it might be because preppers are a little paranoid,,,,,,,,,
no not paranoid, just got a bit more of life's experience. sods law(murphys law in US) says " if something CAN go wrong it WILL go wrong".it might be because preppers are a little paranoid,,,,,,,,,
no not paranoid, just got a bit more of life's experience. sods law(murphys law in US) says " if something CAN go wrong it WILL go wrong".
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're NOT out to get you. And besides, it's only paranoia if you, without basis in fact, believe that they are in fact coming for you right now. Acknowledging the possibilities doesn't qualify as paranoia; that's only realism. And if it's possible, I want to be ready for might be because preppers are a little paranoid,,,,,,,,,
that's one good reason why I don't have a bunker, second is cost.Hi from Germany, Redneck, one of the guys here put up a theory I'd like to share with you. You are in your bunker, the S has H T F. Someone knocks on the door. (pounds on your 600 lb. Dreadlock door). Question: "Open up and let me in, hungry and thirsty" Answer: F*** off! Q: "last chance, open up" A: FO, only got enuff for the family. Why didn't you make a plan B? Answer_: "This is my Plan B, open up or I'll weld your 600 lb. door shut and you'll never get out..."
Do you or have you planned a Plan C? A soft wall, 2 shovels to get through the 25 ft. of earth over your head? Could you shoot him through a little hole next to the door? Have a Claymore fixed outside for this scenerio? Flame-thrower mounted outside?
Play with the idea and Live free, GP
that would be one enormous cache!!IF i were to have a bunker.... I would use it to store food and ammo and such, not to hide in but to hide stuff away
Which is why I call such a bunker a "Death Trap"open up or I'll weld your 600 lb. door shut and you'll never get out..."
yes same here, also got a few ordinary dust masks with filters for emergency use, better than nothing but only just.FFP3 disposables only. Anything more than that, and we've got far greater worries. Mostly these are for a pandemic scenario.