Ghosts, Spirits And The Paranormal

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Has anyone ever heard about any scientific proof of either?
or do you just have an opinion on it?
tell me about it, I wanna learn more.
I have my opinions on this solely based on what I myself have been told by others. I have never seen a ghost. I would like to though.
My brother told me he used a Ouija board once.
He said he and his friends began to communicate via the Ouija board to some guy named Chris who was 29 and had been shot. This entity claimed he was a"good spirit." Because a bad spirit is always forth right and honest! I personally refuse to mess around with one. I'm not sure of they are real or not, but i figure why take a chance.
ya know what thats a great point. some people (not all) try and use a bible as proof of a god, I would consider using a Ouiji board as proof of ghosts and spirits, BUT i need to learn more about it.

come on people tell me about your Ouiji board experience, for info for my decision.

tell me about any other sliver of juice you have on the general topic of ghosts and spirits as well

angel action is allowed in here also.
ya know what thats a great point. some people (not all) try and use a bible as proof of a god, I would consider using a Ouiji board as proof of ghosts and spirits, BUT i need to learn more about it.

come on people tell me about your Ouiji board experience, for info for my decision.

tell me about any other sliver of juice you have on the general topic of ghosts and spirits as well

angel action is allowed in here also.
I am intrigued by the possibility of entities roaming the earth postmortem!
I personally believe in Ghosts and Spirits. I feel that I've encountered a few. It's not something that I share with a lot of people simply because of the looks I get when I do. I've never messed with an Ouiji board because I feel that if a spirit wants to make contact with you they will, you should never try to force it.

As far as God and the bible I do have my own beliefs. I try not to force them on others and respect their points of view. (ie RdnkBear ;) We just agree to disagree.)
i have SEVERAL theories on the bible and all that,, but 9 times out of 10, fights get started when you show people another point of view.
Join us in
biblical thoughts, polotics and religion.
anyone could read 1 page in that one and realize there does not need to be a fight to think differently. we are on WAY different teams over there,
yet we have more posts on that thread than any other thread in this forum to my knowledge. come on over and join us there.
i have SEVERAL theories on the bible and all that,, but 9 times out of 10, fights get started when you show people another point of view.
That is why at Masonic Lodges the discussion politics, religion, and solicitation of business is forbidden. Fist fights can break out over those topics!
That is why at Masonic Lodges the discussion politics, religion, and solicitation of business is forbidden. Fist fights can break out over those topics!


But not on Doomsday Preppers Forum, polotics ,and religion are top sellers here, we are very civilized. We save our fighting for important stuff, like emergency survival scratch preparedness kits, and industrial gas projectile propulsion systems. stuff like that.
( any resemblance to real topics is a coincidence, just 2 things that popped into my head, I cannot confirm nor deny where these thoughts come from in the static of my mind) I will defend myself will I dont recall, I dont recall, (it worked for ollie)

Currently watching the Ghost Adventures on The Birdcage Theater in Tombstone, AZ
watching the Ghost Adventures episode on Moundsville State Penitentiary in West Virginia.
some of theire stuff is good,, some just makes you scratch your head
I believe there is something. My dad and his 4 sisters all had experiences with the house they grew up in. I've spoken to all of them and some of them share their own stories, but they all have certain stories that are all alike. Even my mom when she started dating my dad had a pretty freaky experience in the house, Both of my parents are not ones to exaggerate on the paranormal stuff let alone speak about it. My wife and I have had some weird stuff happen in our home around the time our 2nd daughter was born.
This is one my Experiences:

I have lived in my town going on 12 years now and saw something that I'm still having trouble
believing. When we first moved here we had a dachshund (wiener dog) named Reba. Now Reba was a '' ball '' dog, meaning that her favorite toys were tennis balls. She would chase that ball a thousand times in a row if you didn't hide the ball so she could get some rest. Unfortunately, about 3 years ago she was run over by some kids on a four wheeler outside the gates to our small ranch. She was about9 years old at the time and was loosing her teeth which caused her to have this goofy look on her face, and her tongue was always sticking out of her mouth. My kids loved to play with her and were heart broken and inconsolable when they found her in the road. My wife was the hardest hit though. Reba was her buddy and her baby. That's the history and now, as Paul Harvey would say '' The rest... Of the story ''. About 2 years ago I came home late from work, after dark and went to check on the chickens as usual. As I walked from the truck to the coop I kicked a tennis ball out of my way, out past the reach of the security light. I went to check on the chickens and was on my way back into the house when I saw the tennis ball was back in the same spot. I thought maybe one of the kids was still awake at first, but then I realized that it was past 11:00 p. M. And that could not be. I was Perplexed but curious, so I kicked the ball again out in the same direction. I waited about 5 minutes, what for I can't say. Well, nothing happened, so I went into the house where my wife was still awake and was waiting for me. I didn't mention to her what had happened. About 10 minutes later I realized that I had forgotten something in the truck and went back outside to fetch it. Sure enough the ball was back in the same spot it had been in before I kicked it both times. I was a bit spooked, to say the least. I picked up the ball and threw it one more time in the same direction as before, but as soon as I heard the ball hit the ground, I could have sworn that I heard Reba's familiar gallop across the grass and dirt. That really freaked me out. But then a sense of reassurance and security came over me, for you see, Reba was a very protective dog, and loved the ranch life and my kids and wife so much that I figure she didn't want to leave home. I still come home late sometimes, and find the ball, throw it for Reba and hope that she is happy. To this day I have not said a word of this to the wife or the kids
I am intrigued by the possibility of entities roaming the earth postmortem!

This one was on the job:

I was working on the Slater ranch on the Aguilares to San Ygnacio farm road back in 2003 over night on a gas well. I had been reading a book about Texas Ghost stories earlier in the day and had laughed at most of them. Superstitious old fools I thought. On the well site that I was working on, a man had been killed during the rig move by a winch truck that struck him. A steel bar cross had been erected on the spot of the incident and was still there 3 months later when I was there. At about 4:00 a.m. I took readings from my equipment and returned to my truck. Sitting in my truck facing the full setting moon and the ominous cross with only my interior lights on calculating the results of my readings I detected movement out of the corner of my eye.
I thought to my self that it was the flagging on the cross ( for better visibility ) waving in the wind and ignored it. Again I noticed movement and ignored it. On the third time I looked up and saw the silhouette of a man back lit by the moon at almost ground level. I thought it was most likely an illegal alien and turned on my head lights to see who it was. There was nothing there but the cross. I can't tell you how creeped out I was. Thank God day light was only 2 hours away.
This is one my Expeiriences:

I have lived in my town going on 12 years now and saw somthing that I'm still having trouble
believing. When we first moved here we had a dachshund (weiner dog) named Reba. Now Reba was a '' ball '' dog, meaning that her favorite toys were tennis balls. She would chase that ball a thousand times in a row if you did'nt hide the ball so she could get some rest. Unfortunatly, about 3 years ago she was run over by some kids on a four wheeler outside the gates to our small ranch. She was about9 years old at the time and was loosing her teeth which caused her to have this goofy look on her face, and her tongue was always sticking out of her mouth. My kids loved to play with her and were heart broken and inconsolable when they found her in the road. My wife was the hardest hit though. Reba was her buddy and her baby. That's the history and now, as Paul Harvy would say '' The rest... Of the story ''. About 2 years ago I came home late from work, after dark and went to check on the chickens as usual. As I walked from the truck to the coop I kicked a tennis ball out of my way, out past the reach of the security light. I went to check on the chickens and was on my way back into the house when I saw the tennis ball was back in the same spot. I thought maybe one of the kids was still awake at first, but then I realized that it was past 11:00 p. M. And that could not be. I was Perplexed but curious, so I kicked the ball again out in the same direction. I waited about 5 minutes, what for I can't say. Well, nothing happened, so I went into the house where my wife was still awake and was waiting for me. I did'nt mention to her what had happened. About 10 minutes later I realized that I had forgotten something in the truck and went back outside to fetch it. Sure enough the ball was back in the same spot it had been in before I kicked it both times. I was a bit spooked, to say the least. I picked up the ball and threw it one more time in the same direction as before, but as soon as I heard the ball hit the ground, I could have sworn that I heard Reba's familiar gallop across the grass and dirt. That really freaked me out. But then a sense of reassurance and security came over me, for you see, Reba was a very protective dog, and loved the ranch life and my kids and wife so much that I figure she did'nt want to leave home. I still come home late sometimes, and find the ball, throw it for Reba and hope that she is happy. To this day I have not said a word of this to the wife or the kids
That is a great story!!! It warms the heart!
I've never personally had, what I would call a paranormal experience and so remain skeptical about the idea. Not saying it doesn't exist, I just have no frame of reference.

I have had a few experiences (re-occuring lucid dream and out of body experience) that tell me theres things out there that have yet to be explained by science.
I really think it would make a great movie or book. I kept thinking about the dog and his ball all night!
Thanks. My wife read it after I posted it and she freaked out. Thought I should have told her about it.
She admitted that when she sees the ball in the yard she sometimes throws it, but has not had the same expeirience as me.
Probably because Reba's full AKC name is Reba Daisy Daddy's Girl.
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I've never personally had, what I would call a paranormal experience and so remain skeptical about the idea. Not saying it doesn't exist, I just have no frame of reference.

I have had a few experiences (re-occuring lucid dream and out of body experience) that tell me theres things out there that have yet to be explained by science.

My Grandmother was a woman of sight. She could see thing that others could not. She ended up with dementia. I think it was because of what she endured through the visions and not being able to tell anyone about them.
I've what I call out of body experiences but its sort of a separate reality altogether. I visit this town/city/country all the time. Since I was around 5 years old. Progress happens in real time in accordance with my real life span. Houses get torn down, shopping centers got built, they built an ampitheater and improved a road along a body of water to include a row of townhouses. There's a banquet hall where I've attended a few events. There's this bar that started out as a strip club, then got turned into a take-out chicken place, then into a bar again. It had a back room that was reserved for VIPs. The weirdest thing is I just woke from a nap and I was at this bar again tonight but now I know what the outside looks like. I never saw that before. And the back room was closed.
I've what I call out of body experiences but its sort of a separate reality altogether. I visit this town/city/country all the time. Since I was around 5 years old. Progress happens in real time in accordance with my real life span. Houses get torn down, shopping centers got built, they built an ampitheater and improved a road along a body of water to include a row of townhouses. There's a banquet hall where I've attended a few events. There's this bar that started out as a strip club, then got turned into a take-out chicken place, then into a bar again. It had a back room that was reserved for VIPs. The weirdest thing is I just woke from a nap and I was at this bar again tonight but now I know what the outside looks like. I never saw that before. And the back room was closed.
Thats pretty wild there. I have premonitions every now and then. Nothing spectacular, things like I know what someone is going to say, or when a door will open and who is behind it, or every once in a while who's on the phone just as it rings. My Grandmother from Lousiana was a seerer, people came from many parishes away to talk to her. Guess thats where I got it.
I can draw a map to most of this place I go to but can never find it in this reality. It's really weird. Like the shopping center I said they built. Once I went there before it was built. Just a regular intersection and fields. In another dream they were building it and the equipment yard and construction office trailer were in a fenced section behind it. On another visit the shopping center was open but the equipment was gone and the trailer remained. The last time I saw the shopping center, the construction office was all decaying with the roof caved in and vegetation growing inside and out.

And this is just the condensed version. They say you forget most of your dreams close to waking up but I remember these quite vividly. I also wake up very drained when I go there and sometimes I wake up when I'm still there and its hard to pull myself out of it.
I can draw a map to most of this place I go to but can never find it in this reality. It's really weird. Like the shopping center I said they built. Once I went there before it was built. Just a regular intersection and fields. In another dream they were building it and the equipment yard and construction office trailer were in a fenced section behind it. On another visit the shopping center was open but the equipment was gone and the trailer remained. The last time I saw the shopping center, the construction office was all decaying with the roof caved in and vegetation growing inside and out.

And this is just the condensed version. They say you forget most of your dreams close to waking up but I remember these quite vividly. I also wake up very drained when I go there and sometimes I wake up when I'm still there and its hard to pull myself out of it.
That sounds like converging realities. I read something about that in a book a few years ago. Too bad I traded that book in for another at the thrift book store.
You might want to look that up on line. I don't know if anything on that is on the net, but who knows.
I have had personal experience of ghosts.
Shortly after my Dad died in 2004 I saw a dark figure sitting on the edge of my bed, at the top where the pillows are, it was a double bed and on the opposite side to me AND it was AGAINST THE WALL.
I saw it get up and walk down the side of the bed and then lost sight of it and then felt it sit at the bottom of the bed and then lie down across my legs. I was petrified, actually paralysed with fear, trying to speak and tell it to go. I then closed my eyes with my face in the pillow. I don't know how long I waited but I was able to move and it was gone.

I have more experiences to tell too.
I had a friend of mine tell me about this girl that got ran over on this road in Mississippi back in the 70's. We were going out to Texas to see his family and he told me that we would be driving that stretch later that night. Anyway the story went that the girl broke down on the side of the road and was walking to the town when she was hit by a motorist. It was early morning and foggy so the low visibility probally was the cause of not seeing her. The person didn't stop and she died there on the roadside. He said that she still searched that stretch of road looking for the person who killed her.

I laughed at him and didn't think anything else of it, until later that night. We hit the stretch of road, probally 15 miles all told where she had been seen along it, about 3 in the morning. He was asleep in the back and I was driving. Middle of the summer but it was a bit chilly so I had the windows down to keep fresh air flowing and to keep me awake. As we drove it started getting colder so I rolled up the windows, but despite that it kept getting colder so I turned the heater on and it didn't help. I started feeling like someone was watching me and it kind of creeped me out. The feeling of being watched kept getting stronger and I started looking around without seeing anything. When I looked out of my driver side window again there was a woman with her face pressed against the glass just staring at me. While I was driving down the road at 50 mph. I was scared spitless!! I couldn't take my eyes off her and then all of a sudden she was gone!

Needless to say I put the acclerator to the floor and didn't stop till we were into the next town and surronded by lights. I couldn't really describe her, but I got the overwhealming sense of anger from her. Thinking back on it, I kind of feel sorry for her. Just stuck there trying to find someone who killed her so long ago. It's sad you know? But it still scared the crap out of me.
I had a friend of mine tell me about this girl that got ran over on this road in Mississippi back in the 70's. We were going out to Texas to see his family and he told me that we would be driving that stretch later that night. Anyway the story went that the girl broke down on the side of the road and was walking to the town when she was hit by a motorist. It was early morning and foggy so the low visibility probally was the cause of not seeing her. The person didn't stop and she died there on the roadside. He said that she still searched that stretch of road looking for the person who killed her.

I laughed at him and didn't think anything else of it, until later that night. We hit the stretch of road, probally 15 miles all told where she had been seen along it, about 3 in the morning. He was asleep in the back and I was driving. Middle of the summer but it was a bit chilly so I had the windows down to keep fresh air flowing and to keep me awake. As we drove it started getting colder so I rolled up the windows, but despite that it kept getting colder so I turned the heater on and it didn't help. I started feeling like someone was watching me and it kind of creeped me out. The feeling of being watched kept getting stronger and I started looking around without seeing anything. When I looked out of my driver side window again there was a woman with her face pressed against the glass just staring at me. While I was driving down the road at 50 mph. I was scared spitless!! I couldn't take my eyes off her and then all of a sudden she was gone!

Needless to say I put the acclerator to the floor and didn't stop till we were into the next town and surronded by lights. I couldn't really describe her, but I got the overwhealming sense of anger from her. Thinking back on it, I kind of feel sorry for her. Just stuck there trying to find someone who killed her so long ago. It's sad you know? But it still scared the crap out of me.
Spooky, spooky, spooky.
Damn that story gave me the nanaras ( goose bumps/chills ).
I don't mess with Ouija boards. I was told by a friend of mine who is into Wicca that those boards open portals to places where darkness dwells (Hell) and you don't know really what you are releasing when you use those boards. If you open a portal, you better know damn well how to close it or just don't mess with it. She told me friends of hers tried burning a Ouija board and it made things worse. They had doors open and close on their own, disembodied voices and all sorts of weird things happen. I don't mess with those boards.
I don't mess with Ouija boards. I was told by a friend of mine who is into Wicca that those boards open portals to places where darkness dwells (Hell) and you don't know really what you are releasing when you use those boards. If you open a portal, you better know damn well how to close it or just don't mess with it. She told me friends of hers tried burning a Ouija board and it made things worse. They had doors open and close on their own, disembodied voices and all sorts of weird things happen. I don't mess with those boards.
I too don't mess with Ouija Boards. I think they can open a portal, door, etc that you can't close. I know my brother used one once. said he and his friends were talking with a guy in his 20's who had been murdered. I'm not sure how true it is, as my brother, at the time, was a walking pharmacy

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