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I am learning, but was wondering what everyone was going to use to heat house if we lose electricity

Besides wood... we use a free standing tent with side openings on the bed, along with winter rated sleeping bags. The small area of the tent warms up nicely with body heat alone... this allows us to bank the fire for the night saving wood, as well as not worrying about setting off the smoke alarms...on a side note, before winter sets in, fresh batteries in all smoke and CO alarms....
I have lived exclusively on wood heat for over 30 years. You need a wood burning stove with as little smog equipment on it as possible. Or, you can rip it out. You can get in insert (a wood stove to go in the fireplace) if you have a fireplace. You need a chainsaw and a pickup. If you live in a city where this is illegal, you need to move and probably should move from that blue city. Many times you can get free firewood from private parties who just want rid of a tree but mostly, you need a National Forest and a wood permit. Don't buy Gucci wood stoves. If it has no glass window at all, this is a good sign. That stove was built for heat, not looks. Once I bought a $1500.00 Norwegian wood stove. It took two hours to heat up and then barely put out any heat. I got a Chinese Vogelzang for $300.00 at the time and it worked great. Simplicity is better.
....just takes time and energy.

Nature's heater. These are good, and cheap

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I got one of those cheap piece of crap Chinese wood stoves too. It needs to be fed at least every 2 hours. It can't be shut down and is dangerous to use. I'm using it in my fur shed for now, but after this winter it's going to the dump. I'll replace it with a real wood stove by next fall. I should know better than to buy any Chinese junk. You get what you pay for.
For the house we have a Kuma wood stove. Its got all the nickel trim and a window. It heats our house just fine plus we cook on it quite often too.
If you live in a low population wooded area, the trees around you will scrub the air of all your emissions.

There is another way to look at this. When I burn wood or you burn wood, it produces carbon dioxide, water vapor and heat. It may produce some particulate matter too. But when the wood lies in the forest and rots it produces methane and heat. So the issue is between carbon dioxide and methane. CO2 is no longer considered a greenhouse gas by the US Forest Service and these people are not geniuses. CO2 is a natural part of the same cycle which produces the oxygen we breath. But methane is a very strong greenhouse gas---Greta goes crazy when she sniffs it. So burning wood is vs. letting it rot is neutral as far as heat goes but it is much less harmful to burn it than to let it rot because the latter produces methane. Particulate matter may be harmful to your lungs but it bounces solar radiation back into space and cools the planet.

Now, I really don't care about any of this. The reason is earth warms and cools in long cycles and at the same time retains a homeostasis mechanism counteracting both cooling and heating ( Milankovitch cycles and Gaia Theory). Anything humans do is not even a drop in the ocean compared to these forces. So it just doesn't matter outside of the politics of "climate change".

I actually toyed with the idea of a Methane Abatement company which was going to be "shovel ready" during the Obama years. The company would simply gather fire wood from the forest and sell it---and pick up a nice government grant from Chocolate Jesus.
I got one of those cheap piece of crap Chinese wood stoves too. It needs to be fed at least every 2 hours. It can't be shut down and is dangerous to use. I'm using it in my fur shed for now, but after this winter it's going to the dump. I'll replace it with a real wood stove by next fall. I should know better than to buy any Chinese junk. You get what you pay for.
For the house we have a Kuma wood stove. Its got all the nickel trim and a window. It heats our house just fine plus we cook on it quite often too.

If you are anywhere near me, I will drive to you and buy it from you if it is a Vogelzand box stove or the American copy. I know how to hot rod these stoves and make them the absolute best. Please respond.

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