Have you ever wanted to be WEALTHY......???

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Stinking wealthy?


But. I have watched the Nenana Ice Classic every year for over 25 years. The ice usually breaks before May 15 though it has broken at the end of April before. That's my hint for anyone thinking about guessing. This year the Iditarod official start had to be moved to Fairbanks. So I assume the ice is thick.

Sometime on May 1 would be my guess if I were to make one.

We panned for gold along the Tanana River where the tripod is set up. Beautiful there.
Interesting event....now about that question...i wish i could win one of them big multi 100's of millions of dollars jackpots...recently one was over 1 billion dollars...i give each of my family 1 million in trust fund where they get interest off it and upon death they pass it on down the line to next one...that take care of 8mil...the rest i buy up tracts of land to make into some types of public land for all to enjoy...or and buy up adjoining lands to parks,wma's,state parks,county parks,forest service etc. and add to whatever it joins to expand acreage.
To answer the original question, Yes, I would love to be Oil Sheik, Drug Lord, wealthy. Filthy rich. I guess it was not in the cards for me. I love to fantasize about winning the lottery. We are comfortable, but it seems like something always upsets the apple cart, and eats into the nest egg. A lot will depend on how long we last. Morbid, I know, but that is reality.

BTW, how much does the winner of the Nenana Ice Classic usually get?
Interesting event....now about that question...i wish i could win one of them big multi 100's of millions of dollars jackpots...recently one was over 1 billion dollars...i give each of my family 1 million in trust fund where they get interest off it and upon death they pass it on down the line to next one...that take care of 8mil...the rest i buy up tracts of land to make into some types of public land for all to enjoy...or and buy up adjoining lands to parks,wma's,state parks,county parks,forest service etc. and add to whatever it joins to expand acreage.
When the MegaMillions gets up to close to a billion I sometimes buy one ticket.
Then I try to figure out how I can possibly spend a billion dollars. Only thing I can think of is to buy a country somewhere.
I would definitely buy a huge chunk of land somewhere and hire a game keeper like they have in England. Make sure the hunting pressure is so low that the wildlife remains mostly undisturbed. Silencers mandatory.
Build a hydroelectric dam to power everything on the land.
Maybe buy a gun company. Run it as a non-profit since I don't need the income.
Buy a small automobile company (also non-profit) and make some SERIOUS off road vehicles that are affordable to the masses.

The possibilities are endless if you are satisfied with what you have and don't need to always make more more more money.
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We have our tickets!
Back in the poor days I didn't even dream that high. My goal was to have 1 hundred dollars in the bank the day BEFORE payday. I didn't reach that goal for years & years.

If the definition of wealthy is that you can buy anything you want, then we are wealthy now. I would point out that if you have "low cost" wants, it doesn't take that long to be wealthy using that definition.
Here I am at Moocher's Bar in Nenana, AK. Not a single wall, floor, or ceiling was level or square in that place. LOL!!
View attachment 174977
That reminds me of the Bird House! I feel I am wealthy with knowledge. Monetary wealth would be ok to a point. All I need is some ground and a 2 room shack with a garage workshop and I'm in heaven.
I sometimes have dreams of wealth. Not for myself really - we already have more than we'll need. But I dream of being in some place, seeing a stranger (or even an acquaintance) who needs a little help, and being able to just give them a $500K to $1M to get them to a better place in life. And then move on to the next location and find someone else to surprise. That would be so cool.

We have a local restaurant that we like to go to. A one of a kind family owned place. Everybody works hard there. They're doing OK, but I know at some times it can be a struggle for them. I would so love to have the financial means to walk in there and write them a check to cover their loses during covid, cover their super high cost of eggs right now, help out the wait staff who are always so friendly and happy but can't be making a much money - things like that. That would be such a fun way to spread around excess money if I had it to that degree.

So heck yeah - I want the lottery to jump up to $1B payout, and I want to win it! Unfortunately, that would require me to buy a lottery ticket, which I normally don't do. Except like @DrHenley - I'll occasionally buy one to five tickets when the payout gets up there. Maybe a total of five tickets a year. So far, that's all been wasted money however... :(
I was once asked if I was wealthy. It was at the luncheon after my aunt's funeral. I was at a table with my favorite cousin and other cousins, and there were two extra seats, and an english couple sat there. The man was talking to us, ask me if I knew these people, and I told him they are my relatives. He talked for awhile, then asked me if I was wealthy. No clue why. I told him I was because we have five children. My favorite cousin loved that, almost choked on her lunch. Some people are weird.
I was once asked if I was wealthy. It was at the luncheon after my aunt's funeral. I was at a table with my favorite cousin and other cousins, and there were two extra seats, and an english couple sat there. The man was talking to us, ask me if I knew these people, and I told him they are my relatives. He talked for awhile, then asked me if I was wealthy. No clue why. I told him I was because we have five children. My favorite cousin loved that, almost choked on her lunch. Some people are weird.
I met a lady once at an event, and one of the first things she asked was "are you monied?" I had no idea what to say so I laughed. Why would someone ask that? Eek.
I have never wanted to be wealthy...
I remember being at a party, and some 'rich-guy' told me about the $30K it cost him to get the engine replaced in his yacht. :(
But I did save and invest for 40 years so I would never have to pinch pennies in my 'Golden Years'.
It worked. :)
Some people may say I am 'wealthy' today, but I only have more than I can spend in the rest of my life.:thumbs:

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