Grabbin' stuff on the way out

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Awesome Friend
HCL Supporter
Nov 12, 2023
Southern Appalachia
Well, went out today after work (i work nights)- It was raining pretty hard and everything was soaked. Still, I love getting my boone on- And I haven't been out since the little storm.

Went beating around some bedding areas that I thought would have some decent shelter. Nothin- jumped... it's nice how quiet you can be in the rain but the poncho limits how thorny I'm willing to get to go to the good spots- only went about 4 miles in.. I killed a little buck and a nice doe last week so I'm not in any rush case I've got 3½ months left of this season. Oh well, at least my boots and knee pads are clean now.

I coulda drilled a squirrel or two but decided to leave em alone just cause I had my poncho on and I wasn't going to shoot one of my new homemade (steel) broadheads at em- broadheads are cruel for squirrels anyways IMO- but my blunt tips are in my packs quiver under my poncho, covered by the poncho bag and not easily accessible.

I hate coming home empty handed though o I switched to foraging mode.

First I stumbled upon an OLDSCHOOL stand from a tree that fell down years ago. First and foremost, some excellent trapping crafting material to be had in the large and small nails that were abundant. That's some old-school tree climbin' for ya right there.


Also there was a good size tin panel that'd make a pretty good shelter element- of course some beer bottles nearby would make good containers or arrowheads, not to mention a couple tin cans would make for some useful tools to boil water or make some bark oils. Nothin' I felt like grabbin' for today though.


Spotted some beauty berry, grabbed some. Really more an insurance policy against coming home empty handed- there's tons out right now.

It was pretty dreary, so bright colors stood out nicely- some sulfur bracket revealed itself. Nice.


Worked my way back towards the car- no deer. Came across a river bed at the bottom of the drainage I was following down.

Rocks. For those of you who rockhound you'll be able to appreciate decent stone when you see it. Found alot of mid-grade stuff that I cracked open a bit
this one is a little grainy but this midgrade stuff was everywhere. I marked it on my map as a new node for good stone.


I only took 2 of those- mainly to experiment with heat treating.

But I also found some nice higher grade stuff that was buttery.


Found like 4 big nodes like that- decides to hump em back to the car after i dropped everything off and moved the vehicle down the spot is only like 500y from road. Got about 150lbs now...

The wife is happy with the berries and the mushrooms. I got home to her rendering down some venison broth made from spare bones, ribs and the veggie scraps we save in the freezer. She's currently making some stew and packin' up the rest of that lovely gelatinous broth

A good day despite not killin' anything.

What have you folks been grabbin' recently?

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