It's supposed to be 110* today. This morning it was 90ish by 9AM (about). I dug/pulled the onions, dug up the whole area where onions and garlic had been, pulled way too many weeds and finally got more green beans planted. I need to put the bird blocker over it, but I was dripping from my eyelids, by earlobes, my fingertips - anyplace sweat could be it was! I had my sunglasses on and if I leaned forward, it would drip from my eyelashes into the glasses so I couldn't see. It's hot! Also picked 3 huge heads of broccoli and 3 large heads of cabbage. I need to cut some herbs to dry, but I came in and got into the shower instead. We are supposed to have 2 more days of triple digits then 98* then cooler. Makes it difficult to keep plants happy.