GoFundMe raises more than $1 million for Trump's border wall

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I feel the right has skewed the stats and figures as much as the left. I don’t believe the wall would save 5 billion in two years, or that it would only cost 5 billion. As far as cuts, I said I think 50% of most govt programs budgets could be cut, and should. As I stated before though, in the real world politicians aren’t going to stop spending other people’s money. I don’t see trumps pet project any differently as all the other emergency pet projects brought forth by all the politicians before him, which is why we are twenty plus trillion in debt right now. If he really wants a legacy of a wall why would it be so irrational to cut spending below what we take in before thinking about spending more?
Brent, it's a matter of priorities. You have made it abundantly clear that National Security is not high on your priority list, but it is very high on the priority list in the Constitution of the primary responsibilities of the Federal Government.

It's really simple:

So we need to do whatever is necessary to stop the invasion.
Brent, it's a matter of priorities. You have made it abundantly clear that National Security is not high on your priority list, but it is very high on the priority list in the Constitution of the primary responsibilities of the Federal Government.

It's really simple:

So we need to do whatever is necessary to stop the invasion.
I completely disagree. I do believe in border security. I just don’t think 12th century technology is going to stop the problem. Most of the drugs coming in are through the major entry points, not through deserts needing mules to carry them. They are hidden in the thousands of vehicles crossing each day. There are allready walls along most of the border, at least in the populated areas, where most crossings are anyways. I’m all for better detection and security measures. The amount of people coming in and overstaying their visas greatly outnumbers the illegal crossings at night. There are 21st century ways to track and detect these problems better and more economically. The Great Wall of china didn’t stop invaders long term, and like I said, 12th century technology won’t stop this problem either. The blank check of another 5 billion dollars of debt won’t solve it either.
I still just see this as another rallying cry to get people all excited over another stupid politicians ego driven pet project that is ineffective and costing us money that we do not have.

Nobody says the wall will solve all of the problems. And the $5B will only build/upgrade about 200 miles of the border.

Let me try to explain it another way. The majority of the voters who got the electoral college votes to elect Trump voted for the wall. They know it's not the complete solution. They know more will need to be done. But they take this as the first step toward a more secure border. You have to start somewhere. The $5B funding has the words "START HERE" on them.

If you want to complain further, please tell me about any program you've supported that didn't have flaws? An example, you supported Hillary for president. Talk about a flawed candidate! So why did you vote for her? And you can't say because there were 2 choices. You could have also not voted. Yes, a limited number of choices, but you had to pick from multiple flawed options.

Same for the wall. Flawed due to the deficit & overrun charges etc? Sure, everything is. But once built, it will stay in place regardless of who is elected next. Only enforcing laws can easily be disregarded by the next president.

And finally, to quote a SCJ turncoat, "Elections have consequences."
Here is an article with pictures and maps about securing the border. The border wall is not planned for the entire border or even most of it, it's a very small portion. Most of the border does have vehicle obstacles though. A good portion is the Rio Grand river. Some old fencing that's not effective will be replaced and new fencing will be added in some areas. The fences when maintained are very effective in reducing the number of illegal crossings. Border patrols, surveillance and natural terrain all contribute to border security. Brent may want to read it so he knows what he is talking about.

Brent, once again your logic and points prove invalid. 12 century technology (the wall) will defeat cave man technology, (hands and feet). The majority are simply illegal aliens walking across our borders. Walls do stop those folks. Maybe you missed the video of the two guys (mules) who climbed over the the fence carrying drugs and then climbed back over when they were spotted. I guarantee they would not have been able to climb over president Trumps wall. As for the drugs crossing in vehicles every day, I guess you have not spent any time at any legal port of entry lately. I have witnessed the dogs in action in T.J. and they are not getting across there. A car a few lanes over got signaled out and dismantled. The driver is probably doing time as we speak (write). The wall,you refer to is not a wall, it is a fence line and a very poor half azz fence line at that. It was the Liberal's compromise that once again solved nothing. It is like putting 4 strand wire around your chicken coup and calling it protected. Tell me about the 21st century ways to track and detect these problems better and are more economically. I don't think you have a clue how to stop these people with a cheaper or more efficiently way than the Trump wall. The wall is stationary, no fuel consumption. The sensor are wireless and report to the people already on duty (no new specialized drone pilots). What makes you think most of the illegal crossing occur in populated area's, remember I live in a border state, near the border.

Brent you are NOT all for better detection and security methods or you would stop your pretensions about a balanced budget being your reason to not fund the Wall. You don't have the guts to get a balanced budget and make the cuts needed to balance our debt. Now I would agree to hold off on the wall, if all non security related funds were stopped. Once the budget was completely paid off then, we could talk about the wall and social service programs. Now that is someone dedicated to a balance budget. You just give it lip service. Don't want to waste money on things you don't like but it is okay to continue wasting money on the social services that are feel good programs YOU approve. Like most Liberals, you want your cake and eat it too. Too gutless to make the tough calls on the budget but willing to point your finger at the expense of the wall, without verifying the cost benefit.

The wall of china did stop the frontal assaults but the Mongols went around the wall. They did not breach the walls. Since the super majority of illegals aliens do come across our southern border and not around our southern border, your analogy has as many holes in it as your budget logic. It would be more honest to just admit you have Trump fear and would rather we not secure our border than give President Trump another political victory.
Like you said, the Great Wall wasn’t breached but was just went around. Reminiscent of the menginot wall that the French spent tons of money on, the Germans simply went around. Most reports do show that the drugs are coming through the regular ports of entry, by far. There are too many vehicles to search them all, so the majority make it through. I don’t think spending money on better detection is a bad idea.
As far as giving trump another victory, remind me what he has done that’s good. So far I’ve seen him take credit for a good economy, which his trade war is hurting now. I’ve seen him take credit for denuclearization of n Korea, which has fallen apart. I’ve seen him insult our allies and befriend states that sponsor murdering people (Russia and The saudis). I’ve seen him trash the agreements the US signed repeatedly, making me wonder why anyone would ever trust any agreement from us again. I’ve seen him cause good people to quit with all the turmoil he causes in our govt. (Mattis for a recent example). Im not anti republican here, just seriously pointing out that trump is a horrible president. Im still in amazement that anyone still believes in him
Brent I see you have shifted away from trying to defend your Balanced budget stance. You also have failed to name any cost saving approaches that would better serve out border security.What better detection programs do you keep referring to? I am a little bit tech smart and I am not aware of any cost effective systems that would do a better detection job, so please share with us. So are you equating the illegal aliens to the Gemans in WW ll? What route are these illegals going to use to walk, or drive around our Southern border? I think I missed that path in geography class. So you are saying that stopping any percentage of human or drug smuggling is not worth the price of the wall? So people and children dying in the desert not worth the price of the wall? How many people need to die or how many drugs need to be stopped before the wall cost is valid in your opinion?

The good economy happen after President Trump removed the Obuma regulation and brought millions of dollars back into our country. As for the trade war, more manufacturing is returning to America, so how is that bad? You want to see him stop associating with nations that sponsor murder, then we should get the heck out of Nato and the U.N. Yes people do quit, some may be good and some may be worthless, but you or I do not have the facts (not guesses) to judge who is which. We only know whom we like and that does not make them good or bad people. The Paris Accord was and is a stupid agreement and President Trumps was smart to get us out of it. The U.N. migration proposal was and is a huge nightmare waiting for the stupid nations that have stayed on board. They will be flooded with third world migrants. More and more countries are also bailing out of it. Please name our allies? These same countries stab us in the back and expect us to keep smiling. They have tariffs on our imports but scream blood murder when President Trump wants to do the same to them. They have become globalist servitude countries. Open borders, bankrupt economies and rampant crime. So we should kiss their tush and be like them. I think not. Our President has finally got a pair and we have stopped apologizing to the world for being successful. As for North Korea, I notice he did not remove any sanctions from them either. They have played this game in the past and gotten concessions from past presidents. It did not work out this time.

You want to point to horrible Presidents and lier's, how about Ex-president Obama. I am guessing you have Forgot about the Russian Reset button. OR you can keep your doctor Or you can keep your medical plan. How about all the lost money investing in failed solar companies. Or shutting down our oil drilling to keep us subservient to these same nations that you point to as condoning murder. How about 8 years of horrible economic growth and now two year into President Trumps administration, we have the best economy in the last 40 years.

At least you finally admitted you are Anti-Trump. That is an honest statement vs. the B.S. of budget concerns. A simple I would not support the wall because I hate Trump would have saved us both a lot of typing.
Brent I see you have shifted away from trying to defend your Balanced budget stance. You also have failed to name any cost saving approaches that would better serve out border security.What better detection programs do you keep referring to? I am a little bit tech smart and I am not aware of any cost effective systems that would do a better detection job, so please share with us. So are you equating the illegal aliens to the Gemans in WW ll? What route are these illegals going to use to walk, or drive around our Southern border? I think I missed that path in geography class. So you are saying that stopping any percentage of human or drug smuggling is not worth the price of the wall? So people and children dying in the desert not worth the price of the wall? How many people need to die or how many drugs need to be stopped before the wall cost is valid in your opinion?

The good economy happen after President Trump removed the Obuma regulation and brought millions of dollars back into our country. As for the trade war, more manufacturing is returning to America, so how is that bad? You want to see him stop associating with nations that sponsor murder, then we should get the heck out of Nato and the U.N. Yes people do quit, some may be good and some may be worthless, but you or I do not have the facts (not guesses) to judge who is which. We only know whom we like and that does not make them good or bad people. The Paris Accord was and is a stupid agreement and President Trumps was smart to get us out of it. The U.N. migration proposal was and is a huge nightmare waiting for the stupid nations that have stayed on board. They will be flooded with third world migrants. More and more countries are also bailing out of it. Please name our allies? These same countries stab us in the back and expect us to keep smiling. They have tariffs on our imports but scream blood murder when President Trump wants to do the same to them. They have become globalist servitude countries. Open borders, bankrupt economies and rampant crime. So we should kiss their tush and be like them. I think not. Our President has finally got a pair and we have stopped apologizing to the world for being successful. As for North Korea, I notice he did not remove any sanctions from them either. They have played this game in the past and gotten concessions from past presidents. It did not work out this time.

You want to point to horrible Presidents and lier's, how about Ex-president Obama. I am guessing you have Forgot about the Russian Reset button. OR you can keep your doctor Or you can keep your medical plan. How about all the lost money investing in failed solar companies. Or shutting down our oil drilling to keep us subservient to these same nations that you point to as condoning murder. How about 8 years of horrible economic growth and now two year into President Trumps administration, we have the best economy in the last 40 years.

At least you finally admitted you are Anti-Trump. That is an honest statement vs. the B.S. of budget concerns. A simple I would not support the wall because I hate Trump would have saved us both a lot of typing.
I am not against a secure border. I am against a 5 billion dollar project that has no details given, no final design, and is only doing to be able to build a couple hundred miles worth of Wall. Why not just build a chain link fence with barbed wire? Any type of Wall is still going to need patrols and monitoring, so why build something with a price tag we can’t afford? Everything I have read shows that way more illegals come in legally and stay vs the ones crossing the desert. Sure, there are ones that cross and even die trying, but I’m mostly concerned with the bigger numbers. Also with drugs, the coast guard gets ten times the amount of drugs vs the border and that’s by coastal routes. I think funding the coast guard more would do more good, and the border patrols. No matter what happens though, wall or more security, neither is going to work alone. Without immigration reform, like immediate deportation when caught, nothing is going to work.
Sorry, I still say trump hasn’t done much for the economy. He was in at a time when it was heading up as he came in. There is no way his policies had time to affect it in his first year. Now his policies have had time to really affect it and it’s tanking. His trade war and erratic behavior is affecting the market pretty negatively right now. Let’s have this revisited in six months and we will see if his grand economic ideas are worth anything. Stocks are down 10% for the year and still heading down.
As far as lying goes, come on, 75% of what trump says is crap. He makes stuff up daily. You wonder why all the media coverage is against him? It’s because he is constantly making up facts. When anyone points out facts to contradict his statements he just throws out new ones, moving on. Hillary used a personal server, and Obama’s said you can keep your dr. As far as Hillary, it wasn’t smart, but not illegal. Obama tried to make a good plan, but the polarized politicians beat it up so bad by the time it was done it wasn’t so good anymore. How does that compare to everyone in trumps circle being indited on felonies?
Gotta run but will respond more later...
The wall as is desiged and being built along with the personnel and technology is not going to be tunneled under or climbed over . The People that claim it will be know better but make that claim because of Trump derangement syndrome .
Just knowing the wall is in place will put the caravan cartels out of business and prevent the human trafficking and other horrific crimes that go with the smuggling business . That alone should be reason enough for Everyone to support building the wall except for the criminals . But the Democrats will sale out all the Children and Others that will die or be harmed because of Our open borders .
Brent's post in black, my responses in blue.

I am not against a secure border. I am against a 5 billion dollar project that has no details given, no final design, and is only doing to be able to build a couple hundred miles worth of Wall. If the Democrats and whiny Liberals would get out of the way, President Trump would haply build the whole wall, not just a few hundred miles. Why not just build a chain link fence with barbed wire?Because Fences do not work and never have, dumb suggestion, Heck my grand kids can climb a chain link fence, even with barbed wire on top. Any type of Wall is still going to need patrols and monitoring, so why build something with a price tag we can’t afford? The wall can't be climbed and the sensor are built into the ground, so the wall does not constantly need to be patrolled. Everything I have read shows that way more illegals come in legally and stay vs the ones crossing the desert. Remember I said I live in a border state and I can guarantee you more are crossing the border and enough are being caught to prove this fact. I don't know what Liberal B.S, site you are getting your numbers from but they are absolutely a lies. Sure, there are ones that cross and even die trying, but I’m mostly concerned with the bigger numbers. So it is okay for children to die in the desert because you are only concerned with the bigger numbers but not the generation after generations on welfare? Also with drugs, the coast guard gets ten times the amount of drugs vs the border and that’s by coastal routes. I think funding the coast guard more would do more good, and the border patrols. Brent all these agencies are currently funded and have not stopped the illegal aliens or the drugs, so why would just tossing more money at them work? And if you did toss more money, does that not defeat you balanced budget position, no more spending? No matter what happens though, wall or more security, neither is going to work alone. Without immigration reform, like immediate deportation when caught, nothing is going to work. Immigration reform is absolutely needed but we have to stop the inflow. The Democrats and Liberals are doing everything in their power to encourage more illegal aliens to keep coming. Sanctuary cities, refusing to work with ICE, releasing illegals back into society. These policies just add more and more encouragement to illegals to keep coming.
Sorry, I still say trump hasn’t done much for the economy. He was in at a time when it was heading up as he came in. Brent where do you get this information? I read six to seven news site daily and watch the market and I can guarantee you that the economy was not on the way back up, until the tax cuts were implemented and the deregulation started, What booted the economy was removing all the crap regulation that Obuma and authorized. There is no way his policies had time to affect it in his first year. Funny how lower the taxes on a company to return the money being held over seas will get a company off the dime. Now his policies have had time to really affect it and it’s tanking. I did not see you list the GDP growth for this year, about three times the best year for Obuma .His trade war and erratic behavior is affecting the market pretty negatively right now. The stock market did not start to tank until the Democrats won the House and started talking crap again. Let’s have this revisited in six months and we will see if his grand economic ideas are worth anything. In six months we will have had six months of B,S, from the Democrats and nothing will have gotten done, from a financial view point. Stocks are down 10% for the year and still heading down.Of course the stocks are headed down, nobody knows what stupid stuff the Democrats will propose or what development they will oppose. Investors do not like uncertainty and with a GOP Senate and a Democratic House, it does not get any more uncertain.
As far as lying goes, come on, 75% of what trump says is crap. He makes stuff up daily. You wonder why all the media coverage is against him? It’s because he is constantly making up facts. When anyone points out facts to contradict his statements he just throws out new ones, moving on. Hillary used a personal server, and Obama’s said you can keep your dr. As far as Hillary, it wasn’t smart, but not illegal. Brent once again you are mistaken, what Hillary did was illegal but Comey chose not to prosecute, Hilary did have classified information on a unsecured server and should have been jailed, Obama tried to make a good plan, but the polarized politicians beat it up so bad by the time it was done it wasn’t so good anymore. Brent, when Obumacare was implemented, not a single Republican had anything to do with it, not one GOP vote. So if it was screwed up by politicians, it was his own party that did it. How does that compare to everyone in trumps circle being indited on felonies? Want to bet on felonies after the 2020 election. The Clintons are going to jail and I think you will see a few more of Obuma's administration headed in that direction too.
Gotta run but will respond more later..

Figured it would be easier to respond to each line. I still am waiting for the cost saving technology you have used as an excuse to not fund the wall, as they would be more cost effective. In this post your suggestions would be more expensive and would be a continuing expense. There is only one statement in your post that I can consider factual. We do need immigration reform but until that happens and is proven, we need the wall. Chain link fences are ridiculous.

Back in your court.
Well, I decided that it’s Christmas’s eve, so all political crap is done for the night. I will come back swinging after the holiday! Wish everyone a merry Christmas!

Brent, may you and your family have a wonderful Christmas. We will take up the debate another time. Have fun and enjoy the holiday.

From Scrooge.

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