Gardening 2022

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Finished the first pass on the garden just now. I tilled in about 12 yards of steer manure. We have 6 fruit trees to plant in the morning. That'll make 24 fruit trees in the orchard. Also have 4 blackberry and 4 grape plants to put in tomorrow. I'll try to post some pictures tomorrow.
Spring cool weather crops 2022


OMG, it's 87º and climbing here in Central TX. We visited my brother up there in Tulalip one summer and I had to wear wool shirts and sweaters in June, so I forget easily, don't I? :) Going down to the cabin to plant out some potatoes tomorrow and dreading working in the heat. UGH! Can you ship a little of that 35º down this way, please?!
Seems I’ve lost one or two grapevines every year since the vineyard was put in.
We may have to put up an extra string of strong wire to support all the grapes that are growing this year!
If you spread your hands out across the vines, you are covering about 10 clusters of grapes....We go 30 lbs. of grapes from only one plant/vine last year and the same plant looks like it will have a 50 lb. harvest if not more.
OMG, it's 87º and climbing here in Central TX.
We are running around 28°C to 33°C daily here already...going towards 90°F and 100°F...I finished the four legs and the master beam for the terrace today. The second master beam is tomorrow after helping the neighbor mow an elderly neighbors lawn for him. (wish I could borrow this elderly mans FULL DRESS HARLEY for a short ride....)
OMG, it's 87º and climbing here in Central TX. We visited my brother up there in Tulalip one summer and I had to wear wool shirts and sweaters in June, so I forget easily, don't I? :) Going down to the cabin to plant out some potatoes tomorrow and dreading working in the heat. UGH! Can you ship a little of that 35º down this way, please?!
87 is too hot. We normally don't see temps like that until August. The temp just dropped to 30 degs. Yesterday's high was 47, perfect working weather. This is typical spring in the mountains. Our last snow is usually in June, of course it never stays on the ground very long this time of year.
I've got a pot of smoked habanaro and ghost peppers simmering on the stove right now.
We've got a couple trays of plants, tomato, hot peppers and watermelon under a grow light. 140 plants in total. They should be ready to plant outside around the first week of June.
We just visited the neighbor and had a few glasses of homemade wine that is seven years old. Already turning into Sherry and with a light beige color. His son came over and I caught one of the new chickens and set it on his lap to pet. It stayed there about ten minutes and then hopped down. He was thrilled to touch a live chicken for the first time in his life. His dad and I were talking about how some city-kids were asked where milk and eggs come from and their answers were: THE STORE... and, white cows give milk, brown cows give: CHOCOLATE MILK.....poor kids...
Just about done with the second tilling of the garden. I'm almost finished with the chicken and dog proof fencing, then we can start planting.
Started mowing the orchard last night. Its all coming together.
Our bee hives are in the top left of the picture.
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You’ve got some nice looking trees there! great location with your bees so close by!
Got a faucet installed between the greenhouse and garden. Fortunately one failure water systems was good to where I wanted to put the faucett. 5 ft to the green house and 20 to the garden is hose-able for now.
I got my new 20 cubic ft. Stand up freezer in Friday.. my variety of fruit trees ive purchased are building up nicely with grapefruit, orange, pear, plum, nectarine, peach, lemon, lime, and some blueberry n blackberry bushes. I decided to order some strawberry plants and waiting on them to come in. I don't have too much luck with strawberries. I've got pretty good variety of veggies, herbs, etc. in the garden going. I planned on going to get more chickens yesterday but had to make a run to store and butcher shop and take my mother for her to stock up..rained like heck in the afternoon so I guess new chickens to add are on the list for next weekend. I also ordered a new dehydrator, which will be here tomorrow. Calling for rain most all week, not sure how much gardening I'll get in, plus I have to work at my job. A new LEM vacuum sealer is on my list to order this week also. Old cheap sealer died on me. I've got big plans for a lot more drying, freezing, canning (preserving) this year. Last year I mostly ordered food for stockpiling from the prepper places. This year I'm trying to do as much on my own as I can and have expanded in all directions. So many things still to do! Every day seems something new is needed. I love reading and seeing pics of what everyone else is doing here. Keeps my motivation up when all this seemingly becomes overwhelming for me.
Went to the BOL yesterday. Turned over the raised beds, added some more soil and compost & planted out tomato, onion and cuke starter plants. Also a few large pots of herbs up near the cabin kitchen. Plan to go back mid-week and plant a bunch of red potatoes and starter potato plants in-ground. My new bare-root fruit trees have broken dormancy and are setting some leaves now. All is good. :)
Just about done with putting up chicken and puppy proof fencing around the garden and orchard. Tonight we'll clip the chicken wings so they can't fly over the fence. I'm looking to get a fence charger to put electric up around the fence and the bee hives to keep bears and deer out.
Down to the last few fruit trees to plant in the orchard.
Got 3 trays of habanaro peppers in the smoker and a large bag of dried ghost peppers rehydrating. Will make hot sauce with it tomorrow.
Putting a chicken on the rotisserie right now for dinner and eating a big bowl of strawberries for a snack.
Yesterdays high was 45, today its almost 50.
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Wow, Cindyd, you are on full speed ahead! That's awesome!
I talked the granddaughters into weeding the garden this morning, and it looks alot better. I need to get a fence up, my cauliflower and broccoli disappears the day after I plant it. Rabbits. Annoying.
Our greens have been doing super well so far this spring. Too many for us to eat for sure, but planted so many so I can use it for feed for the animals, too. The giant spinach is amazing.
You really are doing fantastic!! I’m drooling over all your citrus trees!! I’ve only got two lemon and one cutie orange tree. Can’t leave them outside year round here. Sigh. So hubby hauls them in and out of the greenhouse for me.
Let me just say the fruit n citrus trees are in the ground. Years past, I haven't had good luck with them. I planted in different areas this time, higher and dryer soil, bought bigger trees, the pear are dwarfs, and I got 4 of the "snowbird" lemon n lime that you can pull inside or outside in containers (as a back up if ones in ground don't make it). So far they all still look good, but If they end up dying on me this time, Im sorry to say im going to give up and replace with more berry bushes.
We finished planting the fruit trees, grape and blackberry bushes yesterday. We have some concord grapes and mairon berry plants coming from out of state in about 2 weeks. Also tilled the garden area again. One more tilling and we should be able to plant by June 1st.
We're going down south today to pick up some garden plants, strawberry plants, mulch, fertilizer, feed and fencing supplies.
We'll need to start watering the orchard tomorrow. Not likely to get anymore rain until October.
We’ve had a lot of rain too. I was able to get out yesterday and weed some between showers. Yeah it was wet, but I put down so much straw in the paths I didn‘t get muddy. My sunflowers are loving it. The squash are growing so quickly it is shocking. Bean plants too. Even the red cabbage!

Those mole repellant vibrators are flipping amazing!! 😁 Not a dead or missing plant or hole since I put them in!

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