Ghosts, Spirits And The Paranormal

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When I was about 14 I went over to a friends house and she had a Ouija board. I didn't want to mess with it but she talked me into it. We put our hands on it and just started talking to it and it started moving we both looked up and swore we were not doing anything just to make a show. The mouse thingy that you put your hands started spelling out a name and it told us he was a spirit of a man that had been killed in a car wreck (Ive got chill bumps just telling this story), it really spooked me out. Im 47 now and haven't messed around w/that since and am a Christian, and I believe also that that is a portal to demons and the spirit world.
Um, not to be a party pooper, but I'm sure there are supernatural sites somewhere on the net. What does this have to do with prepping??
Um, not to be a party pooper, but I'm sure there are supernatural sites somewhere on the net. What does this have to do with prepping??
separate thread Brother.
Off topic is where they go so here we are.
Um, not to be a party pooper, but I'm sure there are supernatural sites somewhere on the net. What does this have to do with prepping??
We don't spend every waking minute of every day prepping. We all have lives and beliefs outside of prepping. But, I think those of us who prep have a lot of similar beliefs and activities that we do outside of prepping. If one of the reasons for this site is to form friendships/allies, wouldn't it make sense to also want to share other aspects of our lives? And, of course, as Wiredog said, this is in the "Off Topic" area.

Personally, I am a Diest and I don't believe in ghosts. Readers Digest had an article in it years ago about a research study of the brain and spiritual/psychic experiences. There is a specific area of the brain that lights up on scan when religious experiences occur. I believe that the human brain is so complex and the human psyche so vulnerable to suggestion that simply having a belief that something can be possible allows our brain to show us what we want to believe.

All of that said, a month after my mother passed away, my oldest son and I were on the highway driving 70 mph. The man in the vehicle in front of us leaned over to get something - I assumed he dropped something. His vehicle fish-tailed a bit, then he appeared to get it under control. I slowed down a bit to put some space between us. Suddenly, his vehicle turned and slammed head-on into the guardrail, then bounced backward directly in front of us. There was no way I could avoid hitting him. It all happened in slow motion. I reached my arm across to hold my son back (mother's instinct) and right before the hit, I clearly heard my mother say, "Everything will be all right."
I did a summer as a Bee exterminator for a company called the Bee man. I was sent up in an attic to weave my way ever so carefully through the rafters ,that seemed to be created to form a rat maze, after about 30 feet of rafters I came to a channel that was about 60 feet long and was about 2ft x 18inch in dimension and of course the bees built their nest at the end of said tunnel so off I shimmied. At the very end was a slightly larger opening where the bees had set up camp, so I started hosing them down with spray only to realize that I had no ventilation in there!! Surprise!!! I'm dying with the bees!!
I couldn't see, my pulse was going faster and faster and I knew this was it.. I had become a Buddhist about 3 years before that giving all Christianity the write off as a bunch of kids fighting over who daddy loves most. I didn't know what to do so I screamed out for help. My partner Jerry who was listening to me crawl through the ceiling space heard me and started running to the attic entrance to pull out what he was now sure would be my dead body.
I couldn't move and was in full panic mode so I did the only thing I could think of, I prayed. I said "please God don't let me die" And the part that scared me is that I got an answer as clear as someone laying next to me. He said "Stand up and run" It was Like an order that I dare not ignore. Not knowing what else to do I did. I ran for the only thing I could see, It was a blurred ball of light.
I beat Jerry to the ladder and came down crying and blubbering and completely blind. After a trip to the ER a couple of hours of oxygen and tox-scans I was released finally gaining my sight back.
The question I had was "how did I do it"? How did I stand up in a channel that I had to military shimmy into after weaving my way over and under rafters. I'm telling you that I STOOD UP AND RAN AND NOTHING ELSE! And some how made it through that mess and I beat Jerry to a ladder that he had an unobstructed run too. My only answer is that, It was God. He answered me that day. And I have been forever grateful for the extended life he's given me.

Do with this what you will, It changed me forever....
I did a summer as a Bee exterminator for a company called the Bee man. I was sent up in an attic to weave my way ever so carefully through the rafters ,that seemed to be created to form a rat maze, after about 30 feet of rafters I came to a channel that was about 60 feet long and was about 2ft x 18inch in dimension and of course the bees built their nest at the end of said tunnel so off I shimmied. At the very end was a slightly larger opening where the bees had set up camp, so I started hosing them down with spray only to realize that I had no ventilation in there!! Surprise!!! I'm dying with the bees!!
I couldn't see, my pulse was going faster and faster and I knew this was it.. I had become a Buddhist about 3 years before that giving all Christianity the write off as a bunch of kids fighting over who daddy loves most. I didn't know what to do so I screamed out for help. My partner Jerry who was listening to me crawl through the ceiling space heard me and started running to the attic entrance to pull out what he was now sure would be my dead body.
I couldn't move and was in full panic mode so I did the only thing I could think of, I prayed. I said "please God don't let me die" And the part that scared me is that I got an answer as clear as someone laying next to me. He said "Stand up and run" It was Like an order that I dare not ignore. Not knowing what else to do I did. I ran for the only thing I could see, It was a blurred ball of light.
I beat Jerry to the ladder and came down crying and blubbering and completely blind. After a trip to the ER a couple of hours of oxygen and tox-scans I was released finally gaining my sight back.
The question I had was "how did I do it"? How did I stand up in a channel that I had to military shimmy into after weaving my way over and under rafters. I'm telling you that I STOOD UP AND RAN AND NOTHING ELSE! And some how made it through that mess and I beat Jerry to a ladder that he had an unobstructed run too. My only answer is that, It was God. He answered me that day. And I have been forever grateful for the extended life he's given me.

Do with this what you will, It changed me forever....

If they are real, then they must live in what you might call another dimension. The Laws of Physics don't seem to apply.

Another way to look at it is to say that they live in a world of pure energy. The Laws of Physics deal with the interaction of matter and energy.Well we know that energy and matter are related, and anytime matter is involved with the transfer of energy we have the Second Law of Thermodynamics to contend with. But if there is no matter involved, there is no entropy generated (think cosmic rays in space) and so our normal laws of physics simply don't apply.

This could explain why ghosts seem to defy the law of gravity at will, and can walk through walls, and yet seem to have the ability to interact with physical objects when they want.

Trying to physically measure things in the spirit world runs into a problem similar to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. This is why it is so difficult to study them scientifically. The best you can do is say that there is something there because of an energy reading, but what it is exactly can't be determined.

Attempting to think about this scientifically is making my brain hurt so I have to stop now...:confused:
This could explain why ghosts seem to defy the law of gravity at will, and can walk through walls, and yet seem to have the ability to interact with physical objects when they want.

According to Paranormal experts. The ghosts walk through walls because their basis of movement was of the structures during their time and not ours. If there was a hallway in the previous building across the wall that you just put, the ghost would be walking that hallway which crosses your wall hence "walk through walls"

I too have stories to tell but that will come on another day...
When SHTF you won't need to be worried about the dead people, it's the live ones you might have trouble with...
I don't mess with Ouija boards. I was told by a friend of mine who is into Wicca that those boards open portals to places where darkness dwells (Hell) and you don't know really what you are releasing when you use those boards. If you open a portal, you better know damn well how to close it or just don't mess with it. She told me friends of hers tried burning a Ouija board and it made things worse. They had doors open and close on their own, disembodied voices and all sorts of weird things happen. I don't mess with those boards.

I did Automatic Writing once. At first, I was talking to a pretty cool entity named "Cheryl" but after a few weeks, her demeanor changed drastically, and I wasn't talking to Cheryl anymore, just some other entity who had shoe-horned in, so I simply stopped doing it. Did the trick. I learned some great metaphysical things from Cheryl...much of which is corroborated with works by other authors in that genre (and all of which, I had no pre-conceived notions of, so pretty cool for a time.

I've had other paranormal experiences, nearly always haunted, but I let them be, as mostly, harmless (and fun to spook my guests, especially when they are skeptics). So far though, the ranch seems unhaunted, even with the ashes of two family members in urns.

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