Hand run leather sewing machines

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Awesome Friend
HCL Supporter
Dec 3, 2017
That looks nice. I went with something cheaper... Hand Sewing Awl Leather Canvas Repair kit. Slower but simpler.

If you get one post it! I might be up for an upgrade.
The man in the video said that sewing by hand is about 10 times slower. I know it can be done and I have needles and special thread for sewing leather. Someone out there could be the village cobbler with this machine.
Long ago I knew an old guy who had a shoe repair shop. I would love to have the machine he had, it was pedal powered... I really liked going in there and just watching... he made belts for men... sometimes a saddle.

I have two sets of specialty needles somewhere, need to reorganize the quick box I keep in my truck when I go off from home a long way.

Here is a pic of my little cheapy.

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I assume you are referring to what is called a Chinese shoe patcher? Looks like this
do Not waste your $125.00. I have one, it does what it says it will do, patch s shoe. Not see a shoe, but patch a shoe, they are the most agrivating machines know to man, you spend hours getting it prepared to sew for 5 minutes
Next month I am picking up a machine that might be a jewel or might not. I just bought a 29 k so I really do not need this Rex. IF. I get it and it needs. Nothing more than cleaning and oiling I will make you a smoking deal
Your headache will be finding a cheap way to have it shipped
Do you have trucker friends? Do you have multiple trucker friends that would pick it up then pass it off from truck to truck ?


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I'm another punch and stitch guy. Beginner. One year experience.

Leather craft has appeal to me because it's long lasting. It's worth the time you put into it because of its durability.

So far I've shown off some of my projects and nobody has asked me "how long did that take?". As I'm working, it feels like time well spent?
I made this kind of punch thing out of a leftover piece of 1"X6"X 1/16th tool steel, it has a half dozen teeth. I do the rivets first, using it as a spacer, then go back between with it and do my holes with parachute thread and wax. lasts forever.
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I use chisels to punch holes. But have figured out how to sew
I taught myself and made a hell of a mess along that journey and still have a long ways to go
So I am saying I am no expert or master just a dude who is learning

I figured out how to make the stitch look good
And the secret is blinds complicated and very complex I really should charger money foot this

What ever you do on the first hole do the exact same thing the same way on the next hole
There it is.
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You Here are my 4 mm chisels and my protracter line scribe thingy
Scribe alone alone the edge
Then follow the line with your chisels
I place the tone of the chisel on the last hole of the previous set of holes to maintain correct distance between holes

Here to make the curve I used the 6 then the 2 five times then the 4 four times

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