Gov't prepping for ??????

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HamRadio/Office of Emergency Services/Fire-EMT-SAR
Nov 13, 2012
Squaw Valley, California, USA, EARTH
There has been alot of discussion about the many things going on within the government agencies and the various things we see in video's or read in online documents or hear in news reports. A side line
issue is one I have been watching for a few months now. Since I was a child and Dad worked for Lockheed/Navy Dept and NASA, and had some of the highest security clearances of anyone working on the manned space flight programs, (he retired himself from the Shuttle Program in 1999 after 34 years with these programs) I have been involved in one way or another with either satelite tracking or mission tracking of ISS or a shuttle on that mission and have come to know that NASA does tell the regular lie here and there when it suits them for national security or just to keep news of something that could change the views of the worlds people's and religions and bring total breakdown of society due to a truth.
Most of you that follow a bit my posts must know I keep a large area with all I study and recently I have added alot on this comet "ISON". I'n my recent studies I have come accross things that don't equal or lies upon lies to cover up and now NASA has a complete "hush hush" on ISON.
Well, i have laid things out and in cross referencing I see where some things do add up. In recent weeks FEMA has ordered millions of cases of (#1) survival-packets of water, (#2) millions of MRE's and (#3)small med-paks which contain basic hygiene items and personal medical items and all these items have been ordered to be in place by the end of October, 2013 for the FEMA region #3. I know region 3 is the north east area covering about 5-7 states. Also found on a NASA site with info pre "hush-hush" was a note of destination ISON being the north-east (region #3). for at least the rest of Jan 2014 there is a high likely hood that large pieces of debris from either the debris field behind ISON or from it's contact with the outer asteroid belt when it came into our solar system may impact earth and the point of contact that was of concern was FEMA's region #3 (north-east US). There have already been validated reports and video's showing debris coming in over russia and a few other places.
Make this part of the reason our government is preparring for something. Civil unrest would definately occur if a large piece of debris was to hit the northeast, some in the rest of the country would begin to riot, rape, kill, steal and do all the things their minds tell them to do when they believe the "world is coming to an end", and, our government would not tell us of the impending doom about to hit and NASA could not say anything because our government told them to keep hush about it. With this new scenario Obama would not need to create a situation or manufacture "fear" in order to declare martial law, so if this was true about debris from ISON about to hit the northeast it would be to Obama like icing on the cake.
There is no mention of how big or small debris is thought to be but judging by the size of the buildup by our government as well as the importation of foriegn soldiers and support vehicles and the construction of camps and everything included in this buildup I'd say our government may know what may hit us and how big it may be, if it's true. To me it feels as if it could be a very good possibility that at least our own government is preparring to deal with the aftermath of such an impact. Telling the people of such an event would only accelerate the ugly effects that will surely come anyway.
The Comet ISON issue came up and kinda fit into everything else I have been researching and it does fill some very interesting empty spots and helps to answer some questions.
I've been hearing that fema has been stocking up on things that you I've seen some Internet pic's of fema camps,in which i don't like the sight i wouldn't put it past them to keep quiet about the possibility of a meteorite or at least a piece of one heading this way
Here's the link to the vid: It talks about the actual FEMA oders for region #3.

Here is another good one.
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thats great..but unless i can down load a video,i dont watch it..the reason for that,is because i only get 10.3MB of internet usage per month
I see, the 1st vid just validates theitems I talked about and that they are odered to be in place at region 3 by the 1st of Oct 2013. The second vid shows the actual path of comet ISON and the debris field as earth's orbit takes it throuth this debris field and shows exactly where the hits would be, and it's right at region 3 as reported.

I understand about the download prob.
This stuff sure can make a prepper happy with whatever they have prepped with so far and a better idea of what may need to be added. And maybe some will not be so happy if they have been prepping for something on the opposite end of the scenario.
This comet ISON came into our solar system crashing through the outer asteroid belt, flew in towards the sun and made a close "u-turn" around the sun and is now heading back out away from the sun. The line it is making or trail it is leaving actually is right in the line of earths orbit so earth will by the middle of Jan 2014 be entering this path of debris. Of course earth is spinning so other areas will get some too but the area with the longest exposure will be region 3.
Funny, I have a very similar background...Lockheed brat, but also other armed services (as my father went between a few (Coast Guard/Army), before then contracting with other defense contractors (like Boeing, Sikorsky, etc.). I'd bet good money that if the world governments knew of a large impending impact, they would NOT tell us (and to be honest, I'd have to somewhat agree with them), and just silently prepare to deal with the aftermath.

Scary as it is, it would explain a lot of recent things. Lets hope that is NOT the case though...
We always hope somewhat that bad things are not true when we hear them. In this case, even with the overwhelming evidence I still hope things are not true.
There is too much evidence pointing to a bad situation and when so many other countries are preparing in the same manner you wonder what some know and the people don't know.
Add things up:
The buildup of military (for the obvious civil unrest after such an event)
FEMA ordering emergency supplies for region 3 (because they know they will need them in region 3, DHS boss said it was coming)
NASA being hushed by the government as to statements regarding Comet ISON and the impact location (Can't make comments or give official statements)
The head of DHS warning of an impending natural disaster (This is the killer, you can't forecast a natural disaster unless you already know about it.)
So you have NASA who in their investigations of ISON find out region3 is a target, then the government "hushes" NASA about it, then FEMA orders emergency supplies to be in place at region3 by Oct 1st, 2013. then stupid DHS boss tells everyone of a coming natural disaster? Wow, it's right on the front page, just about, and they think they are hiding something? Come on, we aren't that stupid.

Sometimes I just have to LMAO, sometimes the more some try to hide something the more in plain site it becomes.
By trying to erase evidence, you leave a different trace behind. You can never destroy ALL of the evidence
Ok that ISOD video was a little creepy! And more so because the dates he was projecting are this week!
Are you going to carry on as usuall? I had not heard of this before now.
Ok that ISOD video was a little creepy! And more so because the dates he was projecting are this week!
Are you going to carry on as usuall? I had not heard of this before now.
I will carry on as usual because I still prep for many other things. I have been closely watching the southern, northern and eastern skies for evidence of increased activity as far as more than whats normal. There is at times and unusual increase of activity and these increases are projected following the same path as the comet ISON's path. They are at least taking a path from the sun away from the sun.
I am not a scientist but know well how to use a telescope of which I have 3 and with the proper filters in place I have yet to find anything in the skies that resembles a comet. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place.
The day is near as far as what was a projected date and not being able to get a reply from NASA as to any information about ISON, I will wait and see whats tru. I have a sort of open account with NASA and continous contact since 1992 when I joined various NASA programs as well as got official NASA software to monitor and track various ham satelites as well as the ISS and shuttles. Now, even my regular contact who informed me of changes within the Keplarian data streams of ISS and shuttle missions has refused to support my efforts nor will he reply at all. As soon as ISON became part of any email I sent him he has zipped his mouth completely shut.
I'll keep my eyes upwards and watch and time will tell if ISON is really a threat as reported. If the end of the month comes and nothing has happened then it's a false threat or NASA's original reports as to an impact date was totally wrong, or maybe all we are going to get is dust.
What new news I found regarding ISON was that it was being watched very closely as it got close to the sun and was highly anticipated to come from behind the sun and out of the glare. At first it wasn't seen coming out of the sun's glare but 2 russians who are part of a joint watch prgram noticed a faint spot coming out of the glare. The comet was expected to fizzle out or burn up as it made it's very close trip around the sun and end up being not much at all. They now know that comet ISON is still with us but small and is said to be very unstable as it heads towards earth after it's pass with the sun has melted it to a point of being unstable. It is still an object of concern and now could be of more danger of breaking up as it continues it's journey.
It is still being watched closely and I did not find any statements as to what it may or may not do. Have to watch NASA and see what new comments or statements may come. It is still on the same path as before and who knows what will come.
New news? About Nibiru? I think. As of last monday's sunrise I have been monitoring the sun very closely as it rises in the morning and sets in the evening. I have confirmed things with the naked eye but my camera does not have the ability to lower the glare from the sun and the software I use to clean things up does not clean up good enough to make the objects visible.
With the eye (dark sunglasses) and 10x50 binoculars and the help of smog and slight overcast I have confirmed that there are at least two (2) objects in front of the sun. As I watch the sun begin to come up the glare already begins to increase and within 4-5 minutes the glare is too much for the eyes and becomes to intense and too dangerous for the eyes to continue watching.
Within this 4-5 minute window I did see with my own eyes two objects in front of the sun. These objects are in the lower left quarter of the sun at the center of this quarter. The first and largest is in the upper left position with a smaller object lower and to the right. The largest of the two can be seen with a very defined outline. These objects should not normally be there, nothing should be there.
It has been reported that there are five smaller objects orbiting the large one as the group moves through it's own orbit. Nibiru has an orbit that brings it into our solar system then it swings around the sun and heads out of our solar system to only make a u-turn and return 3,600 years later. It has been doing this for a very long time.
This is not the first I've heard of Nibiru. Back a few years I came accross information about some ancient writings regarding the anunaki (probably not spelled right) and in the report was information that was being decyphered from these ancient writings talking about the anunaki and that they lived in a place called "Nibiru". Also in this report was info that the anunaki would return as some of the great places that were built with stones of rock weighing tons were built to honer the return of the anunaki. Some scientists say the 3,600 year orbit fits with some of the dates where the earth was devastated by Nibiru's close pass and the affects of it's orbit on earth messing with plate tecktonics and causing many terrible things to happen. If you understand how the moon's gravity pulls on the center of the oceans and creates low and high tides then you'll understand that an object 4-5 times larger than the earth will affect the plates that cover the earth. These plates are just floating on top of red hot liquid rock so just as the oceans rise and fall from the moon's gravity so will these plates we live on be affected by Nibiru's gravity as it and if it passes close to earth as it has been reported.
It is important that I post photo's to show what I see so I am working on optical filters and a new camera to get these shots showing that there are objects in front of the sun. I'm 58 and at 17 started looking at the sky and in my lifetime there has never been any object in front of the sun.
This does confirm that there are objects there but as for the speed and direction, that is still unknown to me.

If all is true, that this is Nibiru, and will pass dangerously close to the earth, do you think at some point Obama will tell everyone? Do you think he already knows? When the Boss at DHS warned of a coming natural disaster do you think this may be what she was warning of? Do you think the build-up of military soldiers is in prep for this coming disaster? Do you believe that china, russia and many countries that are prepping as the USA is are preparing for this coming of Nibiru?
Would you believe that these ancient stone writings telling of the anunaki returning to earth and that they come from Nibiru?

Wow, I really didn't expect to see anything in front of the sun and it was quite the eye-opener to see these objects. I first thought it was birds, then something on the lenses but staying focused with the sun dead center and watched for 4-5 minutes and the whole time these two objects stayed and moved with the sun. The only sunset I was able to see anything it was almost the same except for the smaller object was further to the right and up a bit. It's reported orbit around Nibiru would account for the different location of it.
I will continue searching online for updates, mostly regarding it's speed and direction and will update my camera and the optical filters I need to get the best pictures I can so that I may share what I see with you all.

The more I dig into this brings more truth to it and many dots are being connected between Nibiru, it's return, Anunaki and their return and the 3,600 year orbit and the connections to historical disasters.
Stay tuned...............

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