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I have 2 of these in the garden.

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And two more still in the box. I am gradually replacing all of my old rotting raised beds. I can sit on stool to weed instead crawling around on the ground. Amazon frequently puts them on sale for less than $100 ea.

"And two more still in the box. I am gradually replacing all of my old rotting raised beds. I can sit on stool to weed instead crawling around on the ground. Amazon frequently puts them on sale for less than $100 ea."

-27% $94.99
does anyone grow Jerusalem artichokes ? Where did you get them? I would like to plant some but don't know where to buy them. Looked at the places I usually get seeds from and they don't have any. Neither does tractor supply or rural king . Amazon has some but a lot of reviews that they failed to grow.

The other thing I would like to grow is black rooted salsify. Anyone know what that is? My mom used to cook it, but I have never seen it in the US, so I looked up what it is called in English ( Schwarzwurzel in German)
Anyone know where to get that?
Yes, I'll send you some Jerusalem artichoke tubers.
The ...blood peach... looks interesting.. But then most any peach product is my favorite.. Only problem for me is it appears to be growing zone 6 or better..

Galvanized raised beds.... I like the idea, but have been told by people who have used galvanized stock water tanks with rusted out bottoms they work good only they dry out quickly and require water often.. Never personally used a water tank that way, but have used old white cast iron bath tubs, homemade wood raised beds, and they seem kind of the same water sensitive.....
My fig cuttings have tiny roots on them!! Now even if my grafts dont take (they look to be alive still but none leafing out yet) I'll at least have a few varieties of little fig trees.


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Indian peaches grow wild here in the south. They are usually on the small side because they aren’t cultivated. Also, they are a ‘white peach’ and free stone. I have one growing near my shop. They’ve grown wild around the shop and barn since I was a kid. They look just like your photo, white with heavy red near the skin.


In my area the prepping world went crazy for Jerusalem artichokes about 20yrs ago. Every one I know who grew and ate them got a case of exploding diarrhea. A commonly overlooked problem with chokes. I never saw any real benefit to growing them that was worth the down side. Unless you were hungry and constipated. 🤣

I see them growing wild from time to time. Found some last summer over by the river.
All my cabbages and collards survived being transplanted. And getting beaten by all the high winds and 3" of rain last monday. Supposed to rain again tomorrow so I hand dropped triple 13 around the cabbages/collards this morning, used a hoe to cover it.

Also, one step closer to getting the old ford tractor running. The first new radiator wouldn't fit. My cousin brought over another one this morning. It bolted right in without major issues. Replaced a couple front axle bolts while we were at it. Still haven't tried to start the engine, could kick myself! Thought I should hang the battery charger on the tractor a couple days ago but forgot about it. Soooo, it's charging now. I'll try to start it later today.

I potted up 4 each of water cloned and sand cloned elderberries today. The sand version which were started after the water version. The sand version had nice strong root growth.



Side by side image of the two versions side by side. Water version on the left and sand to the right.


No more water based cloning for me. Bonus no water changing required.

I need about 15 elderberry plants for the back field. I will try and get that from the sand pots.

High 70 degrees today, amazing!!! Got into the old greenhouse and got the two flats of misc plants up potted....cabbage, tomatoes, swiss chard....Not ready to put in the garden yet. Maybe in about a month. Neighbor Nate usually tills his big garden, then comes over and does ours. I really appreciate it. Meanwhile, we have been dumping wood ash, egg shells, coffee grounds, and rabbit poop all over the area this winter.
We cleaned up a few beds in the garden last week and I planted peas, carrots, kale, and leek seeds in them. Also transplanted a half dozen two year old volunteer asparagus crowns in various raised beds into the actual asparagus bed. My menfolk trimmed fruit trees with my supervision. Today my oldest transplanted all my pepper starts fry the seed tray into double cups. I’m planning on planting tomatoes this week in seed trays and transplanting a few cold weather plants outside with some cold frames over them. I’m hoping the celery will get a bit of a boost by having more cool weather to grow in before the summer heat hits and they just wave at me until fall. Lettuce seed probably needs to be started also in the next few days.
I finished potting up all of the elderberry cutting from one sand filled pot. 100% of them had decent root system.


That brings me up to 15 of the sand clones plus 4 of the water based clones. If they survive that should cover all of elderberry plants I need. I still have another pot of sand clones in reserve.

I finished potting up all of the elderberry cutting from one sand filled pot. 100% of them had decent root system.

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That brings me up to 15 of the sand clones plus 4 of the water based clones. If they survive that should cover all of elderberry plants I need. I still have another pot of sand clones in reserve.

Are those black elderberry? The native ones we have here are blue elderberry, I've never actually seen a black elder here.
I mean the species not the actual color, sorry for not clarifying that a little better. Sambucus nigra. The scientist in me needs to know!

We have Sambucus cerulea here.
You made me look them up! Differences are negligable. Nigra is slightly smaller than Cerulea and berries are slightly different color but the real difference is location of origin. Interesting! (Have Cerulea here also)
I potted up 4 each of water cloned and sand cloned elderberries today. The sand version which were started after the water version. The sand version had nice strong root growth.
Once they take root and you plant them in the ground, they spread like wildfire. From the roots. They will send up suckers like crazy.
Aww. I sort of think they'd be the black elder if you had tags on them and bought them at a garden center or something. It's the most commom variety. Here, I forage for the blue elderberries because they grow wild in the area. I've tried to plant them in my yard, but both times they didn't survive. Someday I'll try again!
I looked. The tags are gone.

Aww. I sort of think they'd be the black elder if you had tags on them and bought them at a garden center or something. It's the most commom variety. Here, I forage for the blue elderberries because they grow wild in the area. I've tried to plant them in my yard, but both times they didn't survive. Someday I'll try again!
I discovered a wild elderberry in a hedge on the border of our back field last fall. I will take a closer look at it this year. I asked The Princess to find the elderberries we froze. She will find them when she gets a chance.

i am growing a type called Marge and another unnamed european elderberry that grizzgal and myself order a long time ago.

package came today from skillcult...everything is sitting in fridge now and waiting on root stock from fedco.

oh..the package that came for the indian free peach scion...i just tossed it in fridge..i opened it today to have less bulk in there from bought 3 scion for $14 bucks....there were 10 in a gallon baggie...i may be spending more money getting a few peach trees and graft on top of money
I planted 75 bare root strawberry plants last spring. They all lived and grew. This year, zero plants have shown. What are the odds of 75 not making it?
I just replanted 10 and have 50 more ordered. It is the normal bed where I always have berries so I know they grow there. They usually produce quite well.
My seedlings are looking a lot happier. I need to hit the squash and cucumbers with fertilizer again. The tomatoes are ready to go out, as soon as it isn't 38 degrees and raining. 🙄🙄 I pulled a good size squash flower off one of the pumpkins this morning... I'm planning on succession planting those this year. These need to go out ASAP so I have space to start more seeds.20250314_064847.jpg20250314_064856.jpg
Today was grafting day for me. I am trying to convert this crab apple tree into normal apple tree.


Six of last years grafts seemed to have taken including 2 chip bud grafts.


I did three more cleft grafts.




I didn't do more because I want to let these grafts develop before I cut off one of large trunks.

But I did manage to screw up. I tossed the extra scions then remembered I wanted to graft to another small apple tree I found last year. Oh well.
