Do you dig them with a shovel or turn them with a plow?

i dig with 4 prong garden fork and tractor middle buster plow. dig with fork as i need and then in fall dig with tractor. some years i dug them all by fork.
first ripe tomato..big beef..first time growing...not impressed.


various types of maters
either better boy or parks whopper improved


husky red

this one is Cherokee purple...ranked pretty high in my garden.

My garden's further behind than some of you, I can't wait until I can start harvesting. 😁

I'm happy to report that whatever was eating my tomato seedlings hasn't done it recently. I decided to make a hot sauce repellant and set up a small battery motion sensor light at that end of the bed. Still not sure what was biting them off but the deterrents seem to have worked. Hopefully they'll be alright while I'm gone. It's late to be starting seeds but I did a few anyways. The price for new seedlings was too much, I did buy two but that's all I want to pay for.

I've been catching quite a few voles in my shade bed, as well as some mice. I think the mice are coming from the garage but the voles are burrowing around the bed and doing damage so they gotta go. I accidentally caught a poor snake in a trap but when I went to dispose of it, I realized the snake was still alive. I opened the trap and it slithered off so hopefully it'll be ok.
first ripe tomato..big beef..first time growing...not impressed.

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various types of maters
either better boy or parks whopper improved
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husky red
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this one is Cherokee purple...ranked pretty high in my garden.

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We had a husky red plant last year - good flavor.
Pulled the first batch of garlic.

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They are drying on the banister now. Two more batches are still in the ground.

ETA the comment (pushed the wrong button :rolleyes:)
I dug mine and have more to plant but not sure where. Will get it figured out - hopefully tonight.

Also, I made an earwig trap so will set that up tonight in the spuds and see if it does anything. They are devouring everything!
:p looks like I have a few more coming on, along with green beans, blue jade corn, Cherokee Purple tomatoes, potatoes, and okra. Cucumber seems to be going well, although I'm not seeing fruit yet (mine was late). Got Velvet Queen Sunflower coming up too.
I think I need to start sweet-talkin' my cuke. It is looking stunted.
Mine should be read soon in that case. I got those and 3 other types and planted in November. Plants have done well so far, but they are showing they are nearly ready

i just wish martin was here to see this years harvest. he and i am several others tried to get a giant garlic. we fell just short several times. i will probably get one this year just because he cant see know how things like that often garlic ever..i ate whole head last night sauteed in olive oil and butter over noodles. eat,drink and stink !
My shallot sets finally arrived, I guess I will store them in the crisper for the next 4 months.... We got enough rain over night to fill my barrels, so I am happy. I checked my tomatoes and I have some roma tomatoes showing end rot... I think my using too much green in my soil amendments is creating a high nitrogen environment, the plants grow like gang busters but the fruit suffers from it.
I picked up some 0-10-10 liquid fertilizer this morning, I thought I would feed it to them using the irrigation system, would that work?

just what i do..when i plant i put a little medicine cup full of epsom salt in hole. the little cup off pepto or NyQuil.

also..tip from my pro tomato farmer friend.he sprays blue planet calmag on his. once a week. its what i do. i mix it as said on jug and ad a medicine cup of epsom salt too.,aps,634&sr=8-2
Use the milk until you can get the cal/mag. All of your tomatoes will have blossom end rot until you do. Remove all the affected tomatoe fruit now to keep them productive until the problem is solved.
I checked all my plants only 3 tomatoes on 1 plant had it, but the plants are all in the same beds so I just attacked it on all levels before it became a real problem. I did remove all the offending fruit. Because I have been using about 6" of green grass clippings when I amend my beds each season, they are nitrogen rich, adding the Phosphorous and Calcium should become second nature for the tomato and potato beds as soon a the plants launch. Right now the Tomato plants are between 3 and 7 feet tall with lots of blooms, I am a little late in my delivery but the irrigation system did a good job of delivering the fertilizer. The stand pipe above the valve to the pump feeder line will hold right at 3 gallons, so I put a quart of fertilizer into a 3 gallon watering can, added water, poured that through a screen into the stand pipe, started the irrigation pump and then opened the valve to the stand pipe and then delivered 25 gallons of spiked water, shut the water inlet to fully drain the stand pipe, and pushed another 25 gallons of water through the system. 15 minutes and all my plants have been hit with the mix. (1 qt fertilizer to 55 gallons of water).

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