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I don’t understand not wanting to find cleaner fuels. Energy is very abundant in the universe, finding cleaner and better alternatives than fossil fuels should be common sense. The fossil fuel industry has spent vast amounts of money to discredit even the idea of switching, as it in their best interest not to. Even though the vast majority of scientists across the globe are saying we are not only causing global warming but are making the air we breathe toxic, many people still poo poo it off as far left conspiracy theories. Dosent leaving the planet cleaner and safer for our children make it worth trying harder to develope better technologies ? Human beings are not going to stop their lust for energy, that’s a fact. Hell, I don’t want to give up my ability to drive anywhere, stay cool in the summer or sit in a hot tub when I like. I do think it’s well worth trying a lot harder and investing in research though to find a clean way to power these things though.
read it properly.
no don't, I cant be bothered anymore, i'm outta here.
Brent, I agree with what you are saying in that we do need to search/create cleaner energy. And, that is being developed. Maybe a lot slower than some people want but it IS happening. Myself, I am in the process of setting up and using Solar Energy to supplement my energy usage. This is mostly due to the tax credits being offered to help offset the costs. How many other Americans are also taking advantage of this??? I feel sure there are quite a few.

I would really like an Electric vehicle. NOT because it is green but I want the instant Torque that an electric motor provides. The biggest drawback is allowing battery technology to catch up, which seems to be developing. Now, if the cost of these batteries can come down.

I think the biggest difference between me and Brent is Brent wants it today. I am allowing more time for the new technology to develop and more important to me (and many others) is the price to come down to an affordable level for the masses. IT IS HAPPENING, but much slower that then liberals want. IMHO.
carbon monoxide is the killer in suicides by car exhaust.
NOT REALLY BRENT, what happens in your lungs is not poisoning by CO. Your blood can and willingly does attach itself with its red blood cells to Oxygen. If this Oxygen molecule just happens to be attached to a bit of Carbon, Nitrogen or other molecules and gets another chemically corrected name. (CO/CO2/NO/NO2) then your blood takes it along and offers it to the cells in your body. Since the chemically non-pure Oxygen cannot be utilised by the cells, they start going into unconsciousness and begin to die from lack of Oxygen. A true poisoning is a chemically different process. With real poisonous gases, you cannot usually save the victim with simply administering a huge and immediate dose of pure Oxygen with a mask...Hope I described this correctly...GP

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