Guess this is part of our retaliation....

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Awesome Friend
Aug 15, 2013
North Korea's Internet access went kaput for nearly 9 hours yesterday, and is still spotty at best, LOL.
I guess they were dumb enough to actually attempt their threats? (attacking the White House or Pentagon computers)....

Our unofficial response in such cases is a massive DOS attack (Denial of Service) to basically prevent any further attempts from the geographic area. At least until such time as any potential holes have been identified and blocked.
UN must have been pissed off...what is this no internet po....,why is my internet not working...buahaahaaahaa
You hack Sony and threaten more? We hack your ENTIRE Internet capability. Love it, LOL!!!

Oh, and now Sony is releasing the movie to independent theaters, since the chains still aren't onboard! Merry Christmas movie house!!!
I hope we were behind their blackout. I don't agree with all of our foreign policies, but that little lunitic needs to be put in his place.
oh im sure that they'll retaliate on the questions for me are..when? how? and where?
oh im sure that they'll retaliate on the questions for me are..when? how? and where?
I really hope we fried every computer system they have.
If we were behind it, it was likely with Chinese assistance or at least permission/agreement, seeing as how their (NK) entire point of access goes through there (China). I doubt we would have just blatantly done something on Chinese soil or using Chinese controlled access points without at least getting a nod of approval.
NK goes through china and no, I'm sure china didn't help! if it was the US I am sure it was the sole purpose of warning NK and china, 'doesn't matter how hard you protect the infrastructure we are going through you to get at NK' as a parting shot publicly to china in a polite manner that is. In other words china, you and your puppet's network is just as vulnerable as the rest of the world's.

Though, I don't think it was the US.
Not so sure. It's actually the PERFECT response, if you think about it. Heard any more public threats about hacking out of NK? Nope....

If we DIDN'T do it, at least SOMEONE is pretty up on tactics.....

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