Good Morning

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Good Morning T/F...!!

Looks like a sunny and breezy day in store for the Keystone State...with a current temperature of 76 degrees.


Everyday will be a fight for survival...but it's the fight that makes life that much more precious.


What doesn't kill ya...will wish it had !!

~ Kevin Pádraig Seán O'Donnell 1954 ~

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Good Afternoon T/F...!!

Just another sunny day in paradise here in the Delaware Valley...with a current temperature of 84 degrees.


Good Morning T/F...!!

Looks like a party sunny day in store for the Delaware Valley...with a current temperature of 83 degrees.


Good Morning T/F...!!

Looking like another beautiful sunny day here in the Delaware Valley...with a current temperature of 87 degrees.


Good Morning NUTZ...!!

Yet another beautiful sunny & hot morning here in the Keystone State...with a current temperature of 82 degrees...with 95+ projected.


Good Afternoon T/F...!!

Just another day in Hell here in the Keystone State...with a current temperature of 87...which feels like 97 degrees due to the 90% humidity...


Just some of the 13 steps to Dante's Inferno...

Good Afternoon T/F...!!

Crazy HOT day right now in the Keystone State...with the current temperature of 91 degrees, and with the 65% humidity... it feels like 104 degrees.


Good afternoon T/F. Hey Shooter.

Well it's hot and super muggy here in the Delaware Valley, and it's expected to be this way for the next several days. Last I checked it was 95 degrees with a real feel of 112 in these Pine Barrens. Man that's hot, but guess what, I'll take this over freezing cold and snow any day! While it's a hot one, it's still good to be alive and I thank the Good Lord for it! Stay cool folks!

'Afternoon Dutch...!!

Was just out on the back deck watering the vegetables for the 2nd time today...

Then I cracked open a cold one... and went back to the man's way too hot to be outside today.

Hey buddy, sounds good to me. The Delaware Valley is baking! I just opened a chilled bottle of plum wine, and I don't plan on going outside anymore today!
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Good morning T/F. Morning Shooter.

It's promising to be another scorcher today in these here woods. It's suppose to hit 100 degrees, with a real feel of 115!:eek:

Lets thank God, because as my grandmother use to say, "It could always be worst"!

Stay cool folks:

Good Afternoon T/F...!!

The Delaware Valley is still locked into a Heat Wave...with the temperature @ 92 degrees and the humidity @ currently feels like 100 degrees !!


Good Morning T/F...!!

Another scorcher in the works for the Delaware Valley...with a current temperature of the humidity of 68% and the dew point at 76...equals a " feels like " temperature of 103 degrees !!


Good afternoon T/F. Hey Shooter.

Just checked the temps for my area and it's reading 94 degrees. The real feel is 104. While it's hotter than hell, i'm grateful to be alive to experience this dreaded heat! Let us be thankful and glad in it!

Hey brother, so far so good. I just turned my air up to 81 degrees cause I was starting to get cold!

You know me man, I like it warm/hot. It's the humidity that drives me crazy! That's pretty much what I use my A/C for, to take the humidity out of the house.
Good Afternoon T/F...!!

Well...seems like 100+ degrees is the new normal here in the Keystone the current temperature right now is 103 degrees.


Good Morning T/F...!!

Well, the Heat Wave of 2019 has finally broke...poured rain last night into this overcast with a stiff breeze. Current temperature is 70 degrees...with only a high of 76 degrees forecasted for today.


Good Afternoon T/F...!!

Awoke to a beautiful sunny & cool day this morning...with a current temperature of only 79 degrees.


* Ocean City, NJ *

Good Morning T/F...!!

Awoke to a beautiful sunny morning here in the Glen...with a current temperature of 73 degrees.


* Sunrise on the OCNJ Bay *

Good Afternoon T/F...!!

Yet another Great Day to be Alive here in the Glen...with a current temperature of 84 degrees.


Good Morning T/F...!!

Looking like another beautiful sunny day here in the Glen...with a current temperature of 83 degrees.


Good Morning T/F...!!

Just another day in paradise here in the Keystone State...with a current temperature of 83 degrees.



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