Has anybody ever taken drugs?

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only what the doc has given me.
seen enough what it does,yeah I know as a health care pro I should think soft fluffy thoughts about those who use,but nope!
you take that ****,no sympathy from me.
I smoked cannabis regularly back in the 80s and 90s and I tried speed once, but I haven't used anything for the last 20 years.
Just pot, it didn't do anything for me.

Oddly enough though, with my empathy, I'll know if my wife gets high, and THEN feel it. It's pretty eerie actually. (and good for some funny stories).

The wife needs a little of it before eating, to fight nausea from her pain meds...just so she can eat normally. Works like a charm. The state legalized it, but never really clarified the details yet.
it would be nice if your missus got rid of those pain meds alltogether,if pot works as medicine and used as such,thumbs up.
it would be nice if your missus got rid of those pain meds alltogether,if pot works as medicine and used as such,thumbs up

It doesn't do much for the pain on its own. But it does help the other meds work better (and she takes less than prescribed), and it allows her to actually eat and enjoy food. That's really the kicker. Nothing else ever worked for that.
I was your typical preachers kid and did way more experimenting than I should have. I was really luck you in two ways at least. First, the drugs back then weren't anything like meth or crack as far as being so addictive. We had qualudes, pot, speed, mushrooms and coke. I couldn't afford coke enough to ever get addicted, but have to admit, I really liked qualudes. Those things were awesome! Second, I was a young teen when I was doing this stuff. So when I turned eighteen I pretty much had all the rebellious experimentation out of my system before I could get into any real trouble.
Would I do the same if I had it all to do over again? Probably not. Did I have fun the first time around? Hell yeah!
Seriously, I've seen many good people wreck their lives over drugs. Each personality is unique and no one knows how susceptible they are to addiction. It's best to advoid the risk altogether if one is wise.
I was your typical preachers kid and did way more experimenting than I should have. I was really luck you in two ways at least. First, the drugs back then weren't anything like meth or crack as far as being so addictive. We had qualudes, pot, speed, mushrooms and coke. I couldn't afford coke enough to ever get addicted, but have to admit, I really liked qualudes. Those things were awesome! Second, I was a young teen when I was doing this stuff. So when I turned eighteen I pretty much had all the rebellious experimentation out of my system before I could get into any real trouble.
Would I do the same if I had it all to do over again? Probably not. Did I have fun the first time around? Hell yeah!
Seriously, I've seen many good people wreck their lives over drugs. Each personality is unique and no one knows how susceptible they are to addiction. It's best to advoid the risk altogether if one is wise.

There is a lot of disinformation about how addicting drugs are. But I reckon you know that. Even Heroin which is arguably the most addictive illicit drug there is only hooks a quarter of the people that use it. Though its made to seem like nesrly everyone that tries it ends up an addict.
There is a lot of disinformation about how addicting drugs are. But I reckon you know that. Even Heroin which is arguably the most addictive illicit drug there is only hooks a quarter of the people that use it. Though its made to seem like nesrly everyone that tries it ends up an addict.
They say your genetics make up a great deal as to how easily you get addicted to things. We're not just talking about drugs here either. People can be addicted to all sorts of things in life. I personally know I could become addicted to opioids. Like I said, I really loved the feeling I got from qualudes. I had morphene in the hospital a couple times for injuries and thought it was amazing too. Oh, and Percocet or percodan that I got for a discolored shoulder wasn't just pain relief, I friggin liked it! I am also smart enough know not to play with fire. I haven't taken anything other than an aspirin for many, many years now. I've had a couple injuries since, and always fill the script for pain though. Every one of them is locked in my safe for prepping purposes now. Even though they may loose some potency with time, I figure it's a good tool for your medical bag in the case where you can't get to a medical facility.
Never had the desire, not even for alcohol. One beer or a half a glass of wine and I'm good. I drank a pint of beer once, just to say I drank a pint. Almost gave up before I got to the bottom. I smoked because it was the thing to do at the company I worked for. When I left that company, I decided I didn't really like it so I quit. Last prescription of Oxycontin, I didn't finish all of it. My father was the same way, so it must be hereditary.
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Whenever the doctor has tried to prescribe me pain medicine I have always turned it down. I can tough it out and don't need to put those chemicals in my body.
I have never had any desire to do drugs not prescribed to me, not to say I have never taken one of my hunnys smz tabs for an infection or given my Hunny one of my hydrocoden pills when his back and neck are in so much pain. Doc prescribed when I broke my foot in 3 places, but I just toughed it out. The leftover I do use when I get a bad migraine and need some relief to sleep some.
They say your genetics make up a great deal as to how easily you get addicted to things. We're not just talking about drugs here either. People can be addicted to all sorts of things in life. I personally know I could become addicted to opioids. Like I said, I really loved the feeling I got from qualudes. I had morphene in the hospital a couple times for injuries and thought it was amazing too. Oh, and Percocet or percodan that I got for a discolored shoulder wasn't just pain relief, I friggin liked it! I am also smart enough know not to play with fire. I haven't taken anything other than an aspirin for many, many years now. I've had a couple injuries since, and always fill the script for pain though. Every one of them is locked in my safe for prepping purposes now. Even though they may loose some potency with time, I figure it's a good tool for your medical bag in the case where you can't get to a medical facility.

Genetics could have something to do with it. Never really thought too much about it. I dont really have an addictive personality. Never did.

Blow was about my favorite. Will still on occasion party with it. But meh. Dont really have time to party.

I just always knew my limits. If I woke up in the morning and said to myself "Self. Know what would really wake you up? A line." Instead of pouring myself a cup of coffee then I knew it was time to lay off it for a while.

Meth? Made me tired. Guess its the whole brain chemistry thing. Had ADD pretty bad when I was younger. And well, the meds they give kids with ADD is pretty much meth.

I will sometimes smoke cannabis still. I dont care for the high. But with the titanium cage and cadavar bone in my back and two fake knees I deal with constant pain. Like a perputually hot knife grinding around in my spine all the time. So its hard to sleep sometimes. And it dulls the pain a little. The pain meds I get for the pain doesn't work anymore.
Whenever the doctor has tried to prescribe me pain medicine I have always turned it down. I can tough it out and don't need to put those chemicals in my body.

I've worked in healthcare for almost 30 years, and have opinions about this.

Many pepole want to believe that they are a better person if they don't use pain medication, or that it somehow builds character.

Taking opiate pain medicine in its proper setting actually speeds healing, and can get you discharged from the hospital sooner.

Morphine, for example, has many instances where it is used even when pain isn't present. It is an excellent drug to reverse the pulmonary edema (water in the lungs) that comes from congestive heart failure, and it may also have a role when managing a hypertensive crisis.

I have seen macho guys from a specific generation decline pain medication to make some imagined point about endurance...only to stay in the hospital longer.
i dont care for the idea of taking any type of meds my self.but yet,i will when needed.only med i've taken the last few/lot of years.is pain med's.but then again.it was when needed.my mom has learned.that i am in quiet a bit of pain when i take any.

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