I know it sounds intrusive, but who exactly is listening.
I bet Trump thought the same thing when he said on that RV after the interview "grab girls by their *****". Yup, he said the same thing, who exactly is listening?
My answer: the swamp is listening. And it is being recorded and stored for the next 100 years in case they ever need leverage on you. Google. NSA. FBI. Chinese, Russians, take your pick.
They record a 20 year old college kid get drunk and sleep with a prostitute, or him smacking his girlfriend. Do this for 10 million young men. In 30 years, some of them are going to be powerful politicians. Dig back, find those recordings. How much power will Google have over that politician if he knows they have that audio?
Very nice: well said. Have you all noticed that a lot of local small-city newpapers have a sort of ersatz paywall that says you have to answer questions by Google to read the article you clicked to? And they seem innocent, but I realized ---- after five years of these questions, they know EVERYTHING about you. I never do them. All the same, they get us, Big Data knows everything about each of us. It's too late.