Garden 2024!

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Today I got off early and decided to pull weeds. Which leads me to the following question:

What do you consider a weed? My definition is pretty simple, anything that is growing in my garden that I didn't intend to plant there this year....
What's your definition?

Weed - any green plant that isn't medicine, food or useful in some fashion... In my garden i sometimes leave 'weeds' to grow. Like goose foot, yummy on a salad and comes up volunteer among my other veggies so i leave it alone.
Anyone graft Blueberry plants.
I stole this reply as an example:
"I grafted O’Neal and Reka onto Tifblue because the rabbiteyes are more adaptable to a wider range of soils and grow well for me, but O’Neal and Reka are earlier ripening. On their own roots they struggled to grow in the same soil in which rabbiteyes thrive."
I had said that I never heard of grafting blueberry plant & one should only graft if it improve a plant.
Well, now I know.
A weed is anything that is not in the right place, no azaleas in the tomato patch, however you can transplant it if you wish.
Any thing you deem edible is not a weed.
I have lots of weeds but some are good weeds and some are bad weeds. We have plenty that aren’t in the garden beds so I typically try to keep them out of the veggies- sometimes more successful than others.

Today I picked and cleaned purple dead nettle and have it on the dehydrator (good weed).
I also planted my scarlet runners for the bean wall.
Today I got off early and decided to pull weeds. Which leads me to the following question:

What do you consider a weed? My definition is pretty simple, anything that is growing in my garden that I didn't intend to plant there this year....
What's your definition?
no such thing as a weed....if its green and growing its a cover crop
I have lots of weeds but some are good weeds and some are bad weeds. We have plenty that aren’t in the garden beds so I typically try to keep them out of the veggies- sometimes more successful than others.

Today I picked and cleaned purple dead nettle and have it on the dehydrator (good weed).
I also planted my scarlet runners for the bean wall.
What do you use the dead nettle for? We have lots of it
european elderberry i have growing from cut stems...this is 'marge' cultivar.

What do you use the dead nettle for? We have lots of it
I will make a tea with it tomorrow to try it for the first time. It is in the mint family. It is supposed to warm you up if you get chilled. I usually run on the cold side so that got my attention and we currently have it everywhere. Also, 🐝 love it.
(Harvest leaves and flowers)
I will make a tea with it tomorrow to try it for the first time. It is in the mint family. It is supposed to warm you up if you get chilled. I usually run on the cold side so that got my attention and we currently have it everywhere. Also, 🐝 love it.
(Harvest leaves and flowers)
Well ill give that a shot
I will make a tea with it tomorrow to try it for the first time. It is in the mint family. It is supposed to warm you up if you get chilled. I usually run on the cold side so that got my attention and we currently have it everywhere. Also, 🐝 love it.
(Harvest leaves and flowers)
Move to Texas, we'll warm you up!!😃
I will make a tea with it tomorrow to try it for the first time. It is in the mint family. It is supposed to warm you up if you get chilled. I usually run on the cold side so that got my attention and we currently have it everywhere. Also, 🐝 love it.
(Harvest leaves and flowers)

It's already gone here. I've never tried the tea, henbit is tasty though. These mints don't go well on a salad or i'd eat them every spring.
Thanks for all the feed-back on weeds. Because I am constantly rotating my crops, I am also constantly fighting weeds, vines are the worst. Anyway this has lead to some heugh blunders on our part... Such as the year the wife pulled up all those little grass sprigs from the spinach patch, leading to our great spinach famine of 99.

But yesterday as I was weeding last years tomato patch I noticed evenly spaced bunches of weeds along the planting row.... Now there were thistles and some vine runners easy enough to spot and pull, but these evenly spaced bunches of weeds seemed "special". Upon close examination I realized that they are the carrots that I planted last year but never came up.... Maybe this year as I am cleaning off my beds in late fall I will plant carrots... They seemed to over winter well enough...
Weeds are necessary for our animal food. Except milkweed. I pick 7 to 9 buckets of weeds each morning to add to our ☃️animal runs. Bets the horse is the best weedeater. Dandelions are great weeds for feed. I guess the only thing I don't like is crab grass in the garden, it's such a pain.
The Greens can bee cooked like Spinach and Others and are Kinda Tasty, just don't tell anyone what they are until Dinner is done...!!! ;) ☃️
Got my peppers set out. Cayenne, jalapeno and banana. Thought i got 3 tabasco plants, sure I did in fact. But i had 3 sweet pepper plants of some type. At the big nursery they have 2 wheeled carts for customers. the carts won't go in the buildings. I was bringing plants out last year and caught some guy taking plants from my cart!!! He said 'I didn't realize'. Idiot, sure he did, just to lazy to walk 50ft and get his own plants.

Anyway, pretty sure someone swiped my tabasco peppers and left me the sweet peppers the other day. Jerks!

Also set out 6 basil plants. Still need to get bell peppers, hopefully get them next week. Maybe they'll still have tabasco peppers.

Took friends to dig elderberry sprouts today. They got about 30 plants. Called me a bit ago said they already had them set out. Along with the dozen or so pecan trees we found.

Also, found a good source of saw dust for mulch or ground cover. About an acre of it, huge pile! 🤣

Got my olive tree in a pot. It will need a bigger one, but I want to find a special one for it. Also seeded some basil and parsley, got my clematis planted and a couple of pinks for near the walkway because they smell good 😊 Oh and got the snacking sunflowers planted out. I want the other ones to grow a little more before putting them out.
got my clematis planted

It was you!!! This morning i found several clematis vines, species - Clematis virginiana aka Devil's Darning Needles.

Anyway, I was telling my friends about it... and said someone was talking about the other day but couldn't remember who. Now i remember, you posted when you got it the other day.

There are 3 species here that i see often. It's known as the 'headache vine'. Used for treating migraines.
It was you!!! This morning i found several clematis vines, species - Clematis virginiana aka Devil's Darning Needles.

Anyway, I was telling my friends about it... and said someone was talking about the other day but couldn't remember who. Now i remember, you posted when you got it the other day.

There are 3 species here that i see often. It's known as the 'headache vine'. Used for treating migraines.
You’re welcome ☺️
Interesting- is it only specific varieties that can be used? This one is Duchess of Edinburgh. (White flower)
You’re welcome ☺️
Interesting- is it only specific varieties that can be used? This one is Duchess of Edinburgh. (White flower)

In my notes somewhere... I have 6 or 7 species listed that I know are used for migraines. World wide there are more than 20 species. I'm not sure of the others or your vine.

There is a species in Australia that the aboriginals used. They actually named it 'headache vine'.

So sorry, i've never heard of your vine. :(

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