Happy Birthday!

Homesteading & Country Living Forum

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Thanks, folks! You all are wonderful.
Details... We need Birthday details!! Make something up if you didn't.....😮🤔
Got the brisket in the smoker at 6:30AM, worked a normal day, then my son and his family came over and I got to hang with my granddaughters and eat a lot of good food. Not terribly exciting but I had fun. :)
I want to update everyone about how I give birthday greetings. I have no idea of the percentage of people who join the forums and never post once. There are others who join and visit but never interact. For a few years, I gave everyone who was having a birthday, a greeting. I quit doing that a couple years ago. Now I only give birthday greetings to active members. Want a birthday greeting? Become active here by posting and interacting with the rest of us who are active members. I also understand that people join and do not want to be active, they are here for knowledge, to see what the active people post about.