Health Secrets from the Great Depression

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Health Secrets from the Great Depression​

By Lisa Bedford / September 22, 2024 / 9 Comments
Ever wondered how families survived the Great Depression without modern medicine or healthcare? During this tumultuous time, people discovered resourceful ways to stay healthy and resilient. This article explores the home remedies, dietary changes, and community support that helped families navigate these difficult times. By understanding these strategies, you can gain valuable insights for building your own family’s preparedness and resilience.
lemon, garlic, honey, ginger, thermometer, stethoscope

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In this post​

The Great Depression years were no picnic. My grandmother lived through that era as a child and much of her mindset in later years was due to a childhood spent in near poverty. However, she always had a great attitude toward life and knew a thing or two about home remedies and staying healthy during the Great Depression.
During the Great Depression, most families had to make do, not just with their clothing and belongings, but also with healthcare. Many grew up on farms and small towns and didn’t have modern-day easy access to doctors, clinics, and hospitals. And for those that did, as incomes plummeted, so did the availability of medical care and medicines.

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The Unexpected Rise in Life Expectancy​

Yes, you read that right.
In spite of some very tough times, less access to doctors, and poverty, U.S. life expectancy increased by 6.2 years. It rose from 57.1 in 1929 to 63.3 years in 1932, for both men and women and whites and non-whites.
Interesting, right?
The researchers concluded that when people have less money to spend, they sleep more and there is less money for things like alcohol and tobacco. Employers typically don’t have as much work for their employees, so they work at a slower pace.
So in spite of massive unemployment and widespread poverty, they stayed healthy.
In general, many people relied on home remedies, some still used today.
Here’s what I learned about how people stayed healthy during the years of the Great Depression. See if any of these sound familiar to you.

Home Remedies & Traditional Medicine​

I bet you thought I was going to talk about chicken soup. Well, I am, but first, let’s talk about some other things that contributed to staying healthy during the Great Depression.

Processed foods weren’t available​

First, think about the standard diet of today compared to that of the 1930s and ’40s. Today, our grocery stores are filled with processed foods containing many ingredients unknown to people back then!
With the exception of Velveeta, which became popular in the ’30s, meals back then are now the trendy “whole foods diet” many of us eat today—vegetables, meat, poultry, fruit, whole grains, and healthy fats.
You can read my list of dozens of Great Depression meals here and you’ll see what I mean. You won’t find Twinkies, sugary fruit juice, or frozen dinners anywhere on the list.

Canning was popular​

Second, since most households grew at least some of their own food, canning was popular.
Today we can food because we want to avoid the additives found in commercially processed foods. Well, back then, that was just how they ate and women, in particular, took great pride in their pantries stocked with home-canned foods.
If you’ve never considered home canning or need a refresher, start with this easy tutorial.

Moving was more necessary​

Finally, something else you won’t find in the homes of the Great Depression was any type of labor-saving appliance or device.
Housewives got a real workout simply by keeping house and cooking everything from scratch. It’s interesting that memberships to gyms and fitness centers weren’t a thing, and yet people back then managed to stay trim.
Skills that have become trendy in recent years, such as soap making and sewing, were far more common back then with one generation teaching the next, and each of those skills requires active participation and energy. You can’t make soap sitting on the couch!

Remedies for common ailments​

Chicken noodle soup​

If you think your grandma’s homemade chicken noodle soup was a cure-all, well, you could be right.
Chicken noodle soup is a well-known remedy for colds and has been proven scientifically effective. This was just one of the healthy home remedies used in Great Depression households.

Mustard plaster​

One remedy I happen to have personal experience with is the mustard plaster, something popular back then for chest congestion and sore muscles.
Years ago my husband decided that a mustard plaster might cure his sinus problems and congestion. Turns out, he is horribly allergic to mustard powder and he spent almost a week in misery due to the after-effects.
However, if you aren’t allergic, this remedy can be helpful for sore muscles and pain because it warms the skin much like capsaicin. At one time in the United States, mustard plasters were popular for also treating colds, runny noses, rheumatism, and various respiratory ailments.
During the Great Depression, a plaster would be made from combining dry mustard powder, a little flour, water, and either mineral oil, olive oil, or egg white to form a paste. Spread this over a thin piece of cloth and then place the cloth on the skin. If you’re curious about how to do this, read these instructions.

A simmering pot of water​

Do you remember your grandma or mom telling you to put your head over a simmering pot of water in order to breathe in the steam?
That was another remedy Great Depression parents knew about. In many parts of the country, doctors were hard to come by, so families had to make do with remedies like this one, and it actually is very effective.
In many Great Depression homes they would not have had modern-day showers to create a steam bath, but instead would have leaned over a pot of steaming water and then created their own steam bath by draping a towel over their heads.
It works!

Medicinal herbs​

Medicinal herbs weren’t a mystery to thousands of Great Depression households. In fact, children were taught from a young age to forage for both medicinal and edible plants.
Licorice root is a good example. Since ancient times people have known licorice to have healing properties. Now we know that it may be effective against tooth decay and periodontal diseases. Some old folks made their own licorice root tea for indigestion and as a laxative. The important thing was to first know about the edible plant and then be able to identify, harvest, and use it.
Various mint plants and eucalyptus were sometimes added to those steaming pots of water I mentioned earlier and not just for an individual to breathe. Great Depression moms knew the whole family could benefit by breathing in that vapor and the easiest way to spread it around was by placing a big pot of water either on the stovetop or on top of the cast-iron stove.
Nowadays, you can grow medicinal herbs indoor with the help of a grow light or natural sunlight, if placed by a window. Of course, they’re also easy to add to any outdoor garden, and this article gives suggestions for how to choose and grow medicinal herbs. Making liniments is a simple process.

More home remedies​

In my research, I found many more simple home remedies from the Great Depression years.
  • Homemade salves using medicinal plant leaves
  • Molasses mixed with a little melted butter for a sore throat
  • Warm oil put on an aching ear
  • Castor oil for an upset stomach
  • Baking soda and water paste for bee stings
  • Baking soda and water for indigestion
  • Warm honey tea with lemon for a cough
  • Ginger tea for stomach aches, headaches, arthritis pain, and even cold feet
  • Saltwater gargle for sore throats
  • Prunes and other dried fruit for constipation
  • Witch hazel for hemorrhoids
  • Salt and water or alcohol for an insect bite poultice
  • Honey and whiskey for congestion
  • Calamine location for skin rashes and to treat poison oak and poison ivy
  • Oatmeal poultices and baths for skin irritations

Community & Social Support​

The life and times of the Great Depression years are a world away from our modern lifestyle. It wasn’t unusual for neighbors to band together to fix meals for a family whose husband and father had just lost a job.
Along with sharing meals, they also shared knowledge, including home remedies, and this helped the entire community stay healthy. A lot of wisdom was shared during those years.
As well, when a neighbor was sick, word spread like wildfire and everyone knew to stay clear of anything that might be contagious.
So maybe it was more than just knowing remedies and being able to identify herbs and other medicinal plants. Maybe a big part of staying healthy during the Great Depression was all about neighbors taking care of neighbors — something that should play a bigger role in our communities today.
And, if you’re as fascinated by the Great Depression years as I am, this book, “We Had Everything but Money” is a must-read. (Check out the “used book” prices for some real bargains.)


How did home remedies help people stay healthy during the Great Depression?
Home remedies provided a valuable alternative to traditional medical care, which was often inaccessible or expensive. These remedies often relied on natural ingredients like herbs, plants, and spices, which were more readily available than prescription medications.
Were there any risks associated with using home remedies?
Yes, there were risks associated with using home remedies. Some remedies might have been ineffective or even harmful, especially if not used correctly. It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before trying any new remedy.
Are there any home remedies from the Great Depression that are still used today?
es, many home remedies from the Great Depression are still used today. Some examples include chicken noodle soup, ginger tea, and mustard plasters. However, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before trying any new remedy.

Related Great Depression Content​

QUIZ: How Many of These Foods Have you Eaten?​

Ever eaten chipped beef on toast? Or maybe you’re more of an eggs n’ grits kind of person–we get that. But how many authentic Great Depression meals have you really had?
Take our quiz to see how many of these crazy (but oh, so frugal) dishes you’ve tried.

Final Thoughts​

The Great Depression offers valuable lessons for building resilience and promoting health. By understanding the home remedies, dietary changes, and community support that helped families survive this challenging period, we can gain insights for our own lives and build a stronger, healthier future for ourselves and our loved ones.
Chicken Noodle is One of the best-est soup with salt n extra Pepper(Black)...

I put Honey or Maple Syrup on me Toast instead of Jam sometimes and P-nut Butter... Always start the day Right...!!!
Want to know how many authentic Great Depression meals you’ve secretly enjoyed? Take our fun and informative quiz to find out!
Enter your email below to unlock the quiz and discover your inner Depression-era diner.


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...?!? :waiting: :waiting::waiting:
Tuna noodle casserole... Left-overs thru the week...!!!
Ugh, @d_marsh my mom used to make chipped beef n gravy on toast. Tuna curry. Dumplings. I don’t eat that kind of stuff.
Chipped beef and gravy on toast = S*** on a Shingle!

We always had wild asparagus patches on the farm. The whole month of May, there was asparagus at almost every meal. Mom used to make creamed asparagus and chipped beef on toast. To this day the thought of eating that makes me queasy. Yuck!
There was a older gal on YouTube who lived through the depression during her teens.
Anyway..her grandson started recording her stories and the cooking as she told her stories.
She died a few years back , I think she was around 100 years old..but what a great little series that was to watch and listen too..
I'll have to find it..


98 year old cook, author and great grandmother, Clara, recounts her childhood during the Great Depression as she prepares meals from the era. Learn how to make simple yet delicious dishes while listening to stories from the Great Depression.Filmed by her Grandson and Film Director, Christopher Cannucciari. The two filmed the episodes from 2007-2012. Clara recorded her first episode when she was just 91 years old.Clara passed away in 2013. She left us with her recipes and stories and hoped that they would continue to entertain and teach you and your future generations. Clara's book: "Clara's Kitchen: Wisdom, Memories, and Recipes from the Great Depression" is now available at Amazon and B&N.It's a wonderful book and it makes a wonderful gift.Clara's DVD includes of all the season 1 plus 3 bonus episodes and behind the scenes footage. The DVD has a run time of over 100 minutes, sold exclusively at her website: Clara Cannucciari


Buy Clara's Book (click here)

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Brighteon is sponsoring a great Medical Series you can watch for free!


September 21–22: Day 1:

Episode 1: Home Medicine for Beginners with Marjory Wildcraft

Episode 2: Antibiotics Apocalypse with Mike Adams

September 22–23: Day 2:

Episode 1: Home Death Care: How to Take Care of Your Dead with Dani Lavoire

Episode 2: 12 Steps to Sleep Like a Baby with Kate Hope

September 23–24: Day 3: 50 Shades of Blue Herbs for Anxiety and Depression with Debra Swanson

September 24–25: Day 4: Wilderness First Aid For Broken Bones, Hatchet Wounds, and Severe Falls with Sam Coffman

September 25–26: Day 5: Spice Rack Remedies - Your Kitchen Spices Are Medicines! with Kami McBride

September 26–27: Day 6: 15 Herbs To Increase Your Energy, Stamina, and Longevity with Rosemary Gladstar

September 27–28: Day 7: When There is No Doctor: Preventing The 7 Ways You Can Die From Shock with Jed Adamson

September 28–29: Day 8: Home Veterinary Care with Dr. Patrick Jones

September 29–30: Day 9: Holistic Dental Care with Dr. Michelle Jorgensen

September 30–October 01: Day 10: Treating Infections Without Antibiotics with Doug Simons

October 01–02: Day 11: Replay of days 1-10


Last edited:


98 year old cook, author and great grandmother, Clara, recounts her childhood during the Great Depression as she prepares meals from the era. Learn how to make simple yet delicious dishes while listening to stories from the Great Depression.Filmed by her Grandson and Film Director, Christopher Cannucciari. The two filmed the episodes from 2007-2012. Clara recorded her first episode when she was just 91 years old.Clara passed away in 2013. She left us with her recipes and stories and hoped that they would continue to entertain and teach you and your future generations. Clara's book: "Clara's Kitchen: Wisdom, Memories, and Recipes from the Great Depression" is now available at Amazon and B&N.It's a wonderful book and it makes a wonderful gift.Clara's DVD includes of all the season 1 plus 3 bonus episodes and behind the scenes footage. The DVD has a run time of over 100 minutes, sold exclusively at her website: Clara Cannucciari


Buy Clara's Book (click here)

Chris Cannucciari


Channel details

1.05M subscribers

50 videos


Joined May 7, 2007
United States

I’ve watched this lady before! Reminds me of my grandmother. She had 12 children and her husband passed away right before the Great Depression began. She was absolutely the strongest and happiest person I’ve ever known. She would sing Christian songs every day while she gardened, cooked, cleaned.
A healthy habit that has become more popular as studies have come out is Fasting. It has been proven, without a doubt, that fasting once a week will 1) make you healthier because it resets your body/organs and does a “cleanup” that it doesn’t normally do 2) Extends your life 3) Makes you feel better!

Fasting truly isn’t hard to do. I usually fast on Wednesdays. I’ve found that making a habit of it works best for me. So, after eating dinner around 2ish on Tuesday, I don’t eat until breakfast on Thursday morning around 8:30. Some folks only do the 24hr Fast, but I find doing it for a tad longer gives me greater benefit. I do however drink Chicken Broth, lots of water with lemon and coffee (nothing in it). Most weeks I drink a glass of water with 2T ACV plus 2T Lemon Juice. This cleans out your liver.

Another eating habit that has been shown to be very beneficial is eating all your meals within an 8 hour period each day. Snacks too. We eat breakfast at 8-8:30 and dinner somewhere between 2pm to 3pm. It took a bit of getting used to, but we really don’t like not eating during these times anymore. We sleep better and it very much keeps the weight off of you.

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