Gas Masks for the whole family

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Circumstances requires different types masks (biological/chemical/nuclear/MOPP [level of MOPP suit 5 levels]) in conjunction with different types of cartridges (biological/chemical) then you have end of life of the cartridges and mask seals that need testing and replaced.

Pick your poison, it isn't as simple as the internet makes it out to be.

I have masks but they are full face mask with oxygen tanks (fires)
we keep boxes of FFP3 rated masks
FFP3 Dust Masks
FFP3 Dust Masks protect against higher levels of dust. They also protect against solid and liquid aerosols. FFP3 masks protect against materials in concentrations up to 50x OEL or 20x APF. FFP3 masks are suitable for handling hazardous powders, such as those found in the pharmaceutical industry.

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  • protection from poisonous and deleterious kinds of dust, smoke, and aerosols
  • oncogenic and radioactive substances or pathogens such as viruses, bacteria and fungal spores are filtered by this protective class of respirator masks
  • total leakage may amount to a maximum of 5%
  • OEL transgression to the thirtyfold value
Protection class FFP3 respirator masks offer maximum protection from breathing air pollution. The total leakage may amount to a maximum of 5% and they must filter 99% of all particles measuring up to 0.6 μm. This kind of mask also filters poisonous, oncogenic and radioactive particles. Protection class FFP3 masks are used in working environments transgressing the OEL by the thirtyfold industry-specific values. They are often used in the chemistry industry.
I'm split on gas masks.

Most war gasses are dangerous (or deadly) even with tiny amounts of skin exposure.

Staying in MOPP 4 for extended lengths of time doesn't sound realistic or practical.

To give you an idea of what you're dealing with, about two gallons of the newer Novachok nerve agents are enough to kill every person in Manhattan, and much of Queens and Brooklyn.

The tinest gap in your all-over suit will be a death sentence.....despite having perfect respiratory protection.

A gas mask may be practical in an epidemic of airborne disease.....but other precautions, like frequent, strict discipline about quarantine, decon with bleach water, physical isolation, and so forth must also be understood and adhered to.....with no exceptions.

A gas mask might be a more realistic precaution against the riot gas and nausea gas that are sometimes used during civil unrest. If you are a rioter and/or into protests, then a gas mask may be a good idea.

Practice using it, store extra filters (being mindful that filters have an expiration date), and make sure that you aren't getting an older, outdated some older models are heavily contaminated with asbestoes (this isn't ********. Look it up).

When I consider all of these points, I've decided that a gas mask probably won't be of much help to me.....but I could be wrong.

If I was going to prep for chemical warfare, I'd create an airtight RV with its own filtered air system. I'd be able to drive out of the contaminated area with multiple people and a good quantity of supplies.
my only problem is my glasses, they don't fit with my current gas mask,but it seems like my eyesights gone to better,might need new glasses again..

Try to get an older pair of glasses, take the lenses out of the frames and use a few drops of super glue to place them in the eyepieces of your mask, we did that with our diving masks and gas masks.. Gary
Good morning all. I was in Pershing in the cold war from '78 to '85. Even though we had all our milspec gasmasks, we were trained and told that the newest of the biological and chemical weapons are especially equipped with extra chemicals to EAT your filters in half an hour...all filters work, but if you cannot unass the Area of Operations, then make other plans and practice changing the filters fast while holding your breath...A large air tank coupled to a compressor, could possibly create an over-pressure in your bunker or car and prevent the entry of some/most problems. The compressor must run before the attack or have its own filter system, even if it just running the gasses and dust through a water and charcoal filter selfmade system...GP
I picked up a number of these things when the ebola threats got widespread.

good idea, just remember to wash your hands after shopping, touching a telephone, taxi doorhandle, elevator button, escalator handrail and so forth. More diseases and sickness is spread from touching something and then touching your nose/eyes than through the air. I keep soap and water in the car daily. Even if we just go the the toilette on the road, hygiene is an absolute...GP
Gas masks can't protect against everything but they are better then nothing. Ask your self, how long can you hold your breath? Next question, what is the easiest way to drive somebody out of their home? Answer, drop smoke bomb down chimney. Yes, gas masks are good to have.
Gas masks can't protect against everything but they are better then nothing. Ask your self, how long can you hold your breath? Next question, what is the easiest way to drive somebody out of their home? Answer, drop smoke bomb down chimney. Yes, gas masks are good to have.

Do not give anybody any more ideas UP...the Indians used to just stop up the chimney of log cabins in the cowboy days and smoke people out or to death...GP
I have never thought Nuclear war was survivable, gas masks or not.
as for chemical attacks it only took a few drops to harm those people in Salisbury.
my plans have always been avoidance and isolation and being far away from any sort of large urban centre.
Yeah the people look at me funny when I go shopping with my buckskin gloves on. Do not like to touch anything except my wife with my bare hands. One touch of the wrong plant, mushroom, chemical or person and you might have a problem you do not need. We have a flower here that you do not even need to eat, just touc hing it with sweaty hands/arms/legs will kill you. It was the most popular deadly plant for hundreds of years to "lose" unwanted persons in the world...
Read several Top Secret documents in my time. Ricin tablets, tritium gas, depleted UR 238 name it, the Warsaw Pact was packing it into their rockets and spy arsenals. One small can of beans with botulism, emptied into the right place could wipe out a city of 100,000. Be careful. GP
How many of you have gas masks for the whole family? Wondering how necessary it is really. I have one really nice one. Live far away from where i'd probably need it anyways.

If you want the truth D8, you need the masks, just for everyday chemical spills or a fire with poisonous gasses. If you get attacked with any Military grade ****, they will only give you the time to write your last testament and kiss the family good-bye. Sorry, GP
So much doom here. If you can afford it, and it might help, no reason not to have it. There's always a chance it could help you, and no matter what there will always be something that can kill you regardless. That's no reason not to be prepared.
tell that to the sheeple and the "nothing bad will happen" brigade.
why is it only preppers can see the dangers?
A lot of the people I know are complacent thinking "nothing bad will happen" but then they acknowledge it could when you point out that catastrophic events have happened before. Then they say, well if it's that bad, nothing I do will help.
You're right KateM, too much doom, not enough prepping here, take a look at the latest batch of Hardtack bread. 405 Flour, salt, spices, and homemade flour from this years harvest of acorns. Any takers? 50 year guarantee and vacume-packed! GP
Hardtack GP.JPG
Thank you for all of your imput on the GM's. I really appriciate it.
Pretty much what I was thinking all in all. It's kind of one of those items that would be really really good to have in the event of shtf but a great possibility that I would never need em but then if i did need them and didn't have em then oh crap! Sort of an exotic prep. Though not as expensive as something like night vision. I have a few exotic type preps but try to stick to the basics as much as possible. In truth I have a high end gun obsession and buy to much ammo. Not worried about food for a while but I would like to get another 100 buckets of rice and 100 oats. In terms of exotic preps if I wasn't wanting to spend another fortune on food I'd get a thermal drone LOL!
GaRp58 those are some interesting cookies you have there! Are they any good? Theres an odd family over the river and through the woods (litterally) from me that harvests a lot of acorns every year.
A lot of the people I know are complacent thinking "nothing bad will happen" but then they acknowledge it could when you point out that catastrophic events have happened before. Then they say, well if it's that bad, nothing I do will help.
if I, as a prepper, am wrong(and nothing happens) then i'm just that , Wrong.
if the sheeple are wrong then they are all...…….DEAD!.
A lot of the people I know are complacent thinking "nothing bad will happen" but then they acknowledge it could when you point out that catastrophic events have happened before. Then they say, well if it's that bad, nothing I do will help.

think about it beyond storing food weapons and ammo and picking a safe zone to live in,most people don't have the money to do much more

after the nukes are dropped a garden will not be of much use

how many homes these days even have a basement??????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Joe average can not afford a bomb shelter ,,,,,, and city dwellers are pretty much doomed ,,,in some respects they are right

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